Chapter 56. Yeongcho

Eight years ago.

Kim Do-jin, while on a mission to hunt down a beast in Japan, stumbled upon a small ‘Spirit Herb.’

The ‘Spirit Herb’ stood at the pinnacle among items that enhance the power of Awakened Ones, its worth beyond mere currency, and the moment he discovered it, Kim Do-jin’s eyes widened in joy.

Yet, this Spirit Herb was, ironically, still just a sprout.

It would need roughly another eight years to bloom and reach its full potential.

The problem lay in the fact that it could not be transplanted elsewhere, and so Kim Do-jin ultimately decided to conceal the ‘Spirit Herb’ within a specially crafted magical device.

And now, eight years had passed.

He had finally come to harvest that ‘Spirit Herb.’

Though, contrary to his original plan, he would be consuming it through another’s body.

‘What a relief that no one discovered it all this time.’

Regardless, it was a moment he had waited a staggering eight years for.

Kim Do-jin carefully dug through the soil, extracting the ‘Spirit Herb,’ then poured fresh water over it, washing it clean.

Soon, he placed it in his mouth and swallowed.

– Sssssss…

Indeed, he felt a vast surge of mana swirling within him.

The effect was unmistakably that of a ‘Spirit Herb’ that had absorbed the pure mana of this mountainous region for nearly a decade.


For a while, Kim Do-jin sat with his eyes closed, controlling the flow of mana, and slowly opened his eyes with a satisfied expression.

‘Good. I’ll soon reach S-rank.’

Given the immense quantity, it would take about 24 hours to fully absorb it, but that was no concern.

‘This should suffice.’

Checking the watch on his wrist, Kim Do-jin hopped back onto his hoverboard and began to ascend into the night sky.

He was on his way back to the Karasuma Hotel before it got any later.

Bathed in the gentle moonlight and the cool night breeze, a smile graced Kim Do-jin’s face.

Yet, that smile was not entirely bright.

Reaching S-rank at merely seventeen years of age was indeed a remarkable feat, but it was merely a tale told in the context of his youth.

Now, Kim Do-jin was set to confront the world’s strongest Awakened One, Cheon Sang-seok, along with other formidable global contenders.

The quest for vengeance against Cheon Sang-seok was about to begin in earnest.

* * *

An outdoor hot spring within the Karasuma Hotel.

Im So-hee sat deeply immersed in the hot spring water, glancing around her surroundings.


In the same hot spring bath as Im So-hee, there were a total of twelve figures.

Among them were her classmates from ‘Arc’ first-year class one: Yoon Yu-na, Misaki Ai, and Karla Arlen.

Yet, among these people, there was one who caught Im So-hee’s eye to the point of leaving her mouth agape—Karla Arlen.

Thanks to her uncontrollable ability of ‘transparency,’ Karla Arlen was always in a state of invisibility, but now, sitting in the water, her form emerged like droplets and air, creating a strange beauty.

‘I had a rough idea from her outfit, but… her figure is that stunning. And her face seems pretty too…’

Im So-hee stared blankly at Karla Arlen’s face, which was faintly revealed by the steam, before finally turning her gaze to the others.


It wasn’t just Karla Arlen that made Im So-hee sigh deeply.

Beside her, Yoon Yu-na and Misaki Ai were also enjoying the hot spring.

Yoon Yu-na had a sharp-featured face that matched her slim figure, while Misaki Ai boasted a chest larger than any other girl in ‘Arc.’

‘They’re beautiful… to an unfair degree…’

It was a well-acknowledged fact among many students of ‘Arc’ that Yoon Yu-na was pretty, and that Misaki Ai and Karla Arlen possessed extraordinary charm.

However, for Im So-hee, there was one troubling issue: all three of these beautiful girls seemed to share some unusual connection with Kim Do-jin, the boy she had a crush on.

Though she didn’t know the details of their interactions, it was inevitable that she felt a sense of intimidation creeping in.

‘If they also like Do-jin, then someone like me wouldn’t stand a chance…’

Im So-hee wrapped her small body in her arms, letting her shoulders droop.

How much time had passed?

As her friends were about to finish their soak and leave, they suddenly noticed Im So-hee still sitting there and asked,

“Hey? So-hee, aren’t you going?”

Startled from her thoughts, Im So-hee replied, “Oh? Uh, yeah… I’m just going to stay a little longer.”

“Oh, really? Then come join us later~”

With that, her friends departed, leaving Im So-hee alone. She let out a deep sigh and turned her body.

Leaning her chin on the rock behind her, she tried to soothe her heavy heart.


Suddenly, she spotted a white fox.

‘A fox?’

Though it was an outdoor hot spring, how had such a wild creature made its way into this vast hotel grounds?

Im So-hee’s eyes widened in surprise, and at that moment, the fox, too, stared back at her with round eyes.


A silence lingered for a spell.


For some reason, the fox began to creep toward Im So-hee, step by cautious step.


Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Im So-hee gasped in wonder, then broke into a bright smile, extending her hand forward.


She secretly thought that perhaps the fox would flee now, but astonishingly, it continued to approach without a hint of fear.

Finally, it sat before her, rubbing its head against her as if to charm her.

“Ah… so cute!”

Im So-hee’s spirits soared as she gently stroked the fox, and time slipped away in that blissful moment.

“Ugh… I really should be going soon….”

Though she was joyfully playing with the fox, she knew she couldn’t linger forever.

She gave the fox’s back a light pat, trying to convey that it was time to part ways.



The fox whined as if to protest, refusing to budge from her side.

“Ugh… what to do?”

She couldn’t fathom why a wild fox would cling to her so desperately.

Im So-hee tried to leave it behind and dashed to the changing room, but the fox followed her relentlessly, forcing her to scoop it up into her arms.

With a sigh, she tucked it into her clothing, ultimately bringing it back to her hotel room.

“I-I’ve done something terrible….”

How had she ended up sitting in the same room as a fox she had never seen before?

As she continued to stroke the fox nestled in her embrace, she couldn’t shake the feeling of bewilderment.

“I suppose I should take it back outside and return it to nature?”

That seemed the right thing to do.

Though the fox was irresistibly cute and affectionate, a pang of regret tugged at her heart as she prepared to hold it once more and step outside.

But just then.

– ooow……!

Suddenly, a pure white light seemed to seep from the fox’s body.

– Pahhat!

In an instant, it transformed into the shape of a person.


Im Sohee was so taken aback that she stood frozen, mouth agape.

In truth, this fox was no ordinary wild creature; it was a rare ‘spirit beast.’

What’s more, its supernatural ability was the exceedingly rare power of ‘transformation,’ and the object of its mimicry was none other than Im Sohee herself.

“W-What is this?!”

Im Sohee’s face began to flush a deep crimson, a mix of shock and embarrassment.

This spirit fox could transform into the exact likeness of whatever it touched, but it couldn’t conjure up clothing to match.

In other words, before Im Sohee stood another version of herself, completely bare.


In a panic, Im Sohee hurriedly wrapped the blanket, which was nearby, around the fox—now a mirror image of herself—struggling to calm her racing heart.

‘What on earth is happening?’

How had she ended up with a spirit fox possessing the power of transformation?

And what was she supposed to do with this spirit fox that had taken on her appearance?

Im Sohee found herself at a loss for a long while, while the spirit fox, oblivious to her turmoil, continued to cling to her with playful affection.


The small fox’s antics persisted even in its larger, human form, leaving Im Sohee utterly overwhelmed.

“St-Stop it!”

After some time had passed, she managed to dress it in spare clothes and seat it on the bed.

But with no way to communicate, she couldn’t help but worry about what trouble it might cause next.

“What am I going to do…”

In such a situation, wouldn’t it be wise to seek help from someone else? But who could she possibly ask?


Im Sohee picked up her smartphone, feeling lost and confused, when suddenly, Kim Dojin’s face flashed in her mind.


Indeed, Kim Dojin possessed the capability and character she could rely on, and she had been pondering how to create more connections with him.

If she were to ask for his help in this matter, wouldn’t it be a two-for-one deal?

Im So-hee, with a flicker of hope, cautiously dialed Kim Do-jin’s number.

– Trrrrrrr……

Yet, for reasons unknown, Kim Do-jin did not answer, and So-hee found herself listening to the ringing tone over and over, until she had no choice but to hang up.

“Is he caught up in something else?”

Muttering this, So-hee left a message asking him to contact her once he confirmed, her shoulders drooping in defeat.

But the spirit fox, whether aware of So-hee’s heart or not, continued to frolic innocently, its playful demeanor undeterred.


“Ugh! Don’t make that sound with my voice!”

It was then, amidst their playful exchange.

– Wooo……

Once more, a pure white light began to seep from the fox’s body.

– Pah-hah!

In an instant, it reverted to its original small fox form.

“Has its magic run out?”

It seemed so.

So-hee let out a sigh of relief and approached the fox, now seated on the bed.

“Now you can’t transform to look like me anymore?”

Whether the fox understood her or not remained a mystery.

So-hee cradled the now tiny fox in her arms and perched herself on the edge of the bed.

She waited for a reply from Kim Do-jin, but the silence stretched on, and no response came, leaving her to wonder what he could be doing.

“…He’s not avoiding my calls, is he?”

Suddenly feeling dejected, So-hee flopped back onto the bed, still holding the fox close.

She gently stroked its soft fur, trying to soothe her melancholic heart.

Time slipped by, and before she knew it, So-hee was lulled into a gentle slumber, her eyes fluttering shut.


Meanwhile, the fox lay quietly nestled in her embrace.


Suddenly, its eyes widened, and it sprang up.

As if responding to something, the fox slowly turned its head and, for some reason, slipped away from So-hee’s arms.

And then, it leapt up through the open window beside it, gracefully vanishing from sight.

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