Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 31 This world is so cruel, yet so beautiful.

In the trap tower.

With so many candidates entering at once, it can be said that there are candidates who have triggered the trap all the time and are escaping everywhere.

"What is this?"

Killing countless human-faced birds along the way, Ron walked through this long suspended passage without any shelter.

At this time, we have reached the end of this passage.

The end point has been blocked by a small steel door. This small door is a bit strange, as if it was specially made so that people can see the situation behind the door.

Standing at the door, Ron could see that behind the door, there was a big guy, a bit like a tiger, but with a pair of very scary fangs and a pair of wings that didn't look very big.

When Ron was looking at each other, the winged tiger was also staring at him.

"Ouch, roar~~"

When it saw Ron, the ferocious beast trapped at the entrance of the passage let out a roar. The sound was deafening, and the roar of a tiger in the forest made the entire space begin to tremble.

On the other side, in the monitoring room.

"Come on, come on, finally caught up."

"Come on, let's perform to your heart's content."

Seeing Ron meet the tiger, Libo narrowed his eyes and smiled. He opened another bag of potato chips and started eating them.

It was like finally watching some novel movie, which was very interesting.

Ron didn't know anything about the situation in the monitoring room. At this time, he was observing the big tiger in front of him.

"Kitten, don't bark so loudly when you're hungry. It's a bit noisy and scares me."

Looking at the imprisoned but very ferocious tiger, Ron dug his ears and said a little unhappy.

This was definitely not Ron's attempt to show off, but the other party's roar was really loud, and the earwax came out.

It can be seen from the momentum displayed by this big tiger that this big tiger is no ordinary beast, it is definitely some kind of ferocious monster.


When he found that his roar could not scare Ron.

The big tiger in the passage stopped roaring, but the grunting sound made it seem a little restless.

Maybe it's because I've been here for too long. I haven't eaten for a long time. It's rare for something to be delivered to my door. I'm already very hungry.

"Choose whether to open this door, OO or XX."

Ron looked at the prompt on the door.

I once again lamented the bad taste of the warden. It was very obvious. If you opened the door, you would definitely face this big tiger.

If you don't open the door, you will have to walk back a long way.

His situation was not bad, after all, he had cleared away most of the human-faced birds and walked over.

If it were an ordinary candidate, he would have been chased here by the human-faced bird.

Then this scene is the real despair, which makes people want to jump directly from the bottom of the tower.

"What a wicked examiner."

He wanted more and more to pull out the examiner of this test and beat him up, but at this time, Ron still did not forget his own affairs and directly chose OO.

There is no threat from the big tiger.

So what if it's a monster, if it's not some special species, it's still one thing whether such an ordinary monster can block his punch.

Although he is not very proficient in combat skills and only has a little strength, he cannot be bullied by ordinary monsters.


With two machine sounds, the door could be opened.

This also means that not only Ron can enter, but the big tiger with wings inside may also be able to come out.

"Excuse me."

Not feeling that the big tiger in front of him was a threat at all, Ron stepped directly into it without any courtesy. As he stepped in, he said hello to the big tiger inside.


Half-crouching opposite Ron, the big tiger with short wings seemed a little at a loss. He had no idea that there would be prey running towards him to die like this.

I stopped for a moment, not knowing what to do.

According to normal operation, it seems that it should pounce directly, bite the opponent to death in three or two times, and then eat it.

Or he could stretch out his claws, slap the opponent to death and then eat him.

Crunchy and very delicious chicken flavor.

"Big guy, don't be stupid, you're blocking the road."

The big tiger paused in confusion. Ron knew what he was going to do. It didn't matter whether the big tiger was a fool or something else.

Let him pass.

This half of his body is still blocked from the passage.

As he spoke, the big tiger that was blocking most of the passage was pushed forward directly in front of him.


The big tiger blocking the road was still a little confused. He was about to show off his power, but he paused again after being pushed. .

who I am? Where am I? What am I doing?

Perhaps it had been so majestic for so long that it didn't expect any creature to treat it like this.

But it is true that it is powerful.

This big tiger with fangs and wings has a huge body that almost blocks the passage. The tonnage is obviously not small.

However, under Ron's huge force, this tonnage seemed to be fake, and it was pushed forward straightly.

And Ron's whole body also left the passage suspended in mid-air.

Entered this corridor.

The whole body retreated repeatedly, and the big tiger with short wings could not bear it anymore. It began to resist and struggled with its huge body.

It roared with anger instinctively, waving its huge claws and slapping directly at Ron.

This roar was even more powerful than before, making the whole passage tremble.

It was just the sound.

And the claw attack was even more powerful, waving towards Ron.

"What a beautiful little cat, it's not obedient like this."

Looking at this cute little cat waving its claws to attack him, Ron didn't take it seriously at all, just like this monster.

He didn't know how many of them he had dealt with.

Although this guy was stronger than the human-faced bird just now, he might be able to kill several human-faced birds by himself, but that was all.

Since he had taken action, there was no need to stay.


While speaking, the big tiger's claws had already fallen.

In such a narrow passage, it is completely unavoidable, after all, the tiger's paw is really big.

The huge paw also rolled up a gust of wind, and even ordinary people couldn't stand steadily standing next to it.


The huge force, the sound of the wind blowing, the stone wall shattered, and in addition, there was a crisp and loud sound, which was particularly harsh in this passage.

"The strength is good, but you found the wrong opponent. I originally wanted to keep you, but now it seems that there is no need~~"

Looking at the tiger in front of him who attacked him and ended up asking for trouble with a broken paw.

Regardless of what the opponent was screaming in pain, he waved his right arm and attacked with a terrifying strange punch.

With the same strength, although Ron's fist was small, this punch was definitely more powerful than the opponent's previous attack.

"Ouch~~ Uh~"

A powerful punch, this can be said to be one of the few means of attack of Ron. The big tiger with fangs was panicked and wanted to struggle, but in such a small space, with its big body, there was no room for escape.

It could only leave a scream, and a punch, it couldn't even take a punch.

This monster, which is extremely ferocious in the outside world, unfortunately chose the wrong opponent.

Watching the big tiger die with a scream, Ron waved his hand, not moved at all, just a monster, this can't bring him any sense of accomplishment.

"It's a pity, this world is so cruel, but so beautiful, little cat, if there is a next time, you must find a good opponent."

Feeling the bloody smell around, he took a deep breath, and then left to continue the action. Before leaving, he also greeted the half-remaining body of the big tiger.

Taught the other party a little bit of how to behave in the world.

This tiger is just a seasoning. Ron originally planned to catch a kitten to play with, but unfortunately, if you want to blame someone, blame the other party for being too dishonest.

Ron lost interest in it.

Although its strength is good and its power has surpassed that of ordinary people with abilities, that's all.

After walking through this path stained with a lot of blood, Ron began to face choices again. Fortunately, he had already made all these decisions before.


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It feels like there are fewer and fewer people at the starting point, much less than the previous two days.

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