HxH: God Of Choice System

Chapter 406 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

407【Allan's Identity)

Bucky was praised by Allan and received higher admiration from the younger brothers. He was so happy that he seemed to be carved into the sky.

However, after regaining his senses, he took Allan aside and asked.

"Hey, by the way, who are you? Why do you seem to know everything about this uncle?" Bucky is sure that he has never seen Allan, at least he has no impression at all.

So, he was very curious about what Allan came to do, and why he even knew about him and Shanks.

Since the pirate king Gore Roger was executed by the navy in Roggetown, Bucky had parted ways with Shanks. At that time, Shanks and him were only trainees on Roger's ship, and they had no reputation.

Therefore, Bucky was curious about the origins of Allan.

Faced with Bucky's doubts, Allan smiled and said, "My name is Allan, I'm just a newcomer who has just gone to sea."

"Allan?" Bucky quickly searched the name -05 in his mind, confirming that he had never heard of this person before.

Moreover, from his vicious eyes, Allan is definitely not a fledgling newcomer as he said.

He can feel that Allan is not a general, there must be some secret hidden in him.

"Allan, you haven't answered me why you are so clear about my business. Shanks and I have parted ways a long time ago. Not many people should know about it. Bucky" asked.

"Hehe, I'm just talking from the hearsay." Allan can only explain that.

Really "Is that so?"


Fortunately, Bucky didn't bother much about Allan's identity. He turned around and asked another question: "What is the relationship between you and the seaman and the sand crocodile Klockdal?"

"I have a cooperative relationship with them. Allan" replied truthfully.

Hearing that, Bucky said in a different way: "Cooperate? Those two guys are Qiwuhai, how can you, a newcomer with no way of fame, be qualified to cooperate with them?"

No wonder Bucky would be so skeptical. After all, Qi Wuhai's existence was against the Four Emperors, and ordinary characters weren't qualified to cooperate with their great pirates.

But Bucky also has to admit one thing, that is, Allan is indeed with Jinping and Krokdal, which shows that at least they know each other.

Faced with Bucky's suspicion, Allan shrugged and said, "Well, it's my honor to thank them for thinking about me."

Bucky nodded, and then asked: "Then what's the matter with you and Krokdal when they come to this island?"

Allan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, we just happened to see an island here when we were passing by, so we just came up to find a place to rest. Didn't it bother you?"

"So that's it, I said it earlier.

Knowing that Allan and the others were not hostile and just passing by, Bucky was relieved and readily agreed that they would stay on the island to rest.

"By the way, Bucky, what are you doing on this island?" This time, it was Allan's turn to ask.

"Uh...Well, we are..."

Faced with Allan's question, Bucky replied hesitantly, as if he didn't want to answer the question.

At this time, a younger brother beside Bucky directly stated Bucky's purpose for coming to this island without a word.

"Our Captain Bucky is here to hunt for treasure.

"Treasure hunt?"

It turned out that Bucky didn't know where he got the information, saying that there were gold and silver treasures buried somewhere on the island, so he brought a lot of people to the island to dig for the treasure.

"Does this island really have treasures?" Allan deliberately increased his voice so that Jinping and Krokdal, who were resting not far away, could hear them.

Sure enough, after hearing that there were treasures on the island, even they looked sideways, apparently moved.

Upon seeing this, Bucky quickly refuted the rumors: "Where are there treasures? These are all fake. There is no treasure on the island."

Allan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay Bucky, don't be nervous, we are not interested in the treasure, don't worry, we won't grab it.

Really "really?"

"Well, of course, we are just going to leave here after a day's rest.

Hearing this, Bucky was relieved.

In fact, he has led people to search on this island for three days, but he has found nothing, and he has not found any treasure 963 at all.

He realized that he might have been deceived.

At this moment, one of Bucky's little brother shouted:

"Oh, Captain Bucky, there is a navy!"

"Nani? Navy?"

Bucky was taken aback.

"Yes, a warship is approaching our island."

Hearing the little brother's affirmation, Bucky took out his look glasses and saw that three naval warships were driving towards their island in the distance.

The battle was amazing.

Bucky said angrily: "What are you kidding me, this uncle is a good citizen who obeys the law, why is there a navy?"

"Captain Bucky, you are a big man who has followed the Pirate King Gold Roger, and you are a good brother with the Four Emperor Redheads. The Navy must have come to arrest you."

Not only were those little brothers not afraid, but they had proud expressions, and they looked at Bucky speechless for a while. These guys really didn't know the terrible thing about the navy.

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