
In fact, Dumbledore's private teaching was considered boring to Fan Lin.

Those memories can't bring more and more useful things to Fan Lin. Even if Dumbledore finds new things, they are nothing more than some Voldemort's past.

But Dumbledore didn't ask Fan Lin to do anything, but just repeated some work that he had already done, which made Fan Lin very puzzled, but in fact, Harry was unable to give Fan Lin anything in many ways. Explain, no one knows how Dumbledore intends.

The only thing that interests Fan Lin is that Rutherford was sent by Dumbledore to Nicolas May. Regarding the forbidden place of vampires, Nicolas May can give some more detailed explanations, and all of this will take time .

Different from Fan Lin's boredom, for Harry, this is still Dumbledore's real life. It was the first time he announced these related things to Harry, which made Harry very happy, but some memories can't solve any problems. But one night is obviously not enough. No matter how they look forward to it, the two of them have different thoughts, but they can only wait until the next teaching session.

In the following days, as Hermione predicted, the free time in the sixth grade could not be used to relax blissfully as Ron expected, but to deal with a lot of homework. Not only is studying every day like an exam, but the requirements of each course are much higher than before.

These days, Fan Lin can basically understand what Professor McGonagall is saying, but Fan Lin still needs Professor McGonagall to explain in detail about the relevant parts. Like a Half-Blood Prince book, even Hermione was asking her to repeat it two or three times.

Incredibly, and to Hermione's growing anger, Harry's best subject had suddenly become Potions, thanks to the Half-Blood Prince.

This was probably unexpected by everyone, but it was also expected. It is never possible to estimate how good Professor Snape was when he was young. In many cases, Harry's method is no worse than Slughorn's, even In some respects, though counterproductive, it turns out that the effect is good.

Of course, it wasn't just these that had changed, but all the other courses, not only Defense Against the Dark Arts, but now Charms and Transfiguration also required silent spells.

Now Fan Lin can often see his classmates turning their faces purple in the common room or during meals, distorted as if they had eaten too much raw occult; but he knows that they are actually practicing reciting silently spell.

Fan Lin should really be thankful that Snape used repeated abuses to let him master this seemingly simple and pretentious skill, but sometimes it feels a bit autistic.

This also changed Fan Lin's view of the current wizard education, at least Hogwarts education. The wizards who came out of N.E.W.T should not be so bad. At least, when they first came out, they were powerful. Technique, and Defense Against the Dark Arts and many different techniques, but in fact, many people start to forget as soon as they leave. It feels like intermittent forgetting spells. Memories encroach on what seems to be a limited, developed brain.

The school day at Hogwarts was extremely fulfilling, and even a little bit miserable for Ron, which made everyone have no time to think about other things, because ignorance was obviously a terrible phenomenon.

But stress can also be irritating.

So going to the Greenhouse class became a relaxation; although now they have to deal with more dangerous plants in Herbology class, at least they can speak loudly when they are unsuspectingly caught from behind by poisonous tentacles. curse.

This is probably the only way to decompress, although many people can't even come up with a decent defense or attack spell when they are facing Snape.

In fact so much schoolwork and frenzied practice with silent spells that they had no time to see Hagrid,

And Hagrid himself had stopped eating at the staff table, which was an ominous omen. It was unbelievable that Hagrid didn't pay attention to them, let alone say hello, when he ran into him in the corridors and on the school playground a few times.

We'll have to explain, said Hermione on Saturday morning, staring at Hagrid's huge empty seat at the staff table.

But we have Quidditch tryouts this morning! said Ron. We still have to practice Professor Flitwick's Water Charm! And what can you explain? How do you tell him we hate this stupid class?

We don't hate it! said Hermione.

You tell it yourself, I haven't forgotten the snails, said Ron sullenly. And I'm telling you, we just survived. Didn't you hear what Hagrid was doing to his stupid brother—if we stayed there, we'd have to teach Grapp to tie his shoes.

I don't want to keep talking to Hagrid like this, said Hermione, looking distraught.

We will go after the Quidditch selection is over, Fan Lin decided to say, rather than allowing them to quarrel like this, it is better to face it, although the result may be bad.

Harry nodded. In fact, he missed Hagrid very much, but he, like Ron, hoped that there would be no Glop in his life.

But the selection may last all morning, and there are too many applicants. Facing his first difficulty after becoming the captain, Harry seemed a little nervous. I don't know why all of a sudden the team is so popular.

Oh, come on, Harry, Hermione said suddenly impatiently. It's not about Quidditch, it's about you! There's nothing more intriguing than you, nothing more obsessive than you, to put it bluntly.

Ron choked on a large piece of smoked fish. Hermione glanced at him contemptuously, then turned back to Harry.

Now everyone knows you're telling the truth, isn't it? The whole wizarding society has to admit that you were right when you said Voldemort was back. In the past two years, you've actually confronted Voldemort twice and twice. got away. Now they call you 'the one' - well, come to think of it, don't you see why people are obsessed with you?

Harry suddenly felt that the auditorium was extremely hot, although the ceiling still looked like it was still raining coldly.

And now you're free from the Ministry of Magic's persecution of you, the way they wanted everyone to believe you were a shady liar. The mark that damn woman made you write on the back of your hand in your own blood is still there There, but you insisted on your statement anyway...


No but, Ron, this is the truth, you have to admit it. Hermione interrupted Ron impatiently, So, now, Harry, you...

The owls' delivery arrived, and they swooped in through the rain-stained windows, raining down on everyone, interrupting Hermione's speech, which made Harry feel better.

In fact, most people have more letters than usual during this period; anxious parents are eager to receive letters from their children, while also reassuring them that all is well at home.

Of course, except for some unreliable Muggle parents, of course, this is not referring to Mr. Al or the Grangers.

Harry hadn't received a single letter since school started; the only person he regularly corresponded with had gone to France, and to be honest, Sirius couldn't be counted on right now.

Harry now just hoped that Lupine would write him a letter or two now and then, but so far it had been disappointing. So he was stunned when, among the brown and gray owls, he saw Hedwig, the snow-white owl, which stopped in front of Harry carrying a large square package.

After a while, Ron's owl piggy brought Ron the same package, looking exhausted and looking like he was about to be crushed by the package on his body.

Ha! Harry unwrapped the package, and inside was a brand new book, which had just been mailed from Lihen Bookstore.

Oh, great, said Hermione happily. Now you can return that scribbled book.

Are you crazy? said Harry. I'm going to keep it! Look, I've thought it all out— He took the old copy out of his bag, tapped the cover lightly with his wand, and muttered, It's falling apart! The cover fell off. down. Then he did the same with the new book.

In the end, he switched the covers of the two books, tapped each one again, and said, Back to the original! The prince's book was disguised as a new one, and the one in Lihen Bookstore now looks like a new one. It's like second-hand.

I'll give Slughorn back the new one, he won't complain, and it's worth nine Galleons!

Hermione pursed her lips, looking annoyed and disaffected, but she immediately turned her attention to the other owl, which had delivered today's. So she hurriedly read the newspaper and began to browse the front page.

Did anyone we know die? Ron asked casually, the question he asked Hermione every time he read the paper.

No, but dementor attacks have increased, said Hermione. A man has been arrested.

Wonderful, who? said Harry, hoping it was Bellatrix Lestrange.

Stan Thornpark, Hermione said puzzled, and then Fan Lin spit out the milk.

What's the matter...

Sorry, dear, I think I was just a little surprised. Fan Lin reluctantly cleaned up the stain with his magic wand.

Hey, dear... Ron seemed to be a little bit unbearable by this title, and then he sat a little further away.

Okay! Hermione said seriously, and went on to read the paper.

Stan Thornpark, conductor of the Knights Bus, the most popular form of transportation in the wizarding world,

Wait a minute, the most popular? Fan Lin was a little confused, remembering Stan's smooth talk, and then greeted him...

...Arrested recently on suspicion of involvement in Death Eater activities. Mr. Sampak, aged 2, was arrested at his residence in Clapham during a raid late yesterday night...'

Stan Thornpark is a Death Eater? Harry thought of the pimple-faced young man he had seen three years ago.


He's probably under the Imperius Curse, said Ron rationally. Who can tell.

It doesn't look like that, said Hermione, still looking on. The papers say he was arrested after being overheard talking about the Death Eaters' secret plans in a bar. She looked up, confused. If he had the Imperius Curse, he wouldn't be talking about the Death Eaters' plans, would he?

It sounds like he's just exaggerating a little bit, said Ron. Isn't he the one who claimed in front of Veela that he was going to be the Minister of Magic?

Yes, that's him, said Harry. I don't know what trick they're playing, as good as Stan is.

Maybe to make it look like they did something, Hermione frowned. People are panicking - do you know the parents of the Patil sisters wanting them to go home? And Heloise Midgen has gone back, her dad picked her up last night.

What! Ron glared at Hermione. But Hogwarts is safer than their home, that's for sure! We have Aurors guarding us, and so many new protective spells, and we have Dumbledore!

I don't think we've always had him, said Hermione quietly, casting a glance over the staff table. Didn't you notice that his seat was as often empty as Hagrid's this past week.

Harry and Ron looked up at the staff table. The principal's seat was indeed empty. Only then did Harry remember that he hadn't seen Dumbledore since the private lesson a week ago.

I think he left school to do... for the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione whispered. I mean...the whole situation looks serious, doesn't it?

Harry and Ron didn't answer, but Harry knew they were thinking of the same thing.

In a horrific turn of events the day before yesterday, Hannah Abbott was called out from herbal medicine class and informed of her mother's death. They hadn't seen Hannah since.

Apparently, this was an omen.

What did Dumbledore go to do? Ron looked at Fan Lin with a very obvious meaning.

Please, brother, I'm not Professor Traunie, and these days I'm just like you, staying here honestly...

Fan Lin looked at the empty principal's seat again, Maybe he will give me the answer next time, but not now, so I think we should finish what we are doing.

Five minutes later they left the Gryffindor table for the Quidditch pitch, passing Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. Harry, remembering what Hermione had said about the Patil sisters' parents wanting them out of Hogwarts, wouldn't be surprised that the two best friends were whispering distressedly.

What really surprised him was that when Ron walked past them, Parvati nudged Lavender slightly, and she turned her head and gave Ron a big smile. Ron winked at her, and returned an unpredictable smile. His gait immediately became a little pompous.

Harry held back the urge to laugh, the way Ron, he remembered, had held back the last time Malfoy stepped on Harry's nose.

Obviously, Ron has some new discoveries, like opening a new continent, and depending on the situation, everyone has noticed it.

And Fan Lin couldn't help laughing. It's hard to say what happened. It can be said that Lavender's eyes matched Ron's?


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