How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 95 Damn It, How Many Superpowers Does This Guy Have! ?

After Lu Yuan said these words.

A bone-chilling chill quickly appeared in the air.

Everyone who was soaked by the river water was quickly frozen into ice!

Although Lu Yuan's level is not as high as theirs.

But because of the level of the superpower, it was very easy to freeze them all.

He knew that his move wouldn't freeze them for too long.

The second after Lu Yuan cast Ice Funeral, he dived and came to the eight healers who had been locked.

"No, don't kill me, my family is..."


The Daxia in Lu Yuan's hand quickly passed across the girl's neck.

A frightened human head flew up.


Lu Yuan seemed to hear her say, what the hell is her house?

Does that have anything to do with yourself?

Not to mention that her family is a family I have never heard of, even if the King of Heaven is here.

Anyone who wants to kill him must die! !

After Lu Yuan killed him with one blow, he didn't stop for much.

Soon he came to the next woman.

Say nothing.

Cut off her head again!

At this moment.

Wei Lan finally reacted, and she yelled: "Stop him quickly, his goal is to kill all the therapists!"

Although at this time, Wei Lan can use supernatural powers to attack Lu Yuan.

But her superpower is a large-scale attack.

She could see that Lu Yuan was very flexible.

If he launched an attack, he would most likely kill those healers before killing Lu Yuan.

Under all circumstances, she could only remind others to protect the therapist.

After Wei Lan's reminder.

Those who were still planning to protect themselves reacted immediately.


Lu Yuan felt several strands of energy locking onto him.

See this.

Lu Yuan did not deliberately avoid it.

He immediately converted the energy in his body into energy absorption that could restrain long-range abilities.

It was at this time.

Hot flames, violent thunder and lightning, and even telekinesis all hit Lu Yuan's body.


A strange scene happened!

Those offensive powers, the moment they touched Lu Yuan's body, all disappeared without making any waves at all...

See this.

The well-informed people immediately looked ugly.

"It's energy absorption. Damn it, how many superpowers does this guy have!?"

"What kind of devil have we provoked..."

Energy absorption, extremely restrained output ability.

In fact, Lu Yuan was not without any injuries. It was just because after the energy was absorbed and filtered, the remaining power just hurt his skin and was completely healed by the immortal body.

So this also gave another illusion, that is, their superpowers could not harm Lu Yuan at all!

Just when they attacked Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan has also successfully killed the fifth healer.

Seeing that only the last three are left.

at this time.

A man suddenly broke away from the Ice Funeral. His whole body expanded rapidly. His height increased from more than 1.7 meters to more than 2.5 meters. His whole body was covered with strong sinews and there was a pair of pitch black horns on his forehead.

"Damn devil, let me be your opponent!"

The man’s name is Xue Fengyu, and his superpower is the strengthening type: Bull Demon King!

The words just fell.

Xue Fengyu sprinted suddenly and arrived in front of Lu Yuan in the blink of an eye.

He raised the double-sided ax in his hand and quickly slashed towards Lu Yuan!

So fast.

It completely exceeded Lu Yuan’s imagination!

"Speed ​​enhancement!"

Lu Yuan didn't want to expose his immortality, so this time he chose to bear it!

After improving his reaction speed through speed enhancement.

The Daxia in Lu Yuan's hand instantly blocked the attack path of the double-sided axe!


The impact of weapons was very loud.

Xue Fengyu's huge strength made Lu Yuan's hands feel numb.

But the good thing is.

The blow was still blocked.

"Now it's my turn."

Lu Yuan sneered and used telekinesis to control Xue Fengyu's movements.

Now that Xue Fengyu has been strengthened, Lu Yuan cannot completely control him.

You can only use telekinesis to delay his actions.

But this is enough!

The moment Xue Fengyu was delayed by Lu Yuan using telekinesis.

Lu Yuan quickly struck Xue Fengyu's heart with his hand.


The next second.

A burst of green corrosive liquid suddenly appeared from Lu Yuan's hand.

Xue Fengyu, who was originally very confident in his physical defense, was directly dissolved by Lu Yuan's corrosive hand at this moment...

Less than ten seconds.

Lu Yuan had already pulled out the still beating heart from his body. He smiled at Xue Fengyu, who looked frightened and stunned, and said, "Bye bye!"


With a gentle squeeze, Xue Fengyu's heart was crushed by Lu Yuan.

[Congratulations on killing the Extraordinary, the superpower has been automatically extracted for you - Beast Transformation·Ox Demon King! 】

[Beast Transformation·Bull Demon King: Using this ability, the physical body will be greatly strengthened, the physical attributes will be enhanced by 100%, the effect of infinite strength will be obtained, the weapon - a double-sided ax will be obtained, the self-healing effect will be obtained, and the skin will be rough and the flesh will be thick. Obtain the endurance strengthening effect, obtain the superpower resistance effect, and the growth attributes will increase as the superpower level increases. 】

"This man died unjustly."

Lu Yuan took a look at this person's abilities. This beast-turned-ox demon king could be said to be very powerful.

Not only will you get a good weapon, but your body will also be greatly enhanced.

This is why.

Just now, Lu Yuan couldn't keep up with his speed even if he didn't activate the speed enhancement.

The key is.

This Bull Demon King has a certain self-healing effect and very powerful double resistance.

The two combined together are almost immortal.

If you are a normal person, it is really difficult to deal with this power...

But Lu Yuan didn't play according to the routine at all, and piled up several superpowers, so that Xue Fengyu didn't even have a chance to resist, and was easily killed.


The main hero here is the Hand of Corruption.

Lu Yuan has never used this power since he got it.

But as he upgraded and killed other extraordinary beings of the same type, the ability he extracted brought the level of this ability to level 6.

That's why he was able to break through Xue Fengyu's skin defense so easily.

Otherwise, this would be really hard to do...

And after Xue Fengyu's side was killed, Lu Yuan's Ice Funeral was completely unable to hold on.

Wei Lan and others were all freed from their restraints.

From the beginning of the battle to now, Lu Yuan has killed a total of 14 extraordinary people.

But even so.

There are as many as 26 extraordinary people in Wei Lan's five teams.

At this moment.

These extraordinary beings were surrounding Lu Yuan with angry faces.

A more intense war is about to break out! ! !


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