How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 98 Ended Early And Advanced To The Top 16

"All participants, please pay attention. All participants, please pay attention. Because a lord-level soul beast was discovered outside the Sunset Valley, the first round of this competition ended early. All participants, please stay where you are. We are the guards of White Mist City. , will go to the wild to protect you back to the city."

"I repeat, a lord-level soul beast was discovered outside the Sunset Valley. The first round of this competition ended early..."

Notices from White Mist City came from the badges of each contestant.

Until this time.

Many people have come to understand...

It turns out that every move I make is monitored by Baiwu City through this badge!

Lu Yuan and others naturally received the news.

Listening to the notice from Baiwu City, Lu Yuan became even more convinced that he had not exposed the secret.

The deaths of Wei Lan and others were entirely blamed on the unfounded Soul Beast Lord.

If your guess is correct.

When people in Baiwu City saw corpses with so many stab wounds, they would probably set fire to their corpses...

Lu Yuan just thought of this.

Suddenly there was a violent explosion in the distance.

The next second.

Where Wei Lan and others died, a raging fire broke out...

Everything was exactly as Lu Yuan imagined.

This huge fire also made everyone dare not act rashly.

I believe in the existence of the Soul Beast Lord even more.

It didn't take long.

A group of people riding soul beasts and wearing White Mist City uniforms came to Lu Yuan and others: "They are all big idiots downstairs, right? Phew...ahem, we serve the city lord Order, come and protect you as you return to the city."

When the captain mentioned the names of Lu Yuan and others' team, he almost couldn't help laughing.

Whoever came up with this name is a genius...

He could imagine how angry he would be if his team was ranked below this team...

Lu Yuan and others looked at each other and followed them to the soul beast.

On the way back to the city.

Lu Yuan did not take it lightly.

On his way back, he used the Beidou satellite to observe every move in the city.

This ability is a completely magical skill for long-distance and large-scale surveillance.

With just a thought, you can basically monitor anywhere.

After confirming that this was not the Hongmen Banquet, Lu Yuan was completely relieved.

Almost ten minutes passed.

Lu Yuan and others returned to Baiwu City safely.

when they come back.

Many teams have also returned to the city.

Lu Yuan and others did not leave, but were waiting here for everyone to arrive.

About ten minutes passed.

The last group of teams was also escorted back to the city.

At this moment.

The old man from before appeared again.

He glanced at everyone and then said: "Because some teams violated the regulations and left the Sunset Valley without permission, resulting in accidental deaths, the rankings on the leaderboard have been updated again."


In front of the old man, a virtual screen appeared again.

There have been big changes in the rankings not long ago.

The main change is that the eight teams that were destroyed by Lu Yuan disappeared, and the subsequent teams automatically took over.

"Who are these idiots downstairs? They killed so many soul beasts on the first day. Is this scientific..."

"I want to see which force this team comes from."

"You don't need to think about it. It must be a team of third-level forces. Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?"


As soon as the latest ranking came out, everyone was talking about it again.

It’s different from guessing before.

At this point, the winner will be announced.

They are all curious, which force does this magical team come from?

After the old man and other people had finished their discussion, he continued: "Now is the settlement time. Please hand over the heads of the soul beasts you hunted to the handover area. Please invite the first team [downstairs are full of idiots]. First handover.”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's eyes were searching everywhere.

And this time it's time.

Lu Yuan and others walked out of the crowd without anyone paying attention at all.

In front of everyone's astonished eyes, we arrived at the handover...

The heads of the hunted soul beasts were taken out one by one from the Divine Space! !

"I, Cao Cao, Cao Cao, the first place is a team from a first-level force!?"

"It's so fierce. The first-level forces actually crushed everyone and won the first place in the hunting competition?? I'll sleep for a while and wake me up later..."

“Can you tell me the inside story? I really don’t want to believe it!!”


The identities of Lu Yuan and others were revealed, which was unacceptable to all the teams present.

The second-level forces are okay, not so hard to accept.

But the teams from the third-level forces cannot accept this fact at all...

Their first thought was the same as Wei Lan and others.

Such a team is living to challenge their status!

If not already in the city.

They may do the same thing as Wei Lan and others.


Not everyone thinks so.

For example, the team that met Lu Yuan in the Death Swamp before.

At this time, they had already recognized Lu Yuan.

At that time, Ma Baoguo said that this team from Huanhai City would become a dark horse.

Let them not mess with this team if they have nothing to do.

Now it seems.

What Ma Baoguo said is absolutely correct...

The strength of this team really exceeds everyone's expectations!


Lu Yuan handed over all the beasts.

The handover staff took inventory and made an OK gesture to the old man.

The old man immediately announced: "Congratulations to this force from Fantasy Sea City, which has achieved first place in the first stage of the hunting competition with overwhelming strength. I hereby announce that the [Big Idiots Downstairs] team will make an exception." Advance to the top sixteen!"

As soon as these words came out.

Once again, everyone was talking...

They didn't expect that the first place would directly advance to the top sixteen! !

The teams that can directly advance to the top 16 must be at least level four forces.

Why can a team from a first-level force be able to walk out directly?

Isn't this trampling them underfoot again? ?

Although everyone is very dissatisfied.

But Baiwu City's decision is not something they can object to if they are dissatisfied.

Regarding this decision of Baiwu City.

Lu Yuan felt quite satisfied.

to be honest.

He has no interest in playing house with these rubbish.

Being able to directly advance to the top sixteen saves a lot of unnecessary battles.

For my side, it is very beneficial.

As for other people’s dissatisfaction, let’s be dissatisfied.

Lu Yuan didn't care what they thought.

If you are really dissatisfied with yourself, just try your best to reach the top 16 and compete against yourself.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan looked at the group of dissatisfied teams, spread his hands and said, "I just like to see how you are unhappy with me and how you can't help me. Just struggle hard. I'll be waiting for you in the top 16." You come to challenge."


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