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Come in!

Snape's voice seemed to come from the Nine the wind blowing from hell. Everyone couldn't help but take it seriously. After all, not everyone can face Professor Snape peacefully.

After entering, Fan Lin looked around, as if he wanted to find out the difference between Professor Snape's Defense Against the Dark Arts class and everyone before him.

For example, Quirrell, which was full of garlic at that time, or Umbridge, a very standardized class note-taking process.

Of course, it is obviously impossible for Professor Snape to have the same style as Umbridge. As for emulating Lupine and Sirius, everyone knows that this is a very difficult thing, it can be said that it is simply impossible.

Professor Snape had clearly given the room his personality; the curtains were all drawn, the candles were lit, and it seemed even darker than it should have been. The walls were adorned with new portraits, many of distressed-looking people, as if horribly wounded or with grotesquely twisted limbs.

It's the same style as the office in the basement, the difference is that this time it's not something like a potion bottle that's used to affect everyone's mood.

Everyone sat down in silence, looking around at these gloomy and terrifying portraits.

I didn't ask you to take out your textbooks, said Professor Snape, closing the door, turning to stand behind the lectern and addressing the class; Hermione hastily put Facing the Faceless back in her bag and stuffed it under her chair. Now I want you to give me a few words with your undivided attention.

His dark eyes swept across their upturned faces, and lingered on Harry's face for an extended moment.

Obviously, this is not any different from the process of Potions class, be forewarned. However, it was more aimed at a certain person, and it was obvious that this person had no second choice other than Harry.

Fan Lin was fine, but in Snape's eyes, Fan Lin was nothing more than an arrogant little brat, even though he had taught Fan Lin for a while.

I believe you have been taught by five teachers so far.

You believe... as if you didn't see them coming and going, Snape, I hope you're next, Harry thought venomously, if there was any way to get Snape to go, even if it was Asking Harry to pay a little price, Fan Lin felt that Harry would readily agree.


These teachers all have their own methods and emphases. This has lead to confusion now, I'm amazed that so many people have flunked their o.w.l.s exams...and I'd be even more surprised if you guys managed to keep up with the more advanced n.e.w.t.

Snape began pacing around the room, speaking in a deeper voice; the class stretched their necks to keep Snape in sight.

Dark magic, said Snape, there are many, many varieties, ever-changing and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a monster with many heads, each time a neck is severed, a new A fiercer, wiser mind. You are fighting against something fluid, constantly mutating, and indestructible.

Fan Lin stared at Snape. There was no doubt that the Dark Arts were treated as a dangerous enemy, but why did Snape speak of them with such genuine respect?

I have to admit that black magic is very attractive. If possible, many of Fan Lin's spellcasting skills and methods are derived from different black magic that Fan Lin has been in contact with.

They are extremely powerful, at least compared to the current common magic, in many cases, proficiency in a kind of black magic, even if it is just a spell in black magic, will often produce some changes in the battle between wizards The change.

This is power. Throughout the ages, countless wizards have followed suit. Of course, these magics are not good or bad. At least in Fan Lin's eyes, only effective magic is considered real magic. However, many times , these effective spells will have some side effects.

This may be due to the imperfection of the spell itself, or the wizard's own problems, and now, both of them obviously exist, but judging from the current form, the latter's problem is bigger.

While thinking about the positioning and feasibility of black magic, Fan Lin listened carefully to Snape's speech.

Your defenses, Snape said a little louder, must therefore be as flexible and creative as the spells you are trying to destroy. These portraits, he said, pointing to a few of them as he passed them, Real display of how those people endured injuries such as the Cruciatus Curse (pointing to a wizard who was screaming in pain) kissed by a dementor (the wizard stared blankly, curled up fall against the wall) or invite Yin Feili's attack (a bloody mass on the ground).

So has anyone seen an Inferi? Parvati Patil screeched. Are you sure he's using them?

The Dark Lord has used Inferi in the past, said Snape, which means you'd be wise to assume he might use them again. Now... He walked across the room to the other side of the podium, and Once again the class watched as his black robe billowed behind him.

Automatically without wind, this is what Fan Lin admires the most, the invisible aura envelopes Professor Snape...

...I believe that you are completely new to the use of silent spells. What are the benefits of silent spells?

Hermione raised her hand. Snape took a deliberate glance at everyone to make sure he had no choice before saying curtly, Very well - Miss Granger?

Your opponent can't predict what kind of magic you're going to cast, said Hermione, and it can give you an instant advantage.

That answer is almost verbatim from Standard Spells, Grade Six, said Snape contemptuously (Malfoy snickered in the corner), but it's largely correct. Yes, those who don't People who can use magic by incantation can achieve a kind of surprise effect for their spellcasting. Of course, not all wizards can do this; Staring at Harry again, Lack.

Harry knew Snape was thinking about their disastrous Occlumency class last year. He met Snape's gaze, and glared at him until Snape looked away.

So, that's exactly what I'm going to teach you, your first lesson at Hogwarts for real Defense Against the Dark Arts, remember, never think your enemy is going to yell like a fool To remind you what spell he is going to release, of course, this involves another technique.

What is it, Professor? Fan Lin looked at Snape expectantly, but Snape's cold eyes answered him.

Fan Lin immediately shut up, he didn't want to be put in confinement or something, this is the first day of school, today is already unlucky enough, being taught by Professor McGonagall doubled his schedule, and then taught by Hermione, Then there is a lot of rune homework...

You separate now, Snape went on, in pairs. One tries to cast a spell on your partner silently. The other tries to resist the spell equally quietly. Let's go.

Unbeknownst to Snape, Harry and Valin had already taught at least half the class (all d.a... members) how to cast the Iron Armor Charm last year.

But no one can cast the spell without making a sound.

Gradually, a certain number of people began to cheat; many simply chanted the mantra softly instead of loudly. Typically, it took Hermione ten minutes to manage to resist Neville's whispered Limp Legs Charm without making a sound, and any reasonable teacher would have awarded Gryffindor twenty points for that, but in Snape's place here obviously doesn't work.

Snape turned a blind eye to this, he completely ignored Van Lin and Hermione's side.

In his eyes, it was obvious that Miss Know-It-All and Mr. Megalomaniac had been permanently blacklisted as visitors, moreover, Snape had taught Fan Lin the basic technique of the silent spell a few years ago. Obviously, the normal Defense Against the Dark Arts courses are not very suitable for him, such as the one against Fan Lin... the pig's head...

Just based on his appearance, he could vaguely tell that it was Seamus...

Fan Lin is more like a teaching assistant, here to help his partner practice, but obviously Seamo was still reckless, he didn't resist the temptation of the spell, or in other words, he didn't control the output of magic power well...

This is normal, Seamus always did this in the past, Hogwarts is a little expert in blasting, if he used his wand to make some explosions to add to the fun in a class, I believe Seamus would feel uncomfortable.

And Fan Lin, who was maintaining the Iron Armor Curse, bounced the curse back indifferently, and Simo didn't dodge it immediately...

Well... it was a sad story, but Snape ignored it. Obviously, the professor is a little too lazy to think about it.

Compared with Fan Lin and Hermione, it is obvious that Harry and Ron are more likely to attract Professor Snape's attention.

He paced back and forth during their practice, the same overgrown bat as before, and stopped to watch Ron and Harry struggling to complete his task.

Ron looked as if he was trying to cast a spell on Harry, his face flushed purple and his lips pursed tightly against the temptation to say the spell. Harry held his wand, waiting on pins and needles to resist the spell that never seemed to come.

Poor, Weasley, Snape said after a moment. Look—I'll show you—

Quickly he pointed his wand at Harry, who responded instinctively; forgetting all thoughts of silent spells, he yelled, Armor for protection!

His Armor Charm was so strong that Snape lost his balance and crashed into a desk. The whole class turned towards them, now watching Snape sullenly as he struggled to pull himself up.

Do you remember when I told you we were practicing silent spells, Potter?

Yeah, Harry said stiffly.

Remember, sir.

You don't have to call me sir, Professor.

The words escaped Harry before he realized what he was talking about.

Several students, including Hermione, gasped.

Behind Snape's back, however, Ron, Dean and Seamus all grinned appreciatively.

Obviously, inadvertently, Harry took a hand. And it's very skinny...

In detention, Saturday night, in my office, Snape said. I won't allow anyone to be rude to me, Potter . . . not even 'The Right One'.

Snape's face was gloomy, and Harry destroyed all the atmosphere he created in one fell swoop, made a fool of himself in public, and was humiliated...

In the class after this, it was obvious that some people continued with suppressed laughter.

It's so pretty, Harry! said Ron, laughing happily as they walked back to rest.

You really shouldn't have said that, said Hermione, frowning at Ron. What’s wrong with you?

He's going to cast a spell on me, maybe you didn't notice! said Harry angrily. I've had enough of those Occlumency classes! Why didn't he use another guinea pig to demonstrate? What the hell was Dumbledore playing to get him to teach Defense? Did you hear him talk about black magic? He loves them! All the 'indeterminate', 'indestructible' nonsense—

Well, said Hermione, I think he sounds a little like you.

like me?

Yes, when you told us how you felt about Voldemort. You said it wasn't just a matter of reciting a bunch of spells, you said it was up to you and your wit and your courage - well, that's not Is that what Snape said? Doesn't it boil down to bravery and quick thinking?

Harry's anger subsided because Hermione thought what he said was as worth remembering as Standard Spells, so he didn't argue.

Regarding Harry's anger, Hermione obviously had a way to deal with it. This was not a difficult task. Hermione alone could make the three of them submissive.

However, Harry, I think you still have some misunderstandings about black magic. In fact... Fan Lin was about to explain, but the following voice made him save a lot of steps.

Harry! Hey, Harry! Harry looked around; Jack Sloper, one of last year's batsmen on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, was running towards him with a roll of parchment.

Here you go, gasped Sloper. Listen, I heard you're the new captain. When's the selection?

I'm not sure yet, said Harry, who privately felt that Slooper would have to wait for a miracle to return to the team.

I'll let you know.

Oh, yes. I hope this weekend- But Harry didn't listen; he had just recognized the thin, slanted writing on the parchment. So he hurriedly pulled Van Lin, Hermione and Ron away, leaving Slooper, who was half-speaking, unfolding the parchment as he ran.

Dear Harry: I would like to start an extra lesson with you this Saturday. I hope you can come to my office at eight o'clock in the evening. Oh, don't forget, bring Fan Lin, I think, this is also necessary. Have a great first day back at school.

Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore

And: I like sour lollipops.

He likes sour lollipops? said Ron, puzzled, as he leaned over to see the note.

This is the password from the stone beast outside his study, Fan Lin said helplessly in a low voice.

Ha! Snape will be unhappy...I can't go to confinement! Harry seemed very excited, but some of this excitement came from Dumbledore. Fan Lin didn't know it very well, but he was sure. Yes, Harry was definitely enjoying escaping Snape.

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