Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 152 Cooperate to assassinate gold and silver ingots!

Kuru Mountain is more than 3,700 meters high. With the speed of Joey and Yi Mi, it only took less than ten minutes to climb this mountain.

This is still the case where neither of them has accelerated. If they ran at full speed, they would be faster.

Yi Mi didn't have any indication that Joey could keep up with his speed.

The doors of the Hakka House were extremely huge, and Joey knew that it would take unparalleled strength to open all the doors. However, as a guest, Yi Mi directly opened the door and took him in.

As for the old man guarding the door, by the time he arrived, Joey and Yi Mi had already entered and disappeared.

Although he had expected that it would be easy to enter and defeat the enemy's Hakka, entering like this still made Joey feel that it was too easy.

"I won't show you anything. After I meet my great-grandfather, I will watch you leave." Yi Mi's voice was emotionless.

Joey didn't mind either. Although he was curious about Beaten Hakka, he didn't come here to learn about Beaten Hakka.

What's more, he has no conflict with the enemy Hakka.

"By the way, if you want to assassinate the prince of Cajin, how much will it cost?" Joey was like a found customer. After Il Myth, he directly threw out another proposition.

"The minimum starting price is 10 billion, and the price of specific characters is different." Yi Mi gave the answer.

"I'm just an ordinary person, is it worth the price?" Joey was a little confused.

After all, this price is enough to buy the lives of the brigade members, but how can the difficulty of assassinating these Cajun princes be equal to that of the brigade members.

"It wasn't worth it before, but it is worth it now." Yi Mi did not reveal any more information, and the topic ended here.

While running, the two finally entered the depths of the Hakka, but it seemed that it was not the main residence of the Hakka, but a remote wooden house in a bamboo forest.

After Yi Mi's figure approached the wooden house, he suddenly swayed very quickly and disappeared.

Even if Joey's circle spread out, his presence was not discovered.

This made Joey slightly stunned, but then his heart trembled. [Weather Mind Beast] appeared quickly, and a strong wind suddenly blew within three meters around him.

The strong wind whipped up the fallen leaves on the ground, and Joey saw a humanoid silhouette approaching rapidly towards his body.

Judging from the body shape, he is not an Ilmi.

Could it be Jaeger?

How is this near-invisible mode of action achieved?

With this thought, thunder appeared in the rain clouds, striking at the protruding silhouette. At the same time, the atmospheric resistance in front of Joey increased greatly, causing the rushing figure to suddenly reduce its speed as if it was stuck in a quagmire, and quickly The human form is revealed.

The person who came was a man who didn't look too old, had white hair with straight roots, and was slightly short in stature.

Regardless of his face or figure, people can instantly associate him with Killua. Obviously, this person whose age obviously does not match his performance should be Jaeger.

But what caught Joey's attention more at this time was the thin layer of ice covering his body.

The light reflected from the sun's rays on the ice just distorted part of Jaeger's body.


"Not bad ability." As Jaeger spoke, the thoughts in his body suddenly changed and became extremely cold.

Joey felt that the air he exhaled turned into a breath in an instant, and the air in front of him showed signs of condensation.

Change ability!

Being able to transform thought energy into cold energy, is this Jaeger's ability?

With this thought in his mind, the air around Joey suddenly began to rub rapidly, and suddenly started to burn under the erosion of the cold air.

The flame was small at first, but as the strong wind blew and a large amount of oxygen was added, it actually became more intense.

Jaeger did not approach further because he had already seen the pink mind beast [Killer Queen] emerging in front of Joey, and he felt a bit of a threat from the mind beast.

Although this threat came more from Killer Queen's right hand, Jaeger quickly retreated and put away his thoughts at the same time.

"Yes, did Lin Nie ask you to come? I didn't expect that old guy to worry about things that he shouldn't worry about at such an old age."

Jaeger put his hands behind his back, and as the battle ended, he bent his waist slightly, as if this could prove his age.

"Follow me. When I got the information about you, I knew you would find him sooner or later. After all, in Lake Mobius, except for us old guys, no one will tell anything about the Dark Continent. Out."

Jaeger seemed to be easy to talk to, but the information revealed by his words made Joey a little stunned.

"You know me?"

Joey still has great respect for seniors like Jaeger who have gone through the dark continent.

While following Jaeger, he also extinguished the effect of [Weather Forecast], but [Weather Mind Beast] was not put away by him, but lay on his shoulder.

Obviously he was still on guard, but Killer Queen had disappeared.

As for the circle, Joey still had it open, but it had shrunk to about thirty centimeters close to the body.

This distance will not affect anyone, but it is enough for him to spread his abilities at any time. At the same time, the consumption on himself is not high. If he maintains this state, Joey can persist for five or six hours.

Jaeger didn't take Joey's actions seriously, but Yi Mi followed him again and glanced at the weather mind beast.

It was obvious that Joey's ability had aroused some curiosity among Yi fans.

But that’s about it.

Joey finally understood that, except for the matter involving Killua, only the assassination mission could slightly cheer up Ilmi, otherwise he would not even look at others at all.

Is this my brother-in-law? Joey secretly made a mental note.

"I always feel that you are thinking about something impolite." Yi Mi tilted her head and looked at Joey, and there was a slender silver needle between his fingers.

"Your illusion." Joey quickly followed Jaeger.

Jaeger also spoke again at this time: "Spores of gold and silver ingots are not something difficult to see in the Dark Continent. Even many monsters in the Dark Continent have the skins of these spores."

Spores, this is the second time Joey has heard this word.

He wasn't particularly sure before, but when he heard the word again from Jaeger's mouth, he couldn't help but pull his backpack in front of him and open it.

In addition to some food, there is only a glass box in the backpack, and the box contains the fat and white [Ming].

"Is this the thing you're talking about?" Joey pointed at Ming, but he really couldn't connect this thing with the spores.

"Yes, that's it. I didn't expect you to be alive!" Jaeger's eyes widened, but saliva flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

"That's not right. Shouldn't your soul come from outside the territory? The Ming who brought your soul here must be dead." Jaeger stopped in front of the bamboo house.

"I got this thing in Saheerta." Joey didn't hide it either.

Jaeger suddenly realized: "That's no problem. Only they will use Ming's ability regardless of the consequences. After all, as long as you use Ming for more than five years, you will be thrown into the exploration of the dark continent."

"You mean, those people Saheerta and Ming came into contact with are all cannon fodder?" Joey reacted instantly.

"Yes, you should have discovered that as long as Ming is used, the soul will be connected with Ming, and this connection will gradually cause changes in the user's soul.

Generally speaking, the soul of a normal adult can resist erosion for seven to eight years. Once the age is up, the soul will be assimilated by Ming and become a new [weapon].

It's the kind of thing with a round head. "Jaeger made a comparison with his head with both hands.

Joey had seen the picture of [Gold and Silver Ingots] in comics, so he immediately understood that what Jaeger was talking about was the weird thing with a round head and a human body.

He always thought that it was the body of the gold and silver ingot, but according to Jaeger, it was just a [weapon].

However, if the weapon really looks like that, where is the body of the gold and silver ingot?

Joey thought about this and couldn't help but ask: "Is that state what a weapon looks like? But it's different from what I encountered before. And if it is a weapon, what about the body of the gold and silver ingot?"

"So you have encountered another form of weapon? It seems that you and gold and silver ingots are quite destined!"

Jaeger chuckled: "As for the true nature of the gold and silver ingot, you should have heard of it. The full name of the gold and silver ingot is the plant weapon gold and silver ingot! Therefore, its true identity has always been hidden in the ancient city.

Gold and silver ingots, gold and silver ingots, when taken apart, [Weapon] has two different heads, which also represent different abilities. One is the silver ingot guard transformed by [Ming] through long-term contact, and the other is [Ming] in After pulling the soul of the weapon before death, the soul of the weapon takes over the body and is transformed into a gold ingot guard. "

Joey silently wrote down all Jaeger's words, and at the same time, he felt that his trip was worthwhile.

I even felt that this visit was really worthwhile.

"Assassinating gold and silver ingots has always been an unfinished task. When I took over the task, I was blocked from the city by the gold and silver guards without even touching the gold and silver ingots themselves.

After all these years, Saheerta still has not given up exploring and attacking the ancient city, but as long as those [spores] continue to be sprayed out of the city by gold and silver ingots, then the gold and silver guards will not become extinct and break in. For people in the city, there is only one way to die.

If you want to break your destiny of becoming a member of the guardian of gold and silver ingots, the only way is to break into the ancient city and assassinate the gold and silver ingots, so do you want to cooperate? "

Jaeger revealed so much information that he finally began to reveal his own purpose.

And this purpose is obviously extremely beneficial to Joey!

So Joey didn't hesitate at all: "Of course, it's my honor, I just don't know what I should do."

"Your soul is very special." Jaeger looked at Joey seriously: "You are the only one in all these years who has not been swallowed by the soul of the weapon under Ming's attack. You even swallowed the weapon in return. soul.

Although this will allow you to enter the stage of simultaneously transforming into a gold and silver ingot guard, it also gives you the capital to conceal your identity and sneak into the ancient city with a little disguise.

Therefore, my proposal is that you take Yi Mi and I into the ancient city together and complete the assassination of the gold and silver ingots! "

Assassination of gold and silver ingots!

Even though Joey was mentally prepared when Jaeger proposed cooperation, he still couldn't help but feel his heart beat a little faster.

After all, according to V5, the risk classification of gold and silver ingots is B+.

Its destructive power has reached A-1 level, making it a more terrifying existence than chimera ants.

But this is exactly what he wants, because according to the information he has received so far, perhaps only the complete elimination of the gold and silver ingot body can free him from the state of being assimilated and transformed.

After all, according to the current information, the simultaneous transformation brought about by Ming is exactly the oath and restriction marked by the gold and silver ingots on Ming.

The current situation is that Jaeger proposed a deal to Joey that is sure to make money without losing any money.

Joey had no reason to refuse at all. Even if Jaeger had other purposes in this operation, for Joey, it was the most cost-effective to eliminate the risk that he might be assimilated into a weapon.

As for other things that happen when the time comes, let’s wait until they happen before solving them.

Joey's happiness was somewhat beyond Jaeger's expectation. He thought Joey would weigh the pros and cons and think about it.

However, this kind of decisiveness also allowed Jaeger to see Joey's courage and courage.

So in the following time, Jaeger shared some of the information he knew about the Dark Continent, especially the city leading to the gold and silver ingots, with Joey and Yiermi.

Joey stayed at Beaten Hakka for three days, and then left Kukulu Mountain under the "enthusiastic" escort of Yi Mi.

Several people have already discussed the specific actions in the bamboo house. All issues will have to wait until they arrive at the Dark Continent. The agreement also starts from arriving at the Dark Continent.

If Joey dies midway, or is not even qualified to board the ship, then he is not worthy of traveling with them.

After all, assassinating gold and silver ingots is not something that a person with half-qualified abilities can accomplish. Ability, force, wisdom, courage, and consciousness are all indispensable.

Jaeger may not complete the assassination mission, but he will not carry out important assassination missions with immature people.

The test shot in the bamboo forest was just to confirm whether Joey's ability and force would not become a hindrance.

The proposed deal confirms Joey's courage and wisdom.

Jaeger was not worried about his final realization. After all, Joey was killed from the siege of chimera ants. He knew these information better than most people in the association.

He started to pay full attention to Joey after Nitro came to beat up the enemy Hakka and informed him of Joey's situation.

Whether it was the battle with the chimera ants or the performance in the Sky Arena, he knew something about it.

So he is not worried about Joey's consciousness. Now it seems that there is no need to worry too much about Joey's strength and ability. Joey's progress is even faster than Jaeger expected.

But this is definitely beneficial to this operation. After all, it is the Dark Continent. The stronger the teammates, the greater the chance of completing the mission.

Jaeger also agreed with the final wisdom and courage.

Overall, he was quite satisfied with Joey.

The departing Joey took one last look at the direction of the enemy Hakka at the foot of the mountain, and then embarked on the journey to Cajun.

Jaeger also concealed a lot of information from him, which was inevitable. For example, what kind of dangers would there be during the four hundred kilometers to the labyrinth city?

What's going on with Sahel Towers in the Dark Continent?

And what kind of disguise should he make so that he, Jaeger and Ilmi can enter the protective range of the gold and silver ingot without being attacked.

As for the situation, Jiege only gave a general idea. The specific actions and situation would not be known until they arrived in the Dark Continent.

Joey knew that this was supposed to be Jaeger's test for him, but he didn't care.

Because he also has to make certain preparations during this period, because currently, he has a lot to do after arriving in the Dark Continent.

Even though Jin Zai clearly knew that he went to the Dark Continent to solve his own crisis, he still expressed the possibility of cooperating with him. This proves that the action routes of the two parties will likely intersect by then.

But according to Joey's understanding of Bijande Nitro, the other party wanted to explore a new path.

In this case, the explanation he could think of was that the new path Biyang De wanted to explore was the scenery after bypassing the maze city!

If so, it is likely that a large number of people will travel together through the 400-kilometer dark continent and the forest near Lake Mobius.

And this road is completely the route that Saheerta is responsible for.

In so many years, to what extent Saheerta has explored this route and to what extent he has learned about the labyrinth city, these will be the information that needs to be collected quickly after arriving in the Dark Continent.

After all, neither he nor Jaeger wanted to be plucked by Sahelta after their own side solved the gold and silver ingots.

He was calculating various things in his mind, and the notebook on his body was filled with thick notes as Joey thought about it.

While riding the airship, Joey would turn out his notebook and check it out from time to time.

This time when he came to Cajin, he used neither the identity of Joey nor the identity of Fox, who was wanted by the Sky Arena.

The former is because of the feud with Prince Kajin, and the latter is because the [weapons] that prevent Kajin from existing will come to his door.

So this time, he got his identity from the black market through his connections, and the country his new identity belongs to is the Republic of Bartokia, the country he went to before.

In this country that almost does not distinguish between good and evil and only recognizes the strong and the weak, for a person like Joey who is both powerful and wealthy, it is not easy to get a perfect new identity.

After purchasing a winery and a large amount of real estate, Joey suddenly became an investment businessman in the Republic of Bartokia.

And his purpose of going to the Dark Continent is also very clear, which is to find more profitable investment channels.

Thanks to [Storm Lao Gao] for the reward~ and everyone for your subscriptions and monthly passes~ Thank you~

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