Chapter 63. Allies

“Excuse me?”

Jin Seohyun’s eyes widened, revealing her bewilderment.

“Just the two of us, with you, young master? Of course, I am not alone, but…”

This was right after she had heard from Kim Dojin about the conspiracy of Karasuma Ryota and the plan to thwart it.

Certainly, that dreadful plot by Karasuma Ryota had to be stopped, and the operation to do so seemed promising enough.

Yet, what meaning does a good plan hold if one lacks the ability to execute it?

“And you know my abilities are specialized for support, right? I’m quite worried about whether we can protect you from the elite awakeners of the Karasuma clan.”

Jin Seohyun, calculating the chances of success with a cold gaze, proposed to Kim Dojin with a worried expression.

“Should we request troop support from the chairman right now?”

Kim Dojin shook his head in response.

“No. There’s no time for that, nor is it necessary.”

Her judgment that it was reckless to carry out the operation with just the two of them was indeed correct.

However, there was one fact that Jin Seohyun was still unaware of.

That was the involvement of another S-class awakener, Astrid Lindell.

“I have someone else who agreed to help me.”

The reason Kim Dojin had withheld information about Astrid Lindell was a sort of test to gauge Jin Seohyun’s discernment.

With an expression that suggested there was nothing to worry about, he continued.

“Astrid will take on the role of blocking enemy forces in case of an emergency.”

At that moment, Jin Seohyun couldn’t help but widen her eyes in surprise.

“Excuse me?”

Who is Astrid Lindell?

Currently, she works merely as an instructor at ‘Ark,’ but once, she was one of Kim Dojin’s trusted subordinates, a first-generation awakener of great renown.

Due to her near-immortal ‘super regeneration’ ability, she bore the nickname ‘Undead,’ and was a powerhouse coveted by all of the ‘Top 10 Guilds’ in the world.

Yet, why would such a figure assist Kim Dojin in opposing the Karasuma clan?

“Is it because she is outraged by the Karasuma clan’s misdeeds? …No. Even if that were the case, someone of her caliber would seek other means. Why is she participating in a secret operation set up by her own student?”

As Jin Seohyun struggled to comprehend the situation, momentarily at a loss for words, Kim Dojin subtly drew her attention.

“Why? Is it that you don’t trust Instructor Astrid?”

“What? No! That can’t be it! It’s just… is it really true that Instructor Astrid is going to help us?”



Kim Do-jin replied with his characteristic feigned innocence.

“It’s a secret. Perhaps I might tell you later, but for now…”

What more could one ask after such a revelation?


Jin Seo-hyun observed Kim Do-jin, who regarded her with a leisurely gaze, his expression a mix of perplexity and intrigue.

‘…Something’s off.’

He looked the same as the Kim Do-jin she had known for years.

Yet, from the slightest gestures to his manner of speaking, even his way of thinking—so much had changed, as if he had become a different person altogether.

‘Right. As if he’s transformed into someone else entirely…’

He had claimed to have hidden his true self all this time, but could such a transformation be explained by that alone?

Jin Seo-hyun did not think so.

However, on the other hand, it didn’t feel like a grave issue.

‘Well, I suppose I’ll just have to keep watching…’

Setting her worries aside for the moment, she spoke.

“Understood, young master. So, what should I prepare now?”

At that, Kim Do-jin flashed a sly smile.

As expected, he had secured the assistance of Astrid Lindell and Jin Seo-hyun, and now it was time to set the plan in motion.

* * *

In a grand and opulent chamber.

A man lay with his eyes closed atop a complex mechanical apparatus.


With a pallor devoid of vitality and remaining still for an extended period, he appeared almost corpse-like at first glance.

Yet, the man was undeniably alive, actively wielding formidable psychic powers.

The surrounding machinery was designed to amplify and sustain those very powers indefinitely.

In any case, the man was alive and using his abilities, though in a sense, he was in a state akin to that of a corpse.

For at that moment, his consciousness was not anchored in this body, but rather, it resided within the distant form of another—Karasuma Seishiro.

Karasuma Ryota.

In truth, this man was none other than Karasuma Ryota, known to the world as already deceased.

Yet, as Kim Do-jin had anticipated, he was very much alive, employing the psychic ability of ‘mind control’ to inhabit the body of Karasuma Seishiro.

– Vwooom…….

It could be said that the only sound echoing through the vast room was the steady hum of mechanical devices at work.

Yet, the true mental state of Karasuma Ryota was anything but calm.

The body of Karasuma Seishiro, connected through mana, was currently experiencing a surge of intense stimulation, and the graph on the monitor beside him began to fluctuate in response.

And this sudden change was something Kim Dojin did not miss.

* * *


Karasuma Seishiro—or rather, Karasuma Ryota, who dominated Seishiro’s body—suddenly opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Misaki Ai had come to him of her own accord, suggesting that she wanted to see his home.


How much effort had he put into making Misaki Ai his own?

Yet, why was the person who had steadfastly rebuffed all his advances now showing such a sudden change?


Karasuma Ryota didn’t quite understand the situation, but he forced a sly smile and spoke.

“Alright. But why now of all times?”

Misaki Ai tilted her head, as if she too was unsure, and replied.

“I don’t know. It just seems like a whim. Who knows what I might feel later…”

The word “whim” made Karasuma Ryota anxious in an instant.

A vague feeling that if he didn’t take this opportunity to bring her to his home and make his appeal, things would only become more difficult in the future.

Thus, he quickly raised both hands and said, “Got it. Then let’s go right now.”

Despite Misaki Ai’s sudden request, Karasuma Ryota had a car waiting in front of the hotel in no time.

They got into the car together and began to move.

Towards the home he had meticulously prepared to impress Misaki Ai.

– Vroom…

Inside the moving vehicle.


Karasuma Ryota glanced over, his eyes slithering over Misaki Ai’s entire form like a serpent.

‘What a cunning little thing…’

Thanks to Misaki Ai’s powerful “Charm” ability, Karasuma Ryota was still half-mad with desire.

Even in the body of Karasuma Seishiro, which was not his own, he found himself unable to control his lust.


Karasuma Ryota felt a vile desire to violate Misaki Ai right now, as he had before, but he forcefully suppressed it.

If there were beautiful pottery, wouldn’t one handle it delicately, not shake it recklessly, but store it properly to admire for a long time?

“If that’s the case, you should have attacked earlier, damn it. Just hold on a bit longer. You’ll have the chance to play to your heart’s content someday.”

With such thoughts, Karasuma Ryota stole glances at Misaki Ai sitting beside him several times, swallowing his saliva.

As time passed by.

Finally, the car arrived at its destination.

“We’ve arrived.”

The car stopped gently in front of a 100-story building owned by the Karasuma family.

The penthouse of this building was Karasuma Ryota’s home.

“Let’s go up, Ai-chan.”

With a tender demeanor contrasting his sinister inner thoughts, Karasuma Ryota escorted Misaki Ai.

Whether she knew his facade or not, Misaki Ai obediently followed and entered the house.

“How do you like it? Impressive, right?”

Due to a dreadful incident five years ago, Misaki Ai had closed her heart to men, and Karasuma Ryota, knowing this, was thinking of winning her over with other means.

In Japan, it was power, honor, money, and more that would impress anyone… Fortunately, it seemed to have an effect.

“Wow… Can I take a leisurely look around?”

Misaki Ai asked with slightly parted lips in admiration, and Karasuma Ryota, holding back a diabolical laughter, replied.

“Hmph. Of course. Take your time to look around comfortably. If you want, this can be your place…”

At that, Misaki Ai seemed slightly flustered for a moment, then began to explore.

From luxurious furniture that seemed worth millions of yen to the breathtaking view overlooking downtown Tokyo…

Truly, it was a remarkable house that could captivate anyone.

However, Misaki Ai’s concealed gaze did not focus on such things.

‘How much longer do I need to delay?’

In truth, since she first sought out Karasuma Ryota, Misaki Ai had been following Kim Dojin’s instructions.

And now, her last task was to delay and then signal to lure Karasuma Ryota near the window.

Thus, she anxiously checked the time, waiting for when the signal would come.

– Beep….

Fortunately, the long-awaited signal arrived.

Sensing the faint vibration from the transmitter attached to her thigh, Misaki Ai steadied her heart by swallowing her saliva.

Then, he trudged over to the window, casting a sidelong glance at Karasuma Ryota before speaking.

“But what is that over there?”

In response, Karasuma Ryota approached with a sly grin, his smile dripping with mischief.


And it was right then.

– Boom!

Suddenly, an explosion shattered all the windows lining one wall.

“What the—!”

Karasuma Ryota instantly dropped into a defensive stance, unable to hide his surprise.

The windows were not mere glass; they were reinforced with mana, a barrier of arcane strength.

‘Where on earth did such a powerful magical attack come from?’

That question was quickly answered.

– Bang!

Another mana bullet, the same that had just obliterated the reinforced glass, was fired straight at Karasuma Ryota.


Now, nothing stood between the mana bullet and Karasuma Ryota.


He hastily summoned his mana, unfurling a protective barrier.

– Boom!

The mana bullet collided with Karasuma Ryota’s shield, resulting in a massive explosion.

“Who the hell is that!”

Karasuma Seishiro was the heir of the Karasuma clan, one of the top ten guilds in the world.

He was an S-rank talent, deemed no less capable than his predecessor, his older brother Karasuma Ryota.

No matter how powerful the mana-infused bullet, it was not something that could be taken lightly.

– Bang! Bang!

Now that he had a rough idea of the sniper’s position, Karasuma Ryota chose to evade the mana bullets with a graceful leap instead of maintaining his barrier.

Whoever it was, the sniper’s mission was on the brink of failure.

‘Hmph! Did they really think they could take a shot at me?’

With a confident expression, Karasuma Ryota prepared to wait for the arrival of the Karasuma clan’s guards.

But in that moment.


Karasuma Ryota suddenly noticed something strange.

It was the fact that all the magical bullets that had been flying toward him were deliberately avoiding his head, the most critical point.

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