HP Magic Biography

Chapter 917 Dating

I have to admit that this made Harry suspicious, and it was still in a bad direction.

Now, Harry's scar was almost constantly in pain, especially when he was upset or happy about what happened to him.

This gave Harry a terrible feeling that he was slowly becoming an antenna for Voldemort's mood swings, and he was sure that this growing situation was definitely in the brain from the first class with Snape. Occlumency class begins.

To make matters worse, almost every night he dreamed that he was running down the corridors leading to the Department of Mysteries, and this dream came to him while he was standing in front of the dark door.

Maybe it's like an illness, said Hermione, listening very concerned when Harry told her. It's like a fever or something. It gets worse before it recovers.

Taking lessons with Snape also made it worse, Harry said feebly. The scar hurts me so much, and I'm tired of running down that corridor every night. He rubbed his forehead angrily. I just wish that door would open and stop me standing there staring at him

That's not interesting, Fan Lin said helplessly. Actually, Dumbledore didn't want you to dream about that hallway at all, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Professor Snape to teach you Occlumency. It's hard, but, Harry, it's very good for you. importance.

I'm learning, Harry said angrily. You're going to try and see if Snape is all about getting into your head. It's not a joke, you know

Maybe, said Ron slowly.

Maybe something Hermione asked impatiently.

Maybe it's not his own fault that Harry couldn't shut his mind, said Ron sullenly.

Suddenly Fan Lin's heart skipped a beat, Ron noticed something

What do you mean? Hermione asked.

Maybe Snape didn't really want to help Harry. They all stared at him. Ron looked at them both sullenly and meaningfully. Perhaps, he added, in a low voice, what he actually wanted to do was to open Harry's mind up a little more, to make it easier for You-Know-Who

Shut up, Ron, said Hermione a little angrily, how many times you've doubted Snape and how many times you've been right. Dumbledore believes him. He works for the Order of the Phoenix. gone.

He used to be a Death Eater, said Ron stubbornly, and we have no evidence that he actually changed sides.

Dumbledore trusted him, repeated Hermione, and if we can't trust Dumbledore, nobody else can.

Fan Lin was greatly relieved. He thought Ron had noticed something, but in fact Ron was not stupid at all. When he really thought about it

However, it must be admitted that this happened to Ron very rarely.

With so much to worry about, and so much to do, fifth year students with so much homework, often late into the night, conclave meetings and the Ordinary Wizarding Level exam, for Harry , and Snape's routine

Without anyone noticing, January passed so quickly.

Before anyone knew it, February had arrived, bringing with it warm, humid weather and news of a second visit to Hogsmeade.

In fact, Harry had rarely had time to talk to Cho since he had invited her to the village, and now he suddenly found out that he was going to spend a whole day with her on Valentine's Day, but he still didn't know what to do.

On February 14th, Harry dressed with particular care.

The owl delivered the mail just as he and Ron went to breakfast. Hedwig wasn't there. Harry thought she would, but Hermione had received a letter from a strange brown owl.

Almost out of time if I don't come today, she said, eagerly tearing open the letter and pulling out a small roll of parchment. Her eyes move from left to right,

While watching, a happy expression appeared on his face.

Listen, Harry, she said, looking up at him, this is very important. Can you meet me at the Three Broomsticks at noon today?

Well, I don't know, said Harry uncertainly. Cho probably wants me to spend the whole day with her. We haven't discussed what to do.

You'll bring her with you if that's the case, said Hermione eagerly, but you're coming

Well, well, why?

I don't have time to tell you, I have to write quickly. She rushed out of the hall, clutching the letter in one hand and a slice of toast in the other.

And you, Fan Lin, stop eating, hurry up

When Fan Lin put down the things in his hands in a hurry, and secretly took away a few slices of bread with magic, Hermione's excitement was written on his face, but Fan Lin didn't think it was worth seeing Rita. exciting place.

So busy that he almost forgot about Rita.

Don't worry, today's date, I will help you. Fan Lin still didn't forget to give Harry a look that you understand.

Are you going? Harry asked Ron as they left, but he shook his head gloomily. There's no way I'm going to Hogsmeade, Angelina wants us to train all day like it's going to help, we're the worst team I've ever seen. You should see Slope and Colin, It's pathetic, worse than me.

With that said, Ron sighed heavily, I don't understand why Angelina won't let me quit.

Because you're so good when you're normal, that's why, said Harry grumpily.

He found it difficult to empathize with Ron's situation, especially when he was willing to give up almost everything in order to participate in the upcoming match against Hufflepuff. Ron seemed to notice Harry's tone, and he didn't mention Quidditch for the rest of the breakfast, and when they parted later, they said their brief goodbyes in a slightly grim tone.

Ron went to the Quidditch pitch, and Harry, after using a teaspoon as a mirror to try to smooth his hair, went alone to join Cho Chang in the foyer, worried and wondering what they might say.

She was waiting for him by the oak door, looking very pretty in her long braided hair. Harry felt as though his feet would not move as he walked toward her, and was terrified to find his arms dangling stupidly around him.

Hi, Qiu was a little out of breath.

Hi, said Harry. They looked at each other for a moment, and then Harry said ummm let's go, then

Oh, yes. They joined the waiting line, and Filch was taking notes one by one. Their eyes occasionally met, and then they looked at each other and smiled, but neither of them spoke.

Harry was relieved when they stepped out into the fresh air, realizing that even walking in silence was better than standing stupidly.

The air outside is fresh and breezy. As they passed the Quidditch pitch, Harry saw Ron and Ginny flying past the tee and he felt sick, wishing he could train with them.

You really can't participate? Qiu asked. Harry turned his head to see her looking at him.

Yes, Harry sighed, I can't.

Remember when we first confronted each other, in third grade? she asked.

Yes, Harry smiled, you keep getting in my way.

And the Quidditch World Cup, do you remember, we saw Krum, and then he showed up at school.

Oh, I saw you too, remember we were in the same camp. The World Cup is awesome, isn't it?

They talked about the World Cup all the way out the door. Harry couldn't believe it was so easy to talk to her. In fact, it was no more difficult than talking to Ron and Hermione. He began to feel happier and more confident.

At this moment, a large group of Slytherin girls passed them, including Pansy. Parkinson's.

Potter and Chang, Pansy squealed, with a mocking smirk, ah, Chang, I think you have a problem with taste, at least Diggory is prettier.

The group of girls walked by, screaming and screaming while looking back at Harry and Cho exaggeratedly, leaving them in awkward silence. Harry couldn't talk about Quidditch anymore, and Cho, blushing slightly, looked at her feet.

So, where do you want to go? Harry asked Cho when they entered Hogsmeade. The street is full of students wandering around, looking at the shop window glass, the road is very chaotic.

Oh, I don't care, Cho shrugged, how about we go to the store or something?

walk forward. There was a huge notice posted on the glass outside, and some people in the village were looking at it. They parted as Harry and Cho walked past, and Harry realized he had seen pictures of the ten escaped Death Eaters. The notice, Orders from the Ministry of Magic, offered a reward of one thousand Galleons to any wizard with clues to an escape prisoner.

Quite weird, isn't it? whispered Cho, looking at the Death Eaters in the photo, remember when Sirius Black escaped and Hogsmew got dementors all over Hogsmell to hunt him down? But now ten Eaters The Apostles are gone, and there isn't a single Dementor here.

Yeah, Harry said, looking away from Bellatrix's face and looking down the street, yes, kind of weird.

He didn't regret not having dementors around, but what he thought about now was what their absence meant. Not only did they let the Death Eaters escape, but they refused to come and hunt them down, it seemed very likely that they had escaped the control of the Ministry of Magic.

Pictures of the ten Death Eaters were pasted on the glass windows of every shop. As Harry and Cho walked by the Honeydukes Candy Store, it started to rain, bean-sized drops hitting Harry's face and neck.

Well, would you like a cup of coffee? Qiu asked tentatively as the rain started to fall harder and harder. Okay, Harry looked around, where are you?

Oh, here's a nice place. Have you ever been to the teahouse at Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse? Qiu said cheerfully, leading him to a side road, and into a small teahouse, where Harry had never been. A place I didn't notice. It was a small, steamy place, and everything was decorated, reminding Harry of Umbridge's office.

What are you doing? Hermione looked at Fan Lin speechlessly.

I think it's a bit dry here. Fan Lin looked sternly until he stood up, and then watched Harry enter Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse. When Harry turned his head, he quickly hid aside, which made He Min seemed to have a headache.

Oh, I said, Fan Lin

Hey, don't think so, Fan Lin put his hands on Hermione's back, Didn't the two of them go in?

So, you taught Harry


How to communicate. Hermione said a little badly, What is more sensitive and what can't be said?

Uh... Fan Lin thought about it carefully, Harry should know something in his mind, or, let's go over and take a look, and then I'll take you back to the Three Broomsticks.

It's cute, isn't it? Qiu asked happily.

Uh, yes. Harry lied, in fact, he couldn't see the beauty of it at all, and it always reminded her of Umbridge, who ruined a color system by himself.

Look, it's specially decorated for Valentine's Day, Qiu said, pointing to some golden little angels, which were hovering above each small round table, throwing some pink paper to the people below from time to time crumbs.

Ah They sat down at an empty table, next to the steamy glass. Roger. Davies, Ravenclaw's Quidditch captain, sat at a table a foot and a half away, next to a pretty blonde girl, and they held each other's hands.

The image made Harry a little uncomfortable, especially when he looked around and saw that it was full of couples, all holding hands. Maybe Cho wanted him to hold her hand too.

What do you want, my dear? asked Mrs. Puddiffe, a very stocky, stocky woman with shining black hair, who was pushing her way between their table and Roger's.

Two cups of coffee, thank you, Cho said. Before coffee came, Roger Davies and his girlfriend started kissing over their sugar bowl. Harry really hoped that they wouldn't do this, he felt that Da Weisi was setting an example, maybe Qiu would ask him to follow suit later, but vaguely, he had some expectations, Fan Lin was right, maybe autumn can be

Harry felt his face start to burn, and tried to look out of the window, but the moisture on the windowpane was so heavy that he couldn't see the street clearly. In order not to look at Qiu, he looked towards the ceiling, as if to check the paint on it, but was smeared with confetti by the hovering little angel.

The door opened again, and Harry felt that figure was familiar, but he didn't dare to look back at me, the atmosphere here made her look a little embarrassed

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