At this moment, the girl unknowingly came to a library.

Stepping into the door of the library is like entering another world.

Almost all kinds of books in physics, chemistry, machinery, electronics, medicine, philosophy, history, art, religion, and libraries are quite complete. Entering here is like entering an ocean of books.

Everything is like a peculiar ritual. Walking among the narrow and dark bookshelves, the silent dust on the spine of the book makes people's breath settle, as if worry has disturbed the immortal souls under the floor between the pages here, when the fingertips I inadvertently brushed the groove carved on the oak desk hundreds of years ago, and when I looked up and caught a glimpse of the gentle gaze of the giant portrait on the wall gazing into the distance, the feeling of being one with the library came to my mind.

However, after searching for a long time, the girl Walter didn't seem to find the book she wanted.

Although, the girl Walter didn't expect too much in the first place.

"...Sure enough, although this kind of library is full of books, is it still difficult to find magazines that introduce tourist places in London?"

Naturally speaking to herself, just when the girl Walter didn't achieve her goal and was a little distressed.

——At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the girl Walter.

——And this is the first meeting of the girls Walter and May!



"…You are?"

Looking at the stranger in front of her, the girl Walter was a little nervous.

However, the person in front of him had a similar temperament to a certain natural scroll doctor, which made the girl Walter let down a little bit of caution.

Obviously, although it was only a short day, Liesel Einstein really made the girl Walter feel at ease.

Then, the calm girl Walter began to seriously look at the existence in front of her.

"Hello, Walter, you can call me Mei."

Of course, May also noticed that the girl Walter was carefully observing her appearance, but May did not take it to heart. To a certain extent, May had already evaluated the girl Walter's psychology in advance.

Next, the conversation between the two of them for the first time can be said to be exceptionally smooth. During the period, it may be the time from the second generation Walter Joachim to correct a certain Finn who also appeared on the scene and brushed his face, but this is a small matter.

The most important thing is that after the dialogue, the girl Walter knew May's intention.

So, things went like this...

"…long time no see."

It is still Laboratory 42 of the Imperial Academy.

But here I want to say that the single-family 42 laboratory is a newly built work villa after the war. In this era, it is an advanced and avant-garde design that integrates work and life.

Among them, the second floor, needless to say, belongs to the area of ​​residential areas and private laboratories.

However, the first floor is equipped with a study, workshop, guest room, various kitchen and bathroom facilities, and even a secret warehouse with a safety door.

At this moment, the conversation between Mei and the girl Ayin happened in the guest room on the first floor.

[However, why do I always feel that the atmosphere between the two is a bit weird. 】

Of course, to outsiders, such as the girl Walter, the radio waves between Mei and the girl Ain at this time are a bit strange.

It's just that neither Mei nor the girl Ai Yin seems to have this self-consciousness.

"By the way, why haven't I seen the colleague named Tesla you mentioned."

At this moment, Mei put down the coffee cup in her hand, and the beautiful eyes under the black frame also moved to the opposite side.

"Dr. Tesla, she's sleeping upstairs!"

And the girl Ain's answer seemed to be very spiritual.



Chapter 79 Weird Dreams and Documents 3k

Before I knew it, it had been nearly a year since May and the girl Liesel Einstein met.

Of course, for Mei and the girl Ayin, who both have near-hypermechanics, the first meeting is still vivid in my mind.

"Don't mention Dr. Tesla. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you want to go out for a meal together? It seems to be lunch time now. I remember that in your East Asian circles, there seems to be a way of talking about things while eating. custom!"

No, the atmosphere of the dialogue between the two is quite friendly now.

"...This, let's do it next time!"

However, in the face of the invitation of the girl Ai Yin, Mei still refused.

The reason is simple...

"...Look at it, I have a letter from you here."

Taking out the letter in her hand, Mei didn't say much.

But obviously the girl Ai Yin is also a smart person.

"The letter from the North American branch, I thought it would be the Finn who delivered the letter, but I didn't expect that it was actually delivered by Dr. MEI yourself. By the way, Dr. MEI, you have been in the United States for the past few months, Planck. How is the situation on the teacher's side?"

At this moment, the girl Aiyin directly grasped the essence of the problem.

And May's answer is also interesting.

"If the situation in the North American branch is a little delicate today..."

At this point, Mei's words stopped, but everything was already in the words.

It seems that in this time and space, the establishment of anti-entropy is only a matter of time, and Mei seems to have the willingness to intervene in the establishment of anti-entropy.

However, thinking about it, whether it is for continuous looping in time and space, or for control within one of the three future organizations in this parallel world, it would be strange if Mei did not intervene in the establishment of anti-entropy.

At the same time, after receiving Mei's answer, the girl Aiyin also understood something in her heart.

So, the girl Ayin took the letter and opened it. She scanned the contents of the letter at a glance, and the girl Ayin was only stunned for a moment.

"...Well, Walter, you go upstairs and wake up Dr. Tesla."

Then, Liesel Einstein's words directly instructing the girl Walter revealed what happened next.

Only the girl Walter was still a little stunned at this time. Also, whether it was the previous conversation between Mei and the girl Aine, or the task that the girl Aine suddenly gave him, the girl Walter probably didn't understand what was going on.

However, despite this, in the end, the girl Walter followed the instructions of a certain black-bellied natural volume doctor, so with a flutter of chickens, Dr. Tesla was also woken up.



Next, the timeline begins to speed up.

Girl Walter's point of view.

From London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, across the Atlantic to the United States of America.

The reason is that Dr. Einstein received a letter from the other side of the ocean from the newly-acquainted Miss May—

The specific content does not need to be repeated too much. In short, it seems that a person called "Schrödinger" invited Dr. Einstein and others to go to the United States.

Then, things turned out like this.

According to the itinerary, it takes eight hours to fly from London to New York alone.

Then transfer to Chicago.

In theory, that's another two hours.

Finally continue to transfer to Billings.

Still two hours.

And that doesn't include the waiting time when boarding a connecting flight - albeit a VIP.

During this period, possibly because of the fatigue of the journey, the girl Walter fell asleep on the plane, but the girl Walter had a nightmare.

Fire, fire like never before.

It was accompanied by a manic laughter full of magic.

Of course, that's all there is to it.

Most importantly, the girl Walter saw a familiar figure in her dream.


Unfortunately, the dream was over before the girl Walter could speak.

The camera turns to New York International Airport.

After more than ten hours of flight across five time zones, although it is now night in London, the afterglow of the sunset can still be seen here.

"...You look a little bad, Walter."

"Uh, sorry, I had a nightmare, Dr. Einstein."

At this moment, in the airport, the girl Ain was talking to the girl Walter.

It seems that a certain natural volume doctor discovered the abnormality of the girl Walter.

However, to be honest, the girl Walter doesn't know how to explain it to Dr. Einstein.

【The dream from before... 】

The girl Walter felt quite distressed in her heart as she took a hidden look at Mei's back not far away.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Ah, that's eight hours, and there's a four-hour flight to come."

It may be because of the long flight, a red-haired doctor with two ponytails seems to be a little unhappy.

"Oh, Dr. Tesla is really impatient."

However, seeing Tesla's appearance, someone spoke.

The speaker is about thirty years old, with a frivolous tone and a strange English tone, the man is the ancient script expert Elias Nokian Vitanen (nicknamed Finn, also Joachim, that is, two. Dewalt's father).

This time, due to some special reasons, there may also be time correction factors, and the Finn also followed.

Of course, even though he was the only man in the group, the presence of a certain Finn did not seem very high before.

At the very least, May completely ignored a certain Finn. Although a certain Finn was the biological father of the future second-generation Walter, in May's heart, a certain Finn who died at the hands of Otto soon did not need special attention. value.

At this moment, May just glanced thoughtfully at Walter, the girl behind her.

Apparently, the gaze that the girl Walter had observed before was felt by Mei.

But yes, although it is not the body, what Mei is using now is a special body capable of hitting 250,000 magnetic fields.

【What is it just now? 】

It's a pity that May has not waited for May to seriously think about the meaning behind the strange look of the girl Walter not long ago.

At this time, a certain red-haired double ponytail suddenly appeared in front of Mei.



Needless to say, the red-haired double ponytail that appeared in front of Mei was naturally a girl Tesla.

And, as you can see, a certain redhead with two ponytails has just gotten into an argument with another Finn.

"What's wrong."

However, Mei is not a person without emotional intelligence or gossip. At this time, Mei directly asked the red-haired double ponytail's purpose.

"Well, it was not easy to talk on the plane before. In fact, I have always wanted to get to know you, Dr. MEI. I have heard of your research results, which are really amazing."

Of course, a certain red-haired double ponytail has no intention of concealing it.

"Where, I have also heard of your name, Frederica Nikola Tesla, the legendary genius physicist."

So, along with May's reply and business exchanges, it seems that an academic dialogue is about to start.

But in fact, at this time, two unfamiliar Destiny came to break the original state of affairs.

Because, the two destined guests brought one thing.

——Yes, it is the Dead Sea document.

Speaking of the name of the Dead Sea document, many non-religious people may have heard of it.

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