Wall Mountain.

True to its name.

The mountain is like a high wall, straddling the middle of Mad Hatter Island, dividing the island into two.

From a distance, the wall mountain looks like a plan view of a top hat across the center of the island.

Although it is impossible to study, the name of Mad Hatter Island may have come from the Wall Mountain.

The first half of Mad Hatter Island, which is divided by the Wall and Mountain, is the town of Mad Hatter who is full of money and money.

The second half is a dark pig factory, where ordinary people captured from various places and a few naval prisoners are detained.

From the moment these ordinary people were thrown into the pig factory, they were already labeled as slaves.

Everyone will have their identities and names erased and put on a numbered shirt instead.

They either livestock or plant within the Wall Mountains, and produce living materials that can relieve the pressure of daily expenses for Mad Hatter Town.

Among these ordinary people, the youngest are only five or six years old, and the oldest are even seventy-year-old old men.

And pig factory supervisors don't care about the age and physical condition of the slaves at all.

If the workload cannot meet the standard, they have always treated them equally. In addition to cutting food, they will even impose torture such as caning.

If some people can't make it through, there is no value in letting the mortician come to recover, and they will only be thrown directly into the sea under the cliff by the supervisors.

In the middle of the night, there are a lot of lights dotted around the pig factory.

One by one, armed supervisors patrolled back and forth in various areas.

Near the bottom of the wall, there are high-walled buildings that look like prisons.

It was where the slaves perched at night.

In the quiet and silent night, two agile figures avoided the eyes and ears of the supervisors and came to the bottom of the wall, a few hundred meters away from the building where the slaves were being held.

These two figures are Sabo and Kerla who returned to Mad Hatter after many months.

For the Revolutionary Army, emancipating slaves was one of the necessary ways to increase its influence.

That's why Sabo and Kerla came to Mad Hatter.

The main purpose of their last visit was to investigate intelligence, but this time they came prepared.

It's just that they won't rush into action until their companions are in place.

Tonight's dive was just a necessary stepping-in.

Hidden in the darkness, Kerla first glanced at the buildings where slaves were being held, and then looked into the distance.

At the end of that direction is the edge of the island, full of cliffs and without any road to the sea.

On the other side is the wall where they are.

"The island is full of cliffs. If you want to send people out, you can only rely on Morrie's ability to 'push' a suitable passage."

Kerla withdrew her gaze towards the edge of the island.

The first half of Wall Mountain is Mad Hatter Town, where many pirates and people from the underground world gather, and it is obviously impossible to transport a large number of slaves out under their noses.

The only way to go is the cliff in the second half.

With Mori's ability, he can push a channel to the bottom of the cliff.

At that time, people will be able to be sent to the boat that came beforehand, and then leave here.

"It's a pity that Karas didn't have time to come. I think his ability is more convenient to take people out of the island."

Sabo felt that the ability of the Union army commander Karas was more suitable for transporting slaves.

But he also knew that most of the time when the revolutionary army liberated slaves, it relied on Morrie's ability to push tunnels.

"Idiot, do you think everyone can sit on a crow and fly like you? Most of the slaves here are ordinary people. The crows of Karas may be able to send them to the sea, but they cannot ensure the safety of everyone."

"That's right."

Sabo nodded, and immediately asked, "When will Morrie come over?"

"If nothing else,

Will be here before the day after tomorrow. "


Sabo touched his chin and whispered: "After meeting with Mori and the others, act immediately."


Kerla nodded slightly, and was about to say something when she saw Sabo suddenly make a silent gesture.

Under Sabo's guidance, Kerla looked at a chiseled gate at the bottom of the wall in the distance.

A team of about thirty people passed through the gate at the bottom of the wall and came to the pig factory.

The man at the head was tall, with oil-backed hair, and a burgundy suit that stood out under the light.

Kerla stared at the man, and instantly recognized his identity.

Ralph, the owner of the Mad Hatter auction, is also the culprit behind the pig factory.

"It's Ralph."

Kerla lowered her voice.

Sabo did not speak, but nodded.

Hidden in the darkness, they watched silently as Ralph led a group of people to a hole cut into the wall farther away.

Sabo and Kerla, who had already explored this place clearly, knew where the hole led.

Watching Ralph and the others walk into the cave, Sabo and Kerla silently retracted their gazes.

The hole leads to the ground, and under the ground, there is a factory specializing in the manufacture of arms.

While Ralph made money in Mad Hatter Town, he promoted the birth of a pig factory on the surface, but secretly built an arms factory, his ambition is evident.

Sabo said seriously: "If there is enough manpower, you can also take the weapons from the factory."

"Don't think about what you can't do."

Kerr gave Sabo a blank look.

Not to mention the pirates gathered in Mad Hatter Town, they are only the strength of Ralph's army, and they are not the bones that their hands can gnaw.

As long as all the slaves can be transported out smoothly, it is already thankful.

Sabo smiled.

A large number of weapons are an important and necessary resource for the Revolutionary Army.

So, it is not surprising to have this idea.

But as Kerla said, it is useless to think too much about things that cannot be done.

"Let's go, go to the night bar, before you act, you must know Tatamu first."

Sabo looked up at the dense dark clouds in the night sky, and immediately raised his hands and bent his fingers into dragon claws, pressing against the mountain wall.

The mountain wall was like tofu, easily stabbed by Sabo's fingers.


Kerla responded, then jumped on Sabo's back.

Sabo carried Kerla on his back like this, taking advantage of the darkness, and climbed to the top of the wall without difficulty with his bare hands.


Night Bar.

Located deep in the alley, even if it is late night business hours, you will not see half of the guests.

In the bar, the wolf mouse sat in front of the bar and drank alone as usual.

Some time ago, I persuaded Tatamu to leave the right and wrong place of Mad Hatter as soon as possible.

However, no matter how he persuaded, Tatamu was unwilling to leave.

But he didn't give up either, just persuaded him when he had time.

In the end, Tatamu couldn't stand his entanglement and replied, "I have a reason why I can't leave here."

Realizing that he really couldn't persuade Tatamu, the wolf mouse gave up.

Bored in every possible way, he drank the wine in the glass, and the wolf rat knew the Tatamu who wiped the glass all day long after looking at it.

"It's been more than half a month, Mo..."

Halfway through the werewolf's speech, he was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

Hearing the sound, Werewolf and Tatamu both looked towards the door.

I saw Maud and Sonny, plus a snow-white ferret, push the door in.

"Is it still open?"

Maud smiled and looked at Tatam and Werewolf, who had not seen each other for more than half a month.


Tatamu laughed.

Werewolf looked at Sunny next to Maud, a little stunned.

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