Hunting College

Vol 2 Chapter 199: Slacker's Bane

Sand time royal jelly is a kind of translucent colloid that accumulates in the glandular sac after the time line of sand time insects swallows.

Because this substance is the only food of the mother of sand, hence the name.

In traditional magical pharmacy, Shashi Royal Jelly, as a life-prolonging potion, is sought after by many wizards and regarded as a holy product because of its mild properties and unique medicinal effects.

Catching the insect swarm in the sand once became the most popular pastime in the wizarding world. This kind of activity was even included in the official schedule of the International Hunting League. It is known for training wizards to discover and observe!

Long-term uncontrolled hunting has resulted in fewer and fewer wild sand time groups that can produce sand time royal jelly. The silent forest of Phuket has gradually become the only area in the wizarding world that publicly has wild sand time groups.

So that when high-level wizards need to use sand-time royal jelly in their experiments, they need to hire high-level hunters to go to the depths of the silent forest to find and gather.

Therefore, when young wizards heard that the culprit of the academy was a group of sand, their first reaction was not to crush these scary bugs, but to grab two to open their eyes.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see a living sandworm.

In this era of low magic power and hiding of alien beasts, many legendary creatures have become a few pictures in the books of the Shushan Library. To be able to see alive sand bugs in school, it is all for many young wizards. A thing to brag about when facing relatives during winter and summer vacations.

But the wizard is a rational creature after all.

When the curiosity in my heart gradually faded, the cares hidden in nature began to show up.

The corpse of the sand, the nest of the sand, the unhatched eggs in the nest of the sand, and even some small parts of the mother of the sand have become the target of young wizards-no wizard will reject this extremely rare Experimental materials.

Of course, it is inevitable and only Shashi Royal Jelly that ranks first among all demands.

Because it is not only a cherished experimental material, but also a precious life-prolonging medicine. Under certain conditions, the royal jelly of sand time is even equivalent to the existence of a great wizard-from this perspective, no matter how high the status of this ‘colloid’ is, it’s not an exaggeration.

Zheng Qing was lucky to get a small bottle of Shashi Royal Jelly.

Said that he was lucky because of the hundreds of patrol members who participated in the search of the sand time Worm's Nest, less than ten people received this reward. Had it not been for the old man Verne to ask him to help take care of the old hound, Lord May, he would not have the chance to see the ‘big snail’ hidden in the bushes, the size of a fist, like a piece of gravel when the old hound was defecation.

When the capture was over and the old school worker announced the reward on the spot, even though Zheng Qing was tired and almost falling asleep, he could clearly feel the breath of envy, jealousy, desire and many other emotions in the air.

Although everyone who participated in the search was rewarded with two credits, none of the rewards can compare with that small bottle of Shashi Royal Jelly.

Many senior seniors offered Zheng Qing a high purchase price on the spot.

From jade coins to credits, to precious magic books, to cherished alchemy materials, and even some people are willing to exchange them with the complete spells of high-level spells!

Zheng Qing's saliva flowed all over the floor.

If it weren't for too many acquaintances, he would definitely hold the thighs of these seniors and cry for alms.

Fortunately, although he was a little sleepy, he did not faint. After thinking over and over again, he finally rejected these seemingly ‘unable to refuse conditions’.

After all, he still has a group of dying elves to survive.

The efficacy of the Yu Yuan Ling powder prepared by Dr. Du Zemu is getting worse and worse. Although the elves are still lively, Zheng Qing has noticed disturbing tendencies from the data of their daily physical examinations.

So faced with the buying ideas of two classmates in the class, the young public-sponsored student can only express that he is helpless.

"I'm sorry," Zheng Qing smiled apologetically, glanced at Downton and Matthew, pointed at the little elves sitting obediently in a row on the blackboard, squeezed their eyes forcibly, and made an expression of crying without tears. : "Although I really want to exchange it for jade coins... but it is a life-saving thing and cannot be sold."

Downton suddenly nodded and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder in a reassuring manner.

Matthew closed his mouth and turned his eyes out of the window again.

Since the beginning of school, the story of the elf, under the preaching of a bad senior, has gradually been known by many people, especially the 08-1 class of Astronomy where Zheng Qing is located. These pitiful little things have attracted the attention of girls. .

Therefore, when he heard that Zheng Qing wanted to use those sand hour royal jelly to continue the lives of the elves, even Li Meng, who had always pointed his nose and eyes straight at him, nodded and showed a teachable expression.

"That's right!" The little girl clenched Zheng Qing's lapels with an old manner, flattened the collar that had just been wrinkled by her, and praised: "Men, we must take responsibility!"

Zheng Qing couldn't laugh or cry suddenly.

Fatty Xin stood not far behind Li Meng, winking, grinning, and showing a strange look.

There was a burst of cheerful laughter from the crowd.

Li Meng turned his head suspiciously, and saw Fatty Xin nodding his head repeatedly with a serious expression, as if expressing agreement with what she had just said.

Jiang Yu's right advantage is to raise a question at this time, which ends the somewhat chaotic scene at this moment.

"Is the Worm's Nest really empty?" The female squad leader flipped a blue paper crane between her fingers, and said with a smile: "I heard that after you caught Sha Shi's mother, you broke the Worm's Nest and escaped many slackers. ,is that true?"

Zheng Qing glanced at the blue paper crane with some doubts, scratched his head, and first denied the accusation.

"There are no slackers in the worm's nest in sand, only eggs...this is common sense."

"As for the saying that there are many slackers in the school, I think the school work committee has not officially issued a notice, so the students will have some misunderstandings when conveying the news.

"According to the professors' inference, this group of Shashi stayed in the university for at least a month."

"Under normal circumstances, it only takes 21 days for the sand to change from egg to larva and finally mature. According to the wizard of the laboratory, the nest we found has traces of repeated hatching... This means that the insect swarm After a lot of reproduction in recent times."

"The number of adults and eggs eventually caught in the nest is far below the scale calculated."

"This means that there are a large group of slackers, which have been thrown on the campus by adults, parasitizing on other magical creatures, including our wizards, using the time of other creatures to complete the final transformation of these larvae."

Having said this, Zheng Qing couldn't help touching his earlobe.

Since knowing that slackers like to hide behind the wizard's ears, he particularly likes this action.

Perhaps his actions reminded other students that many of them rushed to scratch their heads, pull each other's hair, trying to find the nasty thieves who stole time in them.

"Don't be nervous," Zheng Qing raised his voice, comforting: "According to the school work committee's plan, there will be unified arrangements from the school this week to help us fight the one will get hurt."

"However, there are rumors in the school that someone from the patrol team was attacked by sand half of his face was withered and black." Li Meng bit his finger, his small face wrinkled: "I I don't want to go black."

"You said it too, it's a rumor." Zheng Qing sighed, pushed the little girl behind the desk, raised her voice slightly, and explained to others: "Someone on the patrol team had a dark face because they accidentally fell into a puddle. I was bitten by a fish was a little bit of toxin. The people in the school hospital said that as long as he stays indoors peacefully and eats more white radish, his face will be restored to its original shape within a week."

This explanation gave many people a sigh of relief.

"Teacher is here..." The stick figure villain behind the classroom door suddenly howled.

Since the Jamaican named Daly III taught the freshmen how to draw simple strokes, these little people outlined with lines have recently settled down a lot, and it has been a long time since there has been a case of lying about military affairs.

So the crowd quickly dispersed and ran to their respective positions.

Soon, the door of the classroom opened suddenly.

Lao Yao's smooth and shiny big back flashed in the sight of everyone.

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