The latest website: Ralph Drew's permanent pointer is an invitation to all pirates around the world.

So much so that there is an endless stream of "invited" pirates.

This is indeed an unprecedented super celebration.

With such a grand occasion, how could the Navy be absent?

In Maud's view, the appearance of the navy is an inevitable result.

Before that, Maud was not at all worried about the timing of the navy's debut.

Because Modena has reached the top level of domineering and domineering, it can cover the entire Mercury Island.

So no matter when and where the navy came, he would be the first to notice it.

However, Maud had thought the Navy would wait patiently until he was done "clearing the field" before dispatching.

As a result, the pirate alliance army has not completely fallen, and the navy just appeared.

It appears that he overestimated the patience of the Navy.


Maud walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The water falling from the sky above Navigation Hill hit the window, converging into a hazy wave and sliding down the window.

"The navy is here."

Maud stared at the waves in the window, unable to see anything.

But seeing and hearing color can feedback enough accurate information in this situation.

Luo stood behind Maud, trying to expand the range of seeing and hearing.

However, seeing and hearing colors reached the limit range, and couldn't perceive anything.

"How many people are in the navy?"

Luo could only listen to what he heard and asked the most crucial questions.

Maud raised his thumb and touched his chin, calmly said, "About fifty thousand people."

"fifty thousand……"

Luo's pupils shrank slightly, and a solemn expression gradually appeared on his face.

Under the same number of people, the comprehensive combat power of the elite navy is definitely stronger than that of the elite pirates in the new world.

More than 50,000 elite navies...

Only in terms of combat power and threats, it far exceeds the army of the New World Pirate Alliance that is about to be killed by them.

Moreover, they consumed a lot of physical strength in the battle with the New World Pirate Alliance army.

In this case, we have to deal with the elites of the navy headquarters of about 50,000 people...

Luo's scalp felt numb just thinking about it, and he also thought that with the current situation, there was absolutely no need to forcefully take over the navy.


He looked at Maud and wanted to propose to temporarily avoid the edge and evacuate from Shui Xian Xing Island.

Anyway, Festa, who held the celebration, has already fallen into their hands, and it is only a matter of time to ask the whereabouts of the permanent pointer.

Maud saw Luo's thoughts.

Before Luo could speak, he shook his head at Luo.


Luo was slightly startled, his brows furrowed.

Maud looked straight at the direction of the naval forces, and said calmly: "This battle, we have to take it."


Luo Wenyan was silent, took a deep breath after a moment, and sighed: "Okay."

Now that Maud has made a decision, he can no longer have objections.

"Luo, stay here until this battle is over."


Luo looked at Maud's profile with some doubts.

Maud explained: "You are likely to be one of the Navy's targets, and we do not have an advantage in numbers, no, it should be said to be an absolute disadvantage, so if there is a melee later, others may not be able to take care of you. ."

"I'm not Philo, I don't need anyone to take care of me."

Luo stern face.

He is a doctor just like Philo, but his fighting power is ten blocks away from Philo.

Maud said: "Fortunately, little Filo is not here, otherwise I heard you say that about her..."

"Even if she's here, I'll say the same."

Luo interrupted Maud without hesitation.

Steel straight male attribute real hammer.

If Perona is here, it is inevitable that Luo will be spurned.


Maud was dumbfounded.

Luo stared at Maud and calmly said:

"Don't forget, the second devil fruit I ate was the phantom beast, the eight-headed snake, not to mention eight lives... In theory, at the moment after the 'rebirth', even the physical strength can be restored to its full state, so You don't have to worry that I can't keep up with my stamina."

"It's just unproven speculation."

"My 'guess' need not be confirmed."


Maud looked at Luo helplessly.


After a while, Maud nodded and said calmly, "Keep up."

As soon as the words fell, he directly opened a hole in the floor-to-ceiling window, then jumped out, spread a pair of black wings high in the sky, and flew towards the battlefield.

Luo looked at Maud's back, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile, and then he stepped on the moon and followed Maud.

But in less than a few seconds, he was thrown far away by Maud.


Luo looked at Maud who didn't plan to wait for him at all, and a few black lines hung down on his forehead.

the other side.

battlefield center.

There were corpses all over the ground, and the blood pooled in rivers.

Blood-stained weapons were scattered around, as if silently complaining about the cruelty of war.

The battle is still going on, it's just drawing to a close.

The Pirate Alliance, headed by the Whitebeard Pirates, has less than 2,000 members left.

And the people who can still stand still in the melee are basically the best players out of a hundred.

Without the presence of Maud, it is not easy for the rest of the Maud Pirates to end the endgame.

But the situation has become clear.

It is only a matter of time to destroy the enemy.

But at this point in time when the war was drawing to a close, the naval forces arrived.

It is roughly estimated that there are more than 50,000 troops coming to the edge of the battlefield.


With the arrival of the large naval force, both sides who were fighting were slightly surprised.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two sides had a tacit understanding and stopped at the same time. After pulling a safe enough distance, they all looked at the large naval forces exuding a majestic aura.

Directly in front of the military formation are Kizaru and Fujitora, who represent the highest combat power of the navy headquarters.

The two admirals standing side by side are enough to suffocate the vast majority of pirates in the world.


Kizaru looked at the situation in the arena and sighed: "It's really a fierce war~~~"

The Whitebeard Pirates were on the verge of collapse, but there were still about 2,000 left, which was a bit unexpected.

If it weren't for the sudden interruption of the live broadcast, they might have waited a while longer.

In terms of timing of action, it's not a top cut.

But not much.

"Speaking of which...where did the protagonist go~~~"

Glancing across the entire battlefield, Kizaru didn't see Maud.

On the other hand, the vast majority of the navy present are also looking for the figure of Maud.


Most of the remaining pirates on the Pirate Alliance side looked at the large naval force that appeared at this timing with different expressions.

For them in peril, it's hard to tell whether the arrival of the naval force is good news or bad news.

The only certainty is-

Whether it is the Maud Pirates or the navy troop that just arrived, they all have the ability to destroy them.

However, the relationship between the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The people of the Pirate Alliance army feel that they can at least temporarily join forces with the Maud Pirates to deal with the navy.

I think the Maud Pirates shouldn't be stupid enough to continue fighting with them in this situation.

tom, tom...

Just then, a dull sound of footsteps came from the naval formation.

That unusually conspicuous voice immediately attracted the attention of all the pirates present.

Under their gazes, one after another tall and strong figures came out of the naval formation, and soon came to the front of the army formation, standing behind Kizaru and Fujitora.

But it is a whole hundred new pacifists.

Seeing the emergence of a new type of pacifist, the pirates were all condensed, and the air began to become dull.

"Father, hurry up and issue an attack order."

Zhan Taomaru was carrying a huge axe and lined up with a group of pacifists beside him, looking at Kizaru impatiently.

He wanted to quickly see how a completely new type of pacifist would behave in battle.

"No hurry~~~"

In fact, Kizaru also has expectations for the combat power of the new pacifists, but before the official war, he must not miss any opportunity to reduce the enemy's personnel.

"Before the enemy dispersed~~~"

Kisaragi tilted his head to look at Fujitora and said slowly, "Let's have some appetizers first~~~"

Fujitora nodded when he heard the words, the hand that was already clinging to the handle of the sword moved slowly, and pulled out the sword inch by inch.

Along with the blade, there are also dark purple gravity ripples.

Fujitora opened his eyes slightly, revealing the whites of his eyes.

Although it is not clear whether the next attack will reduce the enemy's personnel, but at this moment the enemy is gathered together, it is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

"Take the call."

He whispered to himself.

The staff and knife were unsheathed and slashed a dark purple spiral gravity ripple towards the sky.

After a while.

The clouds in the sky were dyed red by firelight.

The huge meteorite wrapped in flames broke through the clouds and fell towards the pirates on the ground.


"Hey, it's a ruthless thing to come up..."

"The speed is so fast, this position... it's too late to run!"

The pirates looked up at the huge meteor that dyed the sky red and fell directly towards them.

In the end, it was the New World Pirates who could hold on to the present. Seeing the huge meteorite coming from the top, they did not panic, but rather calmed down.

But they soon began to panic.


The Hakutai pacifists, who were lined up behind Fujitora Kisurugi, took an attacking stance.

They raised their arms flat and aimed their palms at the pirates.


With a sharp sound, the pacifist's palm flashed a dazzling light.

Laser bursts and meteorites fall from the sky?

Simply inhuman!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the pirates suddenly looked solemn.

It's not a big problem for them to block the meteorite.

But if you add the horizontal laser salvo, it may not be able to stop it.

"Let's get rid of the meteorite first."

Foil Bista moved first, jumped into the air, and slashed a spiral slash around the rose petals with his double knives toward the meteorite.

The members of the Morde Pirates are also within the scope of the meteorite.


Just as Foil Bista moved, Cavendish and Shiliu also moved, each slashing towards the meteorite with a leaping slash.

In an instant-

Several powerful leaps and slashes all hit the meteorite.

In the face of this powerful force, the meteorite shattered, causing a violent explosion.

The surging flames and a large amount of scattered black smoke shrouded the battlefield in an instant.

at the same time.

The new pacifist shines brightly in the palm of his hand.


A beam of extremely lethal beams volleyed towards the pirates.

"The threat on the head is gone, so there is nothing to worry about."

The pirates narrowed their eyes and released their armed colors to wrap around the swords, and then used their skilled sword skills to fly the oncoming beams away.

They are not trash fish that are slaughtered by others.

The light beam that was picked up flew into the air without causing any trouble to anyone in the field.

It's just that the pacifist attacks don't stop there.


shhhhh! ! !

A succession of beams shot from the pacifist's palm.

Seeing this, the pirates can only continue to output their armed colors and use the method of flying beams to offset the threat.

But at this moment-

Above the sky, five more meteorites carrying intense firelight broke through the black smoke and fell to the ground.

Fujitora slowly put the staff and sword back into its sheath, raised his head and "looked" at the sky reddened by the firelight, and said calmly, "The distance is a little farther, but I still catch up."

Under his "watching", the five meteorites of similar size formed a line-by-line array, and fell obliquely to the many pirates on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

"Anything else...?!"

"Huh? Five?"

Seeing this natural disaster-like scene, Bista and the others' expressions changed slightly.

The information that came back from the feedback was almost suffocating.

A full five meteorites...

Without thinking too much, Bista and the others attacked the meteor again.

But just after they slashed at the meteorite with a leaping slash, Kizaru also shot at them.

In the sharp whistling sound, countless dazzling light bullets intertwined into a barrage and enveloped them.

In the face of Kizaru's sudden attack, Bista, Shiliu, Cavendish, and Brook, who had intended to destroy five meteorites in one go, were forced to stop and turned to resist Kizaru's attack.


There was an explosion in the sky.

The first meteorite was destroyed by Cavendish's combined attack.

However, there were four meteorites behind, which went straight through the smoke of the explosion and continued to fall to the ground.

Cavendish and the others, as well as all the pirates present, were restrained by the laser offensive of Kizaru and the new pacifists, and they could only watch the meteorite fall and approach.

Just at this juncture.

Aokiji and Ace, who slammed the battle circle into the distance, shot.

Facing the common threat of the navy, they stopped rationally and stood on the same front temporarily.

The ice and fire that were fighting fiercely changed direction abruptly, turning into two beams of elemental energy, one blue and one red, soaring into the sky and attacking the four meteorites.

Fujitora's sense of sight immediately locked the attack from the hands of Aokiji and Ace.

"Gravity Tiger."

Almost at the moment when the blue and red elemental energy soared into the sky, Fujitora also shot.

The gravitational field that struck horizontally cut off the attacks of Aokiji and Ace in the middle.


Aokiji and Ace looked at Fujitora almost at the same time.

Fujitora opened his eyes slightly, and looked at the two of them through the monstrous war.


Four meteorites are about to hit the ground.

Aokiji and Ace were about to block the meteorite again, but Fujitora locked them with his knowledge, naturally he didn't want them to succeed.

Just when the two sides are making moves.

As if time suddenly solidified, the four meteorites that fell to the ground stood still in mid-air without warning.

The sudden change made the atmosphere in the battlefield stagnate.

Many navies such as Fujitora, Aokiji, Ace, and even Kisaragi all looked at the stationary meteorite.

This means...

In today's world, only one person can do it.

One after another, his eyes flowed, and soon he saw the figure of the man.

Facing the countless gazes full of dignified fear, Maud stepped across the pool of corpses and blood, through the smoke and gunpowder and the sound of sharp knives.

Follow him step by step.

The four meteorites that were still in mid-air seemed to be rubbed by a pair of big invisible hands.

"I said, if you want to deal with me, it is best to send two generals over."

Maud looked at Kisumu Fujitora.

Behind him, there is powder falling from the sky.


"It takes three generals."

Maud's words crossed the battlefield, causing the navy's heart to throb inexplicably.

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