Hunter: My Grandpa Is Netero

Chapter 80: Fear Of Spiders, Retreat Temporarily

Roy's decision, Peng Si did not refute.

The two of them didn't stay long, and walked directly to the outside of the auction market.

And just when Roy and Peng Si were about to leave the auction market.

Chrollo and Machi all joined together.

With the help of Shizuku, the bacteria in the bodies of Nobunaga and Pakunoda were easily sucked out-.

"Damn! That bastard!" Nobunaga shouted angrily

Thinking of Roy's previous situation, and his own situation of being a mermaid, the anger in Nobunaga's heart became stronger.

"Leader, we can't be divided into groups anymore. With the surveillance methods of those two people, it is difficult for us to find them. We can only wait for them to come to us." Pakunoda looked at Chrollo with a guilty conscience and said

Chrollo didn't answer, but looked around and asked, "Where's Kube?"

After saying this, Machi became even more silent.

"Kubi is dead, killed by that guy named Roy." Nobunaga said this silent fact in a deep voice.

"Leader, find him, I'll deal with him!" Feitan interrupted

Pakunoda loudly denied Feitan's words at this time, "No, we can't contact that person anymore, he will die."

"Pike, do you know what you're talking about?" Feitan looked at Pakunoda blankly.

"That's right, those words are very annoying!"

Phinks was angry at the fact that he was bullied by Pengsi, but Pakunoda said at this time, how could he bear it.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about." Pakunoda froze, as if thinking of something terrible.

Chrollo looked at Pakunoda's state, and asked slowly, "What's the reason?"

"That person's hands are very dangerous, and Kubi's head was severed the moment it touched it, and the fracture was very neat.

That is definitely not a knife cut, nor a wire cut, but another sharper method.

Pakunoda said seriously what he saw, "That person's strength is very strong, and his speed is comparable to that of Machi.

Can you be in the hands of such a person without being touched by his hands at all!"

Pakunoda's words silenced the spiders present.

But Machi, at this time, has more than one heart to spare.

Fortunately, I tied the man's hands directly from the beginning, otherwise Parker and I would be dead bodies now.

Chrollo pondered, then looked up at the spiders in front of him.

If what Pakunoda said is correct, most of the spiders present might not be able to last a round when they met Roy.

It's just that Chrollo is more interested in Roy and Pence now.

Before, he was only paying attention to Pence, but now, Roy has also entered his list.

"Pike, let me see." Chrollo said slowly to Pakunoda

"Pike, give me that too." Feitan raised his hand to join the progress.

Soon, all spiders intend to accept this memory of Pakunoda, except Nobunaga and Machi who are on the scene.

bang bang bang~

Without hesitation, Pakunoda directly realized the memory bullet, and then shot Chrollo and the others in the head.

For a while, the scene fell silent.

Minutes later!

The spiders who opened their eyes again took a strange look at Machi, then frowned and thought about what Roy's Nen was.

Faced with this kind of sight, Machi was indifferent on the surface, but in his heart he was extremely ashamed and indignant.

If given the chance, she would like to bite Roy to death.

"Those two people, the woman has the ability to attack in a large area, and if they are not handled properly, they can even cause a large number of deaths.

And the male is even more outrageous, actually possessing that kind of powerful single-target killing method.

One strong and one strong, if you can't deal with them at the same time, if you offend them, it's really not a good thing. "

Franklin's words got the approval of the spiders.

However, it still couldn't stop Chrollo's peeping of Roy and Peng Si's Nen.

"Go back first, what's the situation with Uvogin."

Chrollo gave an order and his body rushed to the temporary base first.

...asking for flowers...0

"I don't know, I heard from Shalnark that he is helping Uvogin find the chainhand." Franklin responded in a silly voice.

Feitan walked quickly to Chrollo's side, "Captain, are you not going to do anything?"

"Of course not. When Uvogin comes back, we will immediately go to the town of Pauillac and force them to confront us." Chrollo calmly confided his plan.

"It's a good way, this will destroy the large-scale combat capabilities of those two people, and Roy only has one pair of hands, as long as they are entangled, then Roy will not be your opponent, leader.

Hisoka squinted and grinned as he ran behind Chrollo's group.

Roy and Pence, who didn't know what Chrollo was paying attention to, had already returned to the hotel.


"Roy, what do we do now?"

Peng Si stood beside Roy, looking out of the window, "The spiders shouldn't let us off so easily, I'm worried they will attack my parents."

Hearing this, Roy touched his chin, feeling that what Peng Si said was not unreasonable.

"Don't worry, they don't have time for this kind of thing." Roy patted the back of Peng Si's hand lightly, comforting Peng Si.

"You intend to continue to deal with them!"

Peng Si looked at Roy in surprise, "But, if we want to continue to deal with them, why should we run back?"

"Because they are too concentrated, we have done a lot of things in vain, we have to find their breakthroughs, and then let them separate.

The most important thing is that the woman who can absorb bacteria must not be kept. No matter if she is killed or fainted, she cannot have the opportunity to help absorb bacteria.

Roy looked at the street outside, but he couldn't stop laughing when he recalled this feat of trying to use two people against a dozen people.

Although his appearance is indeed higher than that of everyone in Phantom Troupe.

However, fighting is not just about showing strength.

Spiritual outlook, experience, fighting wisdom, character, Nen, and the right time and place.

Various factors will affect the comprehensive combat effectiveness of a nen fighter... only.

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