That's right, I think it's Gaunt's ancestral house, but before that, we still have a memory about Melo, or about Voldemort before entering Hogwarts.

Voldemort before Hogwarts? He grew up in an orphanage, as I recall.

Oh yes, handsome Muggle Tom Riddle abandoned his wizard wife Melo and returned home to Little Hangleton. Melo was left alone in London with the child who would become Lord Voldemort.

How do you know she's in London, Professor?

According to the evidence provided by Calatacus Burke, said Dumbledore, by chance, he helped us find the shop that owns that necklace, the one in your hand.

Dumbledore pointed to the necklace in Fan Lin's hand and said, just like at Hogwarts, his hands unconsciously stirred the contents of the Pensieve, like a gold digger sifting out gold.

Out of the silver vortex in the Pensieve emerged a slowly rotating little old man. The silvery white man looked like a ghost, but was more real than a ghost. His bushy head completely covered his eyes.

Yeah, we got it under strange circumstances. It was brought by a young witch just before Christmas, oh, many years ago of course. She said she was in desperate need of gold , um, obviously. Wearing rags, coming from far away... and having a baby. She said the locket was a Slytherin thing. Well, we always hear people say, 'Oh , this is Merlin's, and this is his favorite teapot,' but when we examined it, we found that it really had the Slytherin mark on it, and a few simple spells would tell the truth. Of course , that is almost priceless. She doesn't seem to know how much this thing is worth. She happily exchanged it for ten Galleons. This is the best deal we have ever done.

Dumbledore shook the Pensieve particularly vigorously, and Calatacus Burke sank into the vortex of memory.

He only gave her ten Galleons? Fan Lin said helplessly, which was obviously unfair to Melo.

Kalatacus Burke is not generous, said Dumbledore. So we know that, during the last days of her pregnancy, Melo was alone in London, needing gold so badly that she sold her only valuable possession, the Slytherin pendant box, an heirloom from Marvolo's collection.

But she knows magic! Fan Lin hesitated, and he saw that Melo was not a squib, but was scared by Marvolo to not use magic. She can find food and anything she wants with magic, can't she?

Ah, said Dumbledore, perhaps she could. But I believe—this is speculation again, but I'm sure I'm right—that she stopped using magic when she was abandoned by her husband. I think she Don't want to be a witch anymore. Of course it could be that unrequited love and ensuing desperation drained her of her strength; it could happen. Either way, she's not willing to lift a wand until she's dying .”

It's a very sad thing, Professor, Fan Lin shook his head, If Mello didn't choose to give up on Tom, I think...

Everything is very unexpected, isn't it? Dumbledore said, holding his wand against his temple, and pulled out a strand of silver thread from it.

Where are we going next?

This time, said Dumbledore, we are going to enter my memory. I think you will find a wealth of detail and will be satisfied with its accuracy. I am following you, Van Lin...

Fan Lin bent over the Pensieve; his face was immersed in the cold memory, and he fell into the darkness again... After a few seconds, his feet touched the solid ground, so he opened his eyes and saw his He and Dumbledore were standing on a bustling old-fashioned London street. Not long after, Rutherford also came in, and Fan Lin had almost forgotten about him...

I was there,

said Dumbledore cheerfully, pointing ahead to a tall figure crossing the road in front of a horse-drawn milk cart.

This young Albus Dumbledore's hair and beard are auburn. Having crossed the road to their side, he began to stride down the sidewalk, attracting curious glances in a richly cut dark purple velvet suit.

The clothes are nice, Professor, Fan Lin couldn't help saying, and Dumbledore just giggled, and the three of them followed the young Dumbledore not far behind, and finally walked through a set of iron doors into a In front of the empty yard was a dark, boxy building surrounded by high railings. He went up a few steps and knocked on the door. After a while, a ragged, apron

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\u00261t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'\u003e----This is a gorgeous dividing line---\u00261t;/i\u003e

The rotten girl opened the door.

Good afternoon. I have an appointment with Mrs. Cole, who I think is the matron here.

Oh, the girl looked puzzled as she stared at Dumbledore's strange appearance. Um... wait a minute... Mrs. Cole!

She turned around and growled.

Fan Lin heard a loud response from far away. The girl turned to face Dumbledore again.

Come in, she's coming.

Dumbledore entered the black and white tiled corridor; the whole looked dilapidated, but spotless. Fan Lin and old Dumbledore followed behind. Before the door closed behind them, a thin, tired woman hurried towards them.

Her face was sharp and angular, and she looked more anxious than indifferent, as she walked towards Dumbledore, talking to another apron-clad assistant beside her.

...and take this bottle of iodine upstairs to Martha, Billy Stubbs picking at his scabs, and Eric Willie's sheets all sweaty - but the chicken pox is the priority, She said to herself that she froze there after seeing Dumbledore, as surprised as if she had seen a giraffe walk in.

Good afternoon, said Dumbledore, holding out his hand. Mrs. Cole was still in a daze. My name is Albus Dumbledore. I wrote you an appointment letter and you kindly invited me to come here today.

Mrs. Cole blinked. Apparently making sure Dumbledore wasn't a hallucination, and then she said, Oh, yes. Um - well, then - come to my office. Yes.

She ushered Dumbledore into a small room that was half living room, half office. It was as dilapidated as the corridors, with old and mismatched furniture. She offered Dumbledore a seat on a rickety chair, while she sat behind a cluttered desk and stared nervously at him.

I have come here, as I said in my letter, to discuss with you Tom Riddle's future arrangements, said Dumbledore.

Are you a family member? asked Mrs. Cole.

No, I'm a teacher, said Dumbledore. I'm coming to pick Tom up to our school.

So, what school is this?

The wizarding school... Fan Lin couldn't help but mutter in his heart, although now it looks a little tricky...

It's called Hogwarts, said Dumbledore.

Why are you interested in Tom?

We believe he has the qualities we're looking for.

You mean he won a scholarship? How could he? He never signed up for any exams.

Well, he was listed at school when he was born—

Who registered him? His parents? There is no doubt that this is a shrewd woman who is not easy to deal with.

Apparently Dumbledore thought so too, and Van Lin saw him quietly pull out his wand from the velvet suit, and at the same time pick up a completely blank piece of paper on the table.

Look at this, said Dumbledore, waving his wand as he handed her the paper. I think this says it all.

Mrs. Cole's eyes suddenly went blank, then came back to life, and she stared intently for a moment at the blank sheet of paper.

Looks perfectly in order, she said quietly, handing the paper back. Then her eyes fell on a bottle of gin and two glasses, which had certainly been empty only seconds before.

Er—a gin? she said with great politeness.

Thank you very much, said Dumbledore, smiling. It was evident that Mrs. Cole was an experienced drinker of gin. She poured wine for both of them, then drank her own glass in one gulp. She smiled at Dumbledore for the first time, smacking her lips undisguisedly, and Dumbledore took the moment.

I was wondering if you could tell me something about Tom Riddle's past? I think he was born in this orphanage?

That's right, Mrs. Cole poured out some more gin. I remember it really well, because I just came up here. It was New Year's Eve, and it was freezing and snowing, you know. Bad night. And then the girl, who was just a little bit older than me, she stumbled Well, she wasn't the first one. We brought her in, and an hour later she gave birth. An hour later she was dead.

Mrs. Cole nodded with emotion, and took another gulp of her gin.

Did she say anything before she died? asked Dumbledore. Such as about the father of the child?

\u00261t;isty1e='co1or:#4876ff'\u003e---This is a gorgeous dividing line---\u00261t;/i\u003e

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What a coincidence, she said this, said Mrs. Cole, now looking thoroughly enjoying herself, with a glass of gin in her hand and another eager audience in front of her.

I remember her saying to me, 'I want him to look like his daddy,' and honestly, she was right to think so, because she wasn't good-looking at all - and then she told me to name him Tom because In memory of his father, middle name Marvolo, in memory of her own father - yes, I know, weird name, right? We're still wondering if she's from a circus - then she said boy's The last name is Riddle. After saying this, he died.

Well, we named the baby as she said, and the poor girl seemed to take it very seriously, but there wasn't any Tom and Marvolo, and no one called Riddle came looking for the baby, We didn't have any relatives, so we just kept him, and he's been in the orphanage until now. Mrs. Cole poured another glass of wine, almost in a trance.

There were two flushes on her cheekbones. Then she said, He's a weird boy.

Yes, said Dumbledore. I think it might be.

He was weird as a baby. Almost never cried. Then, as he got a little older, he became... weird.

Strange, how weird? Dumbledore asked gently.

Well, he— Mrs. Cole stopped suddenly, and she glanced at Dumbledore questioningly over the wine glass, her eyes were no longer so empty.

He will definitely go to your school to study, you said?

Sure, said Dumbledore.

Won't what I say change that?

No, said Dumbledore.

You're going to take him anyway?

Anyway, repeated Dumbledore solemnly. She squinted at him, as if wondering whether to trust Dumbledore or not. Apparently in the end she decided to believe him, because she suddenly said, He's scaring the other kids.

You mean he's a bully?

I suppose so, said Mrs. Cole, frowning slightly, but he's hard to catch. There's always troubles . . . tricky things . . .

Dumbledore didn't urge her, but Fan Lin could see that he was very interested. Is this the professor's bad taste?

She took another swig of the gin, and her rosy cheeks grew redder. Billy Stubbs' rabbit . . . well, Tom says he didn't do it, and I don't know how he did it, but still, the rabbit couldn't have gone up to the rafters and hanged himself, could it?

I think so too, impossible, said Dumbledore quietly. But, I don't really know how he got up there to do it. I just know he and Billy just had a fight the day before. And then—

Mrs. Cole took another swig, this time spilling a little down her chin, We go hiking in the summer—you know, we take them out once a year, to the country or the seaside—well, Amy Benson and Dennis Bissau was not normal after that, we questioned and questioned, and they both said that they went to a cave with Tom Riddle. Tom swore to us that it was just an expedition, but something must have happened there, I I'm sure. And, uh, lots and lots of things, weird...

She looked at Dumbledore again. Although her cheeks were bright red, her eyes were firm.

I don't think too many people will be sad that he's gone.

You can understand, we won't keep him there forever, said Dumbledore. He still comes back here, at least, every summer.

Oh, well, it's better than him hitting someone's nose with a rusty poker here, Mrs. Cole belched softly. She stood up, and Fan Lin noticed that although she had drunk two-thirds of the gin in the bottle, she was still steady.

I guess you'd like to meet him?

Very much, said Dumbledore, standing up too. She led her out of the office and up the stone stairs, giving directions to passing assistants and shouting at the children.

Fan Lin saw that the orphans were all wearing uniform gray smocks. It can be seen that they are all taken care of quite well, but there is no denying that the place where they were raised is too harsh and unforgiving.

Here it is, said Mrs. Cole, as they turned the second landing and came to the door of the first room in a long corridor. She knocked twice on the door and walked in.

Tom? Someone's coming to see you. This is Mr. Dumbleton—sorry, Dumbledore. He's coming to tell you—well, let him do it.

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