Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 3 Enter Greedy Island

Sitting on the stepped table, Roy soon saw Peng Si and his party walking in one after another.

A group of 6 people, all present.

The next situation doesn't need Roy to pay more attention.

Waited quietly, and soon all the qualified players arrived.

Gon and Killua were also among them.

What followed was Jue Zijuela's explanation of the employment situation this time.

To be honest, this thing is not a big deal.

It's nothing more than explaining the various regulations, signing the contract, and gathering information at the train station at night.

It's very simple, but most of them are favorable conditions for Batra's side.

For employees like Roy, there is only one thing that matters.

The card after customs clearance belongs to Bartra, but the person who clears the customs can get a reward of 50 billion precepts.

This is an extremely large amount.

Even if it is converted into soft sister coins, it is still 5 billion.

For those powerful Nen or nothing.

But for those third-rate nen, there are too many second-rate nen.

If it weren't for the fact that Biscuit wanted the sapphire named 'Blue Planet', it would be impossible for an existence like her to appear in a game like Greedy Island.

After quickly reading the contract, the six of Roy directly signed their names.

Of course, Machi and the others use pseudonyms, but they have pseudonyms that fit the identity.

"Well, can Roy help us look at this contract?" Just as Roy was about to call someone to leave and go back to prepare, he saw Gon walking over with Killua.

Roy did not refuse such a simple request for help, "Don't worry about signing, as long as you don't plan to grab the card, this contract can be signed."

"Great, thank you, Roy." Gon shouted thanks to Roy

Then he and Killua happily ran to the place where the contract was signed.

"Do you know" `?" Biscuit looked at the two running away strangely, his eyes narrowed.

"The Hunter of the same class." Roy didn't introduce too much, because it wasn't necessary.

Biscuit didn't ask these questions, what he did in such a detailed introduction.

Without any delay, the group returned to King Grand Hotel.

Start packing up.

In fact, Roy and Pengsi have nothing to pack, their belongings are in Roy's kingdom of God.

It's just that Machi and the three of them need to collect these things, so they will return to the hotel.

Soon, the three of Machi packed up what they needed.

Then called Roy to their room to help put them away.

In the beginning Franklin and Shizuku were fine, nothing happened.

But when it came to Machi, things changed again.

"You really can't stand it for a long time." Roy sighed, but he didn't reject Machi's actions. After all, he also liked this kind of martial arts competition.

While Roy and Machi were exchanging martial arts, Biscuit, who was waiting in room 525, was very puzzled.

"What's going on over there?" Biscuit pointed to the next room "Aren't you that kid's girlfriend?"

Peng Si hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "Our situation is a bit special, so..."

"Really." Biscuit glanced at Peng Si's situation, and it didn't seem like a lie. He was silent for a while, nodded and stopped paying attention to this matter.

After all, this is the matter of Roy and Peng Si, and she is not easy to meddle in it.

Time flies, more than half an hour has passed since the transfer.

Biscuit, who was a little impatient and curious, saw Roy and a radiant Machi walk in from the door.

The six people didn't say much, and took a taxi directly to Youkexin's train station.

After a while, 6 people arrived at the train station.

And here, Roy and his party saw many players who passed the assessment before.

After waiting for a while, Roy and his party took the train to the destination provided by Batra.

This time the journey took several days of time for Roy and the others.

And for these three days, Machi was patient and patient.

In the end, I couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to take Roy to the toilet of the train.

How can this be, Roy still doesn't want to be listened to by a kind of competitor.

As a last resort, Roy took Machi into the Kingdom of God.

In this area where there is no one [Machi] that is completely open.

I don't know where I learned the posture, but once I used it on Roy, my martial arts improved greatly.

Time flies, the train came to an old castle.

Roy and others were brought out by Juezijuela and entered the castle by train, and then went around to the basement of the castle.

And here, a lot of Greedy Island game machines have already been placed.

Seeing the main topic, Juezijuela immediately conducted a game of finger-guessing to decide who would enter the game first.

Roy, whose speed is much faster than other players, easily got into the first position.

There was black and white in front of him, and Roy appeared in a room that looked like a game world.

It was a room made up of a kind of mind pattern, and the appearance of this kind of mind pattern reminded Roy of what he had neglected some time ago.

The existence of the Nianwen is very magical, Roy wants to know now, whether this thing can help him complete the key to guiding the nuclear transformation.

It's just that now is not the time to study these.

After looking around for a while, Roy walked directly towards the opened door.

After passing a (Li Nuozhao) exactly the same aisle.

Roy came to a woman wearing a sci-fi helmet and sitting on a suspended sci-fi workbench.

Roy is not Gon, he cannot be viewed differently by the woman in front of him.

Therefore, like most players, he simply introduced to Roy how to use the ring, and how to collect and use cards.

In fact, there are not many introductions, if you just watch videos or text descriptions.

Maybe it will be faster.


Elena is not only in charge of commentary here, but also enters the information of new players into the system.

Work is important because information is not entered into the system.

When using cards, there will be a lack of usage targets.

So, the workbench under Elena's seat is actually very important, and Yang is very powerful. .

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