How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 90 Now The Pressure Is On Your Side

"How, how lonely it is to be invincible~"

Lu Yuan hummed a song in a good mood, sat on a stone, and said to everyone: "It's time to take a rest, otherwise the people behind won't even be able to catch up with our fraction. Wouldn't it be too disrespectful to them? .”

"Ah haha, if others heard what you said, Brother Lu, they would probably be so angry that they would die suddenly." Su Ming was amused by Lu Yuan's words and said.

Yu You on the side also smiled and said: "Although what Captain Lu said is a bit pretentious, what he said is also true. We have been killing soul beasts since we came in. Except for meeting people from Nanya City, we were delayed a little. The time can basically be counted as five minutes per soul beast. I don’t think anyone can catch up with us at this speed.”

Although no one knows the situation of others.

But they knew their situation very well. If they encountered a group of soul beasts normally, the general team would have to fight for at least ten or twenty minutes.

On the other hand, look at Lu Yuan.

Common soul beasts include Su Ming, Devouring Heaven, and Monkey, who are doing crazy output.

Basically it was solved in about five minutes.

If you encounter a slightly stronger soul beast.

Lu Yuan, a pervert, would also attack, and the battle would be resolved in about five minutes.

This efficiency is completely unmatched by others.

Therefore, Yu You has reason to believe that the team led by Lu Yuan must be number one at this moment.

Lu Yuan gave Yu You's analysis a thumbs up.


While eating, he said: "As long as we continue at this speed, we can basically advance to the next round with first place, so everyone should rest when it's time and don't put too much pressure on them." .”

Everyone nodded.

Anyway, if you follow Lu Yuan, you don't have to worry about not being able to advance.

The group of people rested for almost a full hour before getting up and continuing to hunt.

Didn't go long.

Lu Yuan's ears moved again and he pointed in one direction.

Everyone nodded understandingly.

The group of people walked quickly toward the southeast.

Didn't go long.

There was a wonderful superpower battle ahead.

Lu Yuan glanced at the two warring parties, and then looked at Su Ming aside: "Which force's team is this?"

Su Ming's eyesight was not as good as Lu Yuan's. He stared at it carefully for a long time before he remembered and said: "The two teams are both second-level forces. The one on the left is Haibian City, and the one on the right is Haibian City. This The forces of the two teams are sworn enemies, and they will basically fight each other as soon as they meet."

"I heard it. One is called Hai Bian and the other is Bian Hai. They are sworn enemies." Lu Yuan complained about the names, and then said: "But it's easy to deal with sworn enemies."

"What, Brother Lu, do you have any ideas?"

"Of course it's about making money."

Lu Yuan chuckled and motioned for everyone to follow him.

Su Ming and others were all confused, wondering what Lu Yuan was planning to do...

But they all followed Lu Yuan and came within sight of both warring parties.

When the two teams saw the third team appearing, they immediately stopped attacking.

They opened some distance and alerted Lu Yuan's side.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan raised his hands with a smile and said: "Both of you, listen to me, you can't kill the other party by fighting like this. Even if you really kill the other party, you will be seriously injured, so I have a suggestion. As long as whichever side gives me more money, I will help you fight the other side. Isn’t this a good idea?"

Upon hearing this, the captain of Haibian City, Gongmeng, immediately agreed and said, "Brother, I'll give you 50 million to help me kill these damn beasts!"

When Lu Yuan heard this, he immediately smiled from ear to ear, nodded with satisfaction, and shouted: "Fifty million for the first time, fifty million for the second..."

"Sixty million!"

Hearing Lu Yuan start counting.

Moji, the captain of Bianhai City, finally spoke!

Originally, he didn't want to participate in this farce...

The best way is for both parties to unite and get this third party out.

But unfortunately, the people in Haibian City don't think so.

Since the other party has made a bid, if they don't...

The first-level forces that appear in this team will help them deal with their own side...

This is what Moji doesn't want to see.

"Sixty million, do you guys in Haibian City still have any bids? Don't let the people on the other side look down on you." Lu Yuan stimulated everyone in Haibian City at the right time.

Once they heard this, how could they endure it?

Gongmeng directly called out the price: "One hundred million!!"

"Wow, it's 100 million. Everyone in Bianhai City, aren't you cowards? The other party has offered 100 million. You can lose, but you can't lose face!"

"Damn it, 120 million!"

Mo Ji was indeed instigated by Lu Yuan and directly added another 20 million!

Gongmeng from Haibian City raised the price after hearing Moji.

No need for Lu Yuan to say anything, just add another 20 million directly.


The current competition has changed from the martial arts fight just now to a wealth competition.

Lu Yuan has now transformed into the top auctioneer, constantly stimulating the competitive mood of both parties.

This scene made Su Ming and others behind him look stunned.

Didn't expect that at all...

In addition to his explosive strength, Lu Yuan actually has so many talents.

A minute passed.

The quotation at this time has reached 220 million.

This quotation was made by people from Haibian City. After hearing the quotation, the people from Haibian City became silent.


This quotation has made it difficult for people in Bianhai City to keep up.

Lu Yuan didn't care about that. Seeing that the people in Bianhai City didn't say anything, he shouted casually: "Two hundred and twenty million for the first time, two hundred and twenty million for the second time, two hundred and twenty million for the second time. ....."

"Two hundred and thirty million!!"

Just when Lu Yuan was about to say it for the last time.

Moji once again called out an offer.


After shouting out the quotation, he said another sentence: "This is our final limit. I advise you to think clearly. If they increase the price, they will completely lie to you. People in Haibian City are best at it." They just go back on their word, they want to use you to kill us, and then kill you!"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Lu Yuan nodded in agreement and asked, "Then you won't take advantage of us?"

"Of course, we in Bianhai City don't bother to do this kind of thing! I can give you the money first, can they?"


Moji took out a number card from the space accessories and threw it directly to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan picked it up and took a look. Sure enough, it showed a balance of 230 million.

See here.

Lu Yuan looked at Gong Meng, showed a refreshing smile and said, "Now the pressure is on your side."


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