Actually, it's not exactly like that, Snape said calmly, looking at Bellatrix in front of him, who was almost furious from embarrassment.

He wouldn't let me teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, you know. He seemed to believe it would relapse into my old ways... lure me into my old ways.

That's the sacrifice you made for the Dark Lord, not teaching your favorite subject? she sneered. Then why are you still there, spying on Dumbledore for a master you think is dead?

Barely, said Snape, although the Dark Lord was pleased that I hadn't gone AWOL: when he returned, I gave him information on Dumbledore's full sixteen years as a welcome gift, more than It's far more useful to recall those endless memories of the nasty Azkaban prison...

But you stayed—

Yes, Bellatrix, I stayed, said Snape, showing the first sign of impatience. I've got a much more comfortable job than being stuck in Azkaban. You know they're after the Death Eaters. Dumbledore's protection got me out of prison, and it's a big deal. I'll say it again. : Not even the Dark Lord complained about my being there, I don't know why you would have.

I think you'll want to know next, he went on, raising his voice slightly as Bellatrix seemed about to interrupt him again, why am I standing between the Dark Lord and the Sorcerer's Stone. Easy to answer. He wasn't sure if he should trust me. He, like you, thought I'd transformed from a loyal Death Eater into a Dumbledore-inspired clown. He was in a miserable situation, very weak, and an ordinary wizard Sharing a body. He dared not reveal himself to any of his former comrades-in-arms for fear they would betray him to Dumbledore or the Ministry of Magic. I deeply regret that he didn't trust me. He could have returned three months earlier In fact, I only saw the greedy and mean Quirrell trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so, I admit, I did everything in my power to stop him.

Bellatrix's mouth twisted as if swallowing some nasty medicine. But you didn't come back to him when he came back, you didn't fly back to him when you felt the Dark Mark burn—

Yes. I'll be back in two hours. I'm going back on Dumbledore's orders.

Following Dumbledore's—? she said angrily.

Think about it! Snape became impatient again. Just two more hours, just two hours, I made sure I can stay in Hogwarts and continue to be my spy! Let Dumbledore think that I just went back according to his orders, after that I Still getting news from Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix! Come to think of it, Bellatrix: The Dark Mark grew stronger and stronger in those months, I know he must be ready to make a comeback, all the eaters Dead Apostles know it! I have plenty of time to think about what I'm going to do, plan my next move, and slip away like Karkaroff, don't I?

The Dark Lord was very displeased at my lateness at first, and I assure you, when I explained that although Dumbledore thought I was on his side, I remained loyal to the Dark Lord, yes the Dark Lord thought I was left him forever, and yet he made a mistake.

But what role did you play? Bellatrix sneered, What useful information did you give us?

My information went directly to the Dark Lord, said Snape, perhaps he chose not to tell you—

He lets me know everything! Bellatrix was furious immediately. He said I was his most loyal and most reliable—

Really? Is that really the case, Bellatrix? said Snape, very calmly.

Does he still think so after the fiasco at the Ministry?

It wasn't my fault! Bellatrix blushed. It was a conspiracy, from Dumbledore and that mudblood kid,

We were lied to.

Bella argued loudly, Besides, the Dark Lord has already got one of what he wants, in the Department of Mysteries...

Bella spoke loudly, while Snape just squinted his eyes and listened quietly, but Bellatrix still had some measure after all, and she didn't say anything more about what Voldemort wanted to get.

The Dark Lord has always entrusted to me the things most dear to me—if Lucius hadn't—

How dare you — how dare you accuse my husband! We have no idea what that is, or if it matters to the Dark Lord... Narcissa looked up at her sister, furious Yes, but he suppressed his own voice and whispered.

Sharing the blame isn't helping anymore, Snape said quietly. It's hard to get overwhelmed.

It's not your place to say that! bellatrix yelled furiously. You're absent again, aren't you, Snape, while the rest of us are taking risks?

I'm like you, Bella - I've had orders to stay back, Snape said. Maybe you don't agree with the Dark Lord, maybe you think I'll go unnoticed by Dumbledore if I join the Death Eaters against the Order of the Phoenix? And—with all due respect—you're still talking about danger... Aren't you facing a sixteen-year-old child? It should be said that two sixteen-year-old children seem to...

You know very well that they were then reinforced by half of the Order of the Phoenix! Bellatrix roared. And speaking of the Order of the Phoenix, you're still claiming you can't tell where its headquarters are, aren't you?

I am not the Keeper of Secrets, and I cannot name the location. I think you should know how this magic works. The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him about the Order of the Phoenix. As you may have guessed, This directly helped you find and kill Emmeline Vance, and also helped you remove a lot of eyeliners in the Ministry of Magic, isn't that enough to prove... useful?

Snape paused as the genie spoke, and then, tilting his head towards her, he toasted her. But her expression didn't soften.

You're avoiding my last question, Snape. Harry Potter. You've had countless opportunities to kill him over the past five years. You didn't. Why?

Have you discussed this with the Dark Lord? Snape asked. He...recently, we...I'm asking you, Snape!

If I kill Harry Potter, the Dark Lord cannot be reborn with his blood and becomes invincible.

You mean you foresaw that he was going to use the boy? she sneered.

I didn't say that; I didn't know his plans; I've confessed that I thought he was dead. I was just trying to explain why the Dark Lord wasn't unhappy that Harry Potter was surviving, at least until a year ago... ...

But why did you let him live?

Didn't I tell you? It was Dumbledore's protection that kept me from entering Azkaban! You won't deny that if I kill his favorite student, he will stand against me? But there are more Many reasons. I should remind you that when Potter first walked into Hogwarts there were many stories going around about him. In fact, many of the Dark Lord's followers felt that Potter might become a new banner, and we could gather around him to regroup. I admit I was curious, and as soon as he stepped into the castle At that moment, it never occurred to me to kill him.

Of course, it didn't take long for me to see that he didn't have any special talents at all. In a pinch he always relied on a bit of luck and a more talented partner to get him out of trouble. He's really mediocre, but he's just like his father. Nasty and smug. I tried my best to get him expelled from Hogwarts, I believe he doesn't belong there at all, but let me kill him, or let him be killed in front of me? Know Dumbledore A fool would do such a stupid thing right in front of his eyes.

Are we to believe that Dumbledore never suspected you? Bellatrix said. He doesn't know who your true allegiance is? He still trusts you absolutely?

I played my role well, Snape said. And you're ignoring Dumbledore's greatest weakness: he believed in the best of humanity. When I went to him I made up a story that I deeply regretted it, and wanted to break with my old days as a Death Eater, He welcomed me with open arms - though, as I've said, he kept me from the Dark Arts. Dumbledore was a great wizard - yes, he was, and the Dark Lord admitted it.

However, I'm happy to say he's getting older. The duel with the Dark Lord last month was enough for him. He has been plagued by serious injuries since then, as his reflexes have not been as good as before. But all these years, he has always trusted Severus Snape, and even asked me to teach his two favorite students. To the Dark Lord, this is my greatest value.

Bellatrix still looked displeased, though she didn't know how to attack Snape next. As she quieted, Snape turned to her sister. came to me for help, Narcissa?

Yes, Severus. I—I think you're the only one who can help me, I'm at a loss. Lucius just got out of prison again, and... She closed her eyes, two big eyes Tears oozed from under the eyelids.

The Dark Lord forbids me to talk about this, Narcissa continued, his eyes still closed. He wants no one to know about the plan. It's...very secret. But—

If he forbids it, you shouldn't, Snape said quickly. The word of the Dark Lord is law.

Narcissa took a breath, as if being submerged in cold water. Bellatrix looked satisfied for the first time since entering the room.

Look! she said triumphantly to her sister. Even Snape said the same: if he won't let you mention it, shut up.

But Snape stood up, strode to the window, looked through the curtains at the deserted street, and yanked them shut. He turned and frowned at Narcissa.

As it happens I know of the plan, he whispered. I was one of the very few who was informed of this plan by the Dark Lord. However, if I hadn't happened to know the secret, Narcissa, you would have committed the great crime of betraying the Dark Lord.

I knew you must know it! Narcissa said, breathing easier. He trusts you so much, Severus...

You know about the plan? The expression of satisfaction on Bellatrix's face quickly turned to anger. you know?

Of course, Snape said. What help are you seeking, Narcissa? If you try to ask me to persuade the Dark Lord to change his mind, I'm afraid it's hopeless, not at all.

Severus, she whispered, tears streaming down her pale cheeks. My son... my only son...

Draco would be proud, Bellatrix said nonchalantly. The Dark Lord did him a great honor. I'll say it for Draco: he didn't back down from his responsibilities, he seemed very happy to have this opportunity to prove himself, very excited about the future—

Narcissa began to cry, her eyes fixed on Snape pleadingly.

That's because he's only sixteen and he doesn't know what's in store for him! Why, Severus? Why my son? It's too dangerous! It's a mistake for Lucius. Revenge, I know!

Snape said nothing. He looked away from her tears, as if it was an offense to stare at her, but there was no way he could pretend he didn't hear what she had to say.

That's why he chose Draco, isn't it? she insisted. Using this to punish Lucius?

If Draco succeeds, Snape said, still not looking at her, he'll get more credit than anyone else.

But he won't succeed! Narcissa whimpered, How could he, even the Dark Lord himself...

Bellatrix gasped; Narcissa looked bewildered.

I'm just saying... no one has ever made it... Severus... please... you are, you have always been Draco's favorite are an old friend of Lucius... I beg are the Dark Lord's favorite and most trusted advisor...please tell him and persuade him—?

The Dark Lord would not be persuaded, and I would not be foolish enough to try, Snape said quietly. I don't deny that the Dark Lord is very angry with Lucius. Lucius should be responsible. He himself was arrested, and a large group of people were involved. Besides, he has not yet brought back the prophecy ball, and the most important point , Narcissa, you know—yes, the Dark Lord is angry, Narcissa, very angry in fact.

Then I guessed right, he chose to take revenge through Draco! Narcissa held her breath. He doesn't expect him to succeed, he just wants him to die in pain!

Snape said nothing, and Narcissa seemed to lose her last ounce of self-control. She stood up, staggered towards Snape and grabbed the collar of his robes. With her face so close to his that tears dripped onto his chest, she gasped, You can do it. You can do it in Draco's place, Severus. You'll make it , no doubt, and he will reward you above all—”

Snape grabbed her wrist and wrenched her hand away. Looking down at her tear-stained face, he said slowly, I think he was going to let me do it last. And decided to let Draco try first. You know, if Draco gets away with it, I'll To stay a little longer at Hogwarts and play my spy.

In other words, it doesn't matter to him that Draco is dead!

The Dark Lord is very angry, Snape repeated softly. He failed to hear the prophecy. You and I know, Narcissa, that he never forgives lightly.

She broke down and fell to the floor crying. My only only son...

You should be proud! Bellatrix said cruelly. If I had sons, I would be more than happy to send them to work for the Dark Lord.

Narcissa let out a scream of despair, clutching her blonde hair in her hands. Snape bent down, grabbed her by the arm and lifted her up, dragging her back onto the couch. Then poured more wine into her glass and forced it into her hand.

Narcissa, stop it. Drink this. Listen to me. She calmed down a little; she spilled the wine on herself, and she took a trembling sip. Maybe I still have a help Draco.

She sat up, her eyes wide open on her pale face. Severus - oh, Severus - will you help him? Will you watch over him and make sure he doesn't get hurt?

I could try it. She threw the glass away abruptly; it slid across the table, and she dropped to her knees before Snape, grabbed his hand and kissed it. If you're there to protect him... Severus, will you swear? Will you make the Unbreakable Vow?

The Unbreakable Vow? Snape's expression was empty and elusive: yet Bellatrix was giggling triumphantly.

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