Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 51 Ron in the past, Ron in the future

"Dio~ Oh? That guy is still alive~"

Hearing this name, Ron paused for a moment, then quickly recovered and said with a little emotion.

Dio is the person he grew up with, and he has the best relationship with him.

They have been cheating, stealing, robbing, and plundering together since childhood, doing good things together, and doing bad things together.

Of course, they couldn't do anything good in Meteor Street before, they were just trying to survive. How crazy would they be to do good things in Meteor Street where they could starve to death at any time.

Originally, Ron thought they were all dead, but he didn't expect them to show up at this time.

This is really a surprise~~~

It's this surprise, I don't know if it will turn into a shock.

After all, at this time, anything is possible~

"How are they?"

After thinking for a while, Ron returned to his previous state and said.

Knowing that they are still alive, Ron naturally can't just ignore it. At least their situation still needs to be confirmed.

It was still uncertain whether this situation was a good thing or a bad thing, so Ron was not so anxious.

"Lord Dio and the others are not in danger now. There are still many people around him, and some of the injuries are minor."

Being created by Ron, the slug naturally knew Ron's previous situation, and probably also knew Ron's complicated mood now.

He explained the situation directly to him.

"Oh? Well, it's good to be alive. What's the situation over there? What do they want from me?"

In Meteor Street, it is actually normal to be betrayed. Ron originally thought that he was an exception. He was very good at judging people, and most of the people he interacted with were good.

However, Ron no longer has such confidence now.

The guys he raised from childhood can betray, and there are many ungrateful people who can't be raised. Maybe it's just because Ron is too poor and the meat he gave is too small, not as big as others.

After all, these are all bloody prices. Being betrayed once, it's not just him who is hurt. Even among his former friends, there shouldn't be many who are really alive now.

And even if these people survived, how many people still really recognized him?

Brotherhood and friendship, maybe only exist on TV. Living in a world where people eat each other, friendship? Haha.

At least it is difficult now. It is easy to share wealth, but difficult to share adversity.

Living in a place like Meteor Street really affects people. This is not a personal matter, but the whole environment.

If they can form a bond, then their direct relationship will be particularly solid, and if they have some kind of thoughts, then...

This is also the reason why Ron especially wants to change Meteor Street. He doesn't want this place where he grew up to play to be like this.

And betrayal.

This kind of thing, just experience it once is enough. After this betrayal, almost most of his companions around him died, and if he didn't have special abilities, he might have died in that war.

Dio and the others, in fact, may not have a problem now.

But before Ron sent the slug, searching for so long but couldn't find anyone.

And now, not many days after rejecting the proposal brought by Hisoka, the other party appeared.

This is a big problem.

Every failure is a lesson learned, after all.

Ron can no longer trust anyone now.

Sometimes, he doesn't even trust the slug.

If he didn't still believe in himself, and there were constraints on his own ability to read.


Once bitten by a snake, you'll be afraid of the rope for ten years.

"Master Dio, it wasn't me who found him, he just found me, and after discovering me, he directly asked about your location."

Hearing the question, the slug immediately relayed it.

"Oh? Asking about my location?"

He smiled, Ron's smile was a bit playful, but he didn't go into it too much, he knew that he was particularly easily controlled by his previous emotions.

After calming down for a while, Ron said that he didn't expect these friends to bring him any help.

Now he only hopes that this matter will not be as he said, otherwise, by that time...

"Tell him I'm fine, don't worry, let them hide themselves, I'll find them later, you split a clone and follow them."

"If you find other people, it's the same, let them hide temporarily, and we'll talk about it later."

I didn't think about contacting anything directly.

There's no need for it now, and there's nothing to do for the time being, and knowing that they are safe is already a good thing.

What's Dio's current situation? Was it because he couldn't contact me before, or was it because the elders of Meteor Street wanted to make a name for themselves again?

Now he can't tell, so he might as well not tell.

Anyway, as long as he rectifies Meteor Street, all this will be over.

Now he has no intention of hiding his position, and he is completely exposed, and the reason is also a test.

I just want to tell the people of Meteor Street that he is here, and they can come whenever they want. Although the wanted order is cancelled now, assassinations are possible at any time in unreasonable places like Meteor Street.

So, he can't bring Dio and the others with him now, at least not now.

Now, he didn't even contact her, let alone other people.

Ron just wanted to act alone and calm down.

Except for some necessary tools, there was no need to bring other people.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

Slug always conveyed Ron's orders in the first time.

The involvement of Dio made Ron feel a little good and a little bad, and he was in a state of anxiety.

So much so that when the prisoners behind him returned to Ron, they were trembling and didn't know what was going on.

In this round of work, Ron's whole person changed drastically. Even if he didn't say anything, he could see that the other party was in a bad mood.

Originally, they were worried about something going on, and now they didn't dare to say anything more.

After dealing with Dio's affairs, Ron pondered for a long time before turning his attention to the few people who had come to him and stood honestly for a long time.

He is not a person who will always be affected by one thing. Ron knows that the past has already happened and appeared, so he must face it.

The most important thing is what he should do now and how he should do it in the future.

How to achieve his goals and objectives is what he should think about now, instead of thinking about regrets and entanglements about the past.

People who always live in the past are only trash.

"You guys, come and test your mind abilities."

Looking at the people in front of him, Ron did not hesitate too much. He decided to let them test their mind abilities first.

After knowing what the ability is, he can also make arrangements.

It is impossible to let them develop their abilities independently.

Except for some people with better talents or special characteristics, Ron will decide the direction they will go in the future.

Otherwise, he would not have named this ability the legion.

Among these people, in his expectation, only a few elites can fight independently, and most of the others will be developed into a team that cooperates with each other.

Perhaps an ability alone is a waste, but the power that bursts out when a legion is combined can be improved.

At that time, it was not that they felt that the ability was suitable or not.

It was Ron who decided whether this ability would be useful to them in the future.

As long as it is useful, it must be developed. This is another use of the Undead Army. When the number of people increases, the limit of the development of this ability will be much higher.

In addition, Ron already has an idea about the advanced idea of ​​the Undead Army, which is related to his future ability development.

This is just a small test and a small attempt.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

The few people were very quick and decisive. When they received Ron's order, they had already taken action quickly and found tools such as water cups and water leaves to test this ability.

The Mizumi-style Nen ability test can be said to be very common in this world. Basically, most people with abilities will use this method to test their Nen abilities.

It is the most accurate and widely used test ability.

I am a little shocked. I may only update once today.

I will see if I can make up for it later.

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