Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 26 Muscle Enhancer Effect Takes Effect

The 'breath of the archangel' has no entity at all.

In this situation, it was hard for Roy to believe that he could really occupy this kind of thing.

However, he hasn't tried it yet, and Roy doesn't know if he can succeed, so he still plans to get the 'breath of the archangel' first.

These are things that will come slowly in the future, right now.


A day later, Roy drank a bottle of muscle-enhancing medicine into his stomach again.

After drinking the potion, Roy started his own practice. During this period of time, he had less time for practice, and he was always held back by the 'returning postcards for the dead' and 'witch's rejuvenation medicine' thought.

This is very bad, Roy knows it, don't look at the fact that Roy got the rejuvenation drug because of this matter, "507" seems to be very profitable.

But, at this point, it can already be seen that Roy's current state of mind is still far behind.

Even because the 'witch's rejuvenating medicine' can't increase lifespan, they got entangled.

Although for others, Roy's mood is already strong.

However, Roy himself felt that he was not good enough.

After all, he is the one who will enter the Dark Continent in the future.

If you can't be calm in front of the ringing of hell, what kind of mood is it?

So, in order to avoid this situation, Roy decided to strengthen his will.

At any time in the world, the most feared thing is a loyal minister.

Especially Roy also possesses supernatural energy - Nianqi!

Faith is actually the mind, the spirit, and the heart.

Roy wants to sublimate his mind and spirit, and move towards a higher level. This should not be difficult for a person like him who has extremely high spiritual energy.

He wants to strengthen his belief, he wants to lead to the road of immortality as a mortal.

He has no exercises, no references, only one trustworthy minister.

He believes that he can succeed, that his path is not wrong, even if it is crooked, as long as he keeps going, he will eventually reach the end.

It was difficult, but the existence of the Kingdom of God gave him such a chance.

At this time, Roy opened the mailbox again, and as expected, the reply letter from his mother was put in it again.

Roy opened it and finally understood why his mother asked him to do charity.

Having confirmed the importance of good deeds, Roy did not dare to delay.

There is only a large list of names at the back, Roy is very helpless.

Because, only the name is written on it, but there is no address.

He can't hold a press conference directly.

To be honest, if you do this, you may not be able to let the people on the list know about these things.

Besides, he estimated that no one would believe it.

In this case, Roy also had to write back to Maggie and talk about it.

Then, every day of Roy, several things are going on.

In the morning, after drinking the muscle-enhancing potion, Roy took Pengsi and Machi to start their Nianqi practice.

In order to stabilize growth, Roy used the forceful breakthrough effect after the reduction of the Kingdom of God from time to time.

It's just that until now, Roy has not opened up this point to Machi, and he has to wait for Lian.

In the afternoon, Roy led people to collect various cards.

Any card will do as long as it is what they need.

The collection method is not fixed.

The normal collection and the cards you grab are considered as extra income.

In this way, the time has come to the 7th day since Roy drank "Dr. Crazy's muscle enhancer.

After casually throwing away the empty bottle of muscle-enhancing agent in his hand, Roy stood where he was, quietly waiting for the muscle-enhancing agent to take effect.

In fact, at this time, Roy's mood was also very tangled.

After all, this is a thought tool he took over, whether it will work or not is still unknown.

He can only hope now that these thinking tools are not useless things.

In the end, it was Roy himself who thought too much, these 'Crazy Doctor's muscle enhancers are not useless.

Even Roy's muscle-enhancing supplements do work.

Now, Roy can obviously feel his muscles are slowly heating up, as if something is strengthening his muscles.

"Hey, the effect is obvious."

Roy gritted his teeth and persisted, with a joyful expression on his face.

ten minutes later.

For ten full minutes, this is the time when Roy feels his muscles are on fire, and it is also the time when he feels his muscles are strengthened.

It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not bad, and it won't make Roy faint directly.

At this moment, Roy felt as if he had just taken a shower, the sweat all over his body directly spread all over his skin, and now the clothes on Roy's body were already soaked.

So when his muscles were no longer hot, Roy directly took off his clothes to keep the sweat away from his skin.

Then, without saying a word, he rushed directly into the bathroom and was showered with cold water.

"Huh, ah~ It's icy cold." In the bathroom, Roy stood west and washed his clothes, expressing that it was very cool.

Then, Roy turned his attention a little bit to himself.

"It's increased by a ton! My original strength is 63 tons, and this one-ton increase means that my strength has reached 64 tons.

Isn't it true that a set of muscle-enhancing potions can increase strength by 1 ton?"

Roy analyzed his situation and expressed his doubts.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to increase the strength by 10 tons with 70 bottles of the muscle enhancer for that card, which is 101.6 groups!"

Roy looked at his hands with bright eyes.

Although it takes 70 days to finish drinking 70 bottles.

However, given his current situation, even if he was running the Nian Qi Body Refining Technique all day, it would be impossible for him to increase his strength by another 10 tons in a year.

"I just don't know if there is a limit to the enhancement effect of this kind of thinking device, and whether the enhancement effect will be weakened next time. 11

Roy said with some considerations, "Forget it, it's useless to say so much, we can only know what kind of situation it is until the next enhancement takes effect."

After speaking, Roy started laughing again.

He thought of his own strength enhancement problem again, and increased by 1 ton, which was much faster than Roy's own difficult training, so he couldn't help but laugh. .

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