Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 189 My doctor is terrible

Madam Yun's tattoo of flying wings on Lu Ye's back helped a lot. Seeing Lu Ye soaring into the sky, the three Wanmo Ridge cultivators were obviously taken aback. They obviously didn't expect Lu Ye to have such abilities.

For a moment, the red light transformed by Lu Ye flew in front of him in mid-air, and three spiritual lights of different colors flew behind him, dragging out a long strip of light.

Tattoos are not something that every low-level monk can have. Looking at the entire Kyushu, there are not many spirit tattoo masters, but there are even fewer people who can get tattoos on low-level monks. It can be said that the entire Kyushu In the practice world, there are no more than twenty such spirit pattern masters.

Madam Yun is one of them! If it wasn't for the face of the head teacher, she would not take it lightly.

Lu Ye flew straight for a distance of several tens of feet, and the sense of crisis behind him slowly dissipated. Looking back, the spirit weapons of those people had been taken back. It was obvious that Lu Ye had escaped their attack range.

There is also a limit to killing the enemy with an imperial weapon. For a few seventh-level monks, thirty feet is the farthest distance. If it is farther, their connection with the spiritual weapon will be cut off.

Seeing Lu Ye running away, the three of them looked at each other in dismay, not knowing whether to chase them or not. It was just now that Lu Ye's beheading of their two magicians really made them afraid, but Lu Ye's cultivation base was also exposed in front of their eyes, one was only at the sixth level, the other two A cultivator of the Haotian League was also seriously injured. It can be said that the best choice at this moment is to chase and kill them, and not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

But the small island on the opposite side is after all someone else's territory, so it's not a good thing to rush after it, in case someone else sets a trap there...

Among other things, as long as there are a few Haotianmeng monks ambushing there, they will be in trouble, although this possibility is unlikely.

After a moment of hesitation, the three of them discussed briefly and decided that the ghost would sneak in and investigate the situation.

Among the six major systems of monks, ghost cultivators are the best at attacking and sneaking in. However, because the cultivators Lu Ye meets are not high-level, even if he encounters some ghost cultivators, the characteristics of this aspect are not obvious. When it is not high, there is not much difference between ghost repair and soldier repair.

Only when those ghost cultivators have enough cultivation, the advantages of ghost cultivators will be brought into play slowly.

But as we all know, the ghost cultivator is the fastest runner, so the heavy responsibility of investigating the enemy's situation must fall on the ghost cultivator. Even if he is a little reluctant, there is no better way to deal with it at this moment.

Under the cover of his two companions, the ghost repairer successfully sneaked into the small island of Lu Ye and the others. After investigating from afar, he soon brought back a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that there is indeed another person over there, but that person also only has the cultivation base of the sixth level.

The bad news is that that person is a doctor, and he is currently helping the two injured Haotianmeng monks to heal their injuries!

Hearing this feedback, both the body repairer and the soldier repairer were stunned. They really couldn't figure out which sect's guardian envoy and deputy envoy they were. It's just that they were both at the sixth level, and there was actually a doctor among them.

You must know that even if medical practitioners can also train in other factions, because it takes a lot of time to study medical skills, among the monks of the same level, the strength of medical practitioners is the worst.

During the Lingxi garrison battle, there were basically no medical practitioners. In this kind of place, most of them fought against the enemy. If they were not strong enough, they would die sooner or later. What's the use of bringing a medical practitioner? Waiting for his own people to be chopped into dozens of pieces and stitched up corpses?

Therefore, the three people in Wanmo Ridge really couldn't figure out which down-and-out sect this was that had such an astonishing operation.

But they knew that they couldn't wait any longer. The opponent had a doctor, and once the two seriously injured Haotianmeng monks were healed, they would recover their combat effectiveness. At that time, they would fight three against four!

It must be shot as soon as possible, and the two cannot be given time to recover.

Make sure to pay attention, and the three of Wanmo Ridge immediately headed towards the opposite island, discussing at the same time, let the ghost cultivator entangle Lu Ye, they have learned a lot about Lu Ye's previous methods, and know that this guy cannot be regarded as an ordinary sixth floor Looking at the environment, I don't expect Ghost Cultivator to kill Lu Ye. As long as we procrastinate, when the two of them solve the three Haotian League members, they can fight three times. Even if Lu Ye can fly, he will die .

At the same time, Hua Ci, who was healing two Haotianmeng monks, looked up at Lu Ye who was beside him.

Lu Ye understood.

"Are you here?" the body repairer asked.


Ti Xiu reluctantly stood up, holding his large shield spirit weapon, sighing in his heart, after all, he still couldn't escape this disaster, and smiled at Lu Ye: "It's hurting you, I will try my best to block them."

The female cultivator also stood up, holding two short saber spirit weapons in her hands.

Although they were healed by Hua Ci, the time was too short, and all Hua Ci could do was help them stop the bleeding first.

The female cultivator seemed to want to say something to Lu Ye, but she didn't say anything in the end. Lu Ye slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist, and said calmly: "Don't fight with them, if they dare to come here, this is the place where they will be buried .”

Both the physical and female cultivators were surprised. They didn't know where he had such confidence. Although there were four people on his side, the odds of victory were not high.

"My family's doctor is terrible!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ye clenched the Panshan knife tightly in his hand. In his vision, the figures of the three people from Wanmo Ridge had rushed towards them, but before they arrived, three streamers of light flew over.

The burly physicist shouted loudly, stood in front of the crowd, and smashed the large spiritual weapon shield in his hand to the ground. When the spiritual power was activated, a thick barrier immediately appeared on the large shield, covering his side. All four stood behind them.

There were tinkling sounds, and every sound made the body tremble slightly, but his feet stood there as if they had taken root, standing still.

With the enemy's attack, the barrier of the great shield spirit weapon began to shatter, but Lu Ye and the female cultivator had already rushed out left and right.

The two short knives flew out from the female cultivator's hands, and one of them also used the way of the imperial weapon to attack the opponent, forcing the military cultivator in Wanmo Ridge to use his spiritual weapon to resist.

At the same time, Lu Ye was also urging his spells to hit that ghost.

The scene was very lively for a while, and the fluctuations of spiritual power came and went one after another.

Hua Ci, who was hiding behind the large shield of the spiritual weapon, slowly raised her hand, and with the urging of her spiritual power, she pinched a spell.

In the next moment, the expressions of the three people in Wanmo Ridge changed suddenly, because the spiritual power in their bodies suddenly became obscure and sluggish, which caused their strength to plummet instantly, and the power of their attacks attenuated significantly.

Not only that, but all three of them felt that something had come out of the seven orifices, making it difficult to breathe and blocking vision. As those things grew, their spiritual power quickly disappeared.

This time the three of them were quite frightened.

Lu Ye had already rushed in front of the ghost cultivator, and the long knife in his hand fell off, blood splattering...

Thirty breaths later, the battle ended when one's body repairer's spiritual weapon shield smashed the opponent's body repairer's head.

Lu Ye put the saber back into its sheath, Hua Ci's expression was calm, only her body and female cultivators looked at her with complicated expressions.

Lu Ye said before that his family's doctor was terrible, but they didn't think too much about it, they only thought how terrible the doctor could be? The world's perception of medical practice is always to save lives and heal the wounded.

It wasn't until now that they realized that this doctor is really scary!

They didn't even see what happened, they only knew that the three of Wanmo Ridge suddenly gave birth to many small mushrooms in the seven orifices on the way, and then their strength plummeted. Three solved.

I have never heard of such a treacherous method in this world, and their respective sects also have some doctors, but no doctor can compare with this one!

The two of them had a vague feeling that this gentle female doctor might have had some kind of adventure or inheritance, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for her to have such a terrifying ability.

"Heal your wounds." Lu Ye said, and began to clean the battlefield.

Hua Ci looked at the two of them, and asked softly, "Which of the two will come first?"

The body repairer and the female repairer looked at each other, and said in unison: "He!"

As if aware of something, Hua Ci smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, I won't plant mushrooms on you."

Ti Xiu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Junior Sister Lan, come first, I can still resist."

The three recovered from their wounds here, Lu Ye put away the storage bags and spiritual artifacts on the ground, and dragged the bodies of the three to the beach and threw them down.

Afterwards, he ran to another small island, packed up the belongings of the people who had been killed before, and did the same with the corpses.

After a stick of incense, Lu Ye returned with a strange expression, holding something in his hand.

"Junior Brother Yiye!" The female cultivator has recovered from her injuries, but it will take some time for her injuries to recover.

"Senior Sister Lan!" Lu Ye looked at her with a smile: "We meet again."

Although I saved the other party before, but time is running out, and there is no time to reminisce about the past, until now.

This female cultivator is indeed Lan Yudie from Zixia Mountain. More than two months ago, when Lu Ye's identity was exposed and countless monks in Wanmo Ridge intercepted and killed him, it was Lan Yudie who led Zixia Mountain who was the first to find her. Shang Luye, and then supported him all the way.

During that period of escape, Lu Ye received the support of many people, but the one who impressed me the most was Lan Yudie.

One is that she was the first to find her, and the other is that the two of them spend the longest time together. The other people who protect Lu Ye are sometimes forced to fight the monks of Wanmo Ridge as soon as they come into contact with Lu Ye.

When she finally separated from Lan Yudie, she and some people from Beidou Sect were being besieged by people from Wanmo Ridge, but Lu Ye took the initiative to expose her whereabouts and lured away many people from Wanmo Ridge.

Afterwards, he also communicated with Lan Yudie to confirm her safety.

It's just that Lu Ye didn't expect to meet the opponent in the Lingxi guard battle. Her presence here means that she is also a guard envoy or deputy envoy.

"Thank you for saving my life, Junior Brother." Lan Yudie said seriously.

Lu Ye shook his head: "If it wasn't for my senior sister's support all the way that day, I wouldn't be where I am today. Speaking of which, I want to thank my senior sister."

"Then we'll make it even." Lan Yudie smiled slightly.

Before Lu Ye could speak, Hua Ci, who was healing the body at the side, blinked her big innocent eyes: "Didn't you tell me last time that you should give your life to save your life?"

"Ah? Last time?" Lan Yudie looked at Lu Ye in surprise.

Lu Ye's face darkened: "Don't pay attention to her, my doctor likes to talk crazy things."

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