I, A Hundred Beasts And A Disaster, The Beast Army Dominates The Navigation

71. The Strength Has Skyrocketed! The Ghost Island Falls, Surrounded By All The Beasts!


Luo Xing looked shocked!

He had just been immersed in the sheer amount of energy Golden Lion provided and could directly fill the progress bar.

Right now...

Another surprise that jumped out?

Golden Lion, O good man!

'Open. ’

A little God, he should be in his heart.

And the sound of the system is sounding again!

【Special gift pack has been opened, congratulations on obtaining...】

【Kicking Skills】Top Cheats*1 (Golden Lion's lifelong experience)

【Great Sword Hero Sword Art】Top Cheats*1 (taken from Golden Lion's lifetime experience)

【Flight】*1 (Disarm/control of self-buoyancy, free flight)

As the sound of the weapon fell, a pure power suddenly gushed out from the Tiger King's body.

A spin.

All into Luo Xing's body.


Lots of muscle memory and sword experience... Formed between the meridians and the mind!

Kick the skill!

Golden Lion's lifelong essence!

This is known from the fact that he had previously tied his double knives to his feet and could kick out the Slash Wave at will.

Definitely at the top!

It's up to him.

Moonwalk Tempest Kick has gone up several levels.

Great Sword Hao!

Not to mention, Shiki, as an old-time existence, can compete with Roger Whitebeard!

Sword art content.

Definitely reached a terrifying situation!

It's up to him too!

"I used to think that there were no flaws in physical skills and swordsmanship, but now

"It's all loopholes."

Luo Xing absorbed it hungrily.


Doctoral students look at the topics of elementary school students.

In fact...

Shiki, which is integrated into red agate, is exaggerated!

That is, at the beginning, he was too confident, and the full force of the hard bar wild ape hit, which was hit hard and caused a significant drop in combat power!


Old age does not return to the peak of physical strength.

This was intercepted by Luo Xing!


None of the Tiger King's living wild apes alone could kill this sea thief.

After being figured out by it.

It can even counter-pressure!

But... To die is to die, and a mistake is hated for thousands of years.

Right now.

Luo Xing won.

It also got a lot of benefits, and that's enough!


Just as he was frantically absorbing, the floating Sky Island suddenly began to fall!


Luo Xing returns to his senses.

With a wave of his hand, the Blue Poison Beast and the Tiger King were collected into the warehouse, the storage ring was brightened, and the Sakura ten and wood withered left by the 14 sons of the golden lion!

Earn together!

These are two famous knives!

Although there is no grade.

But this knife that has been beaten by the wild ape with one punch is by no means worse than the twenty-one work of the big fast knife, and even far beyond!

"I have a weapon too."

Luo Xing stared at the falling Shiki and didn't care.

"Buried in the sea."

"Maybe it's your best destination."


He pressed it with one palm, and he fell into a momentum... Float in the air!

Flight capability.

From now on.

He can gallop freely through the air like Superman!

Although he doesn't have the ability of Golden Lion Lion Fruit, Luo Xing is also silly fruit side effects and is very satisfied...

Wait a little.

Absorb residual experience.

He has the attainment level of the Great Sword Hao, this level... Almost on the same level as Hawkeye redhead!

Very exaggerated!

But it's a fact!

As long as his physical skills keep up, he is a Golden Lion with no fruitful ability in his sword path!

Even now.

Luo Xing also has the confidence to fly the flesh of the six-power level, draw the battle, and even defeat the three levels within the Hundred Beast Regiment!

It has to be said.

This is a leap in personal strength, a big gift!

It's cool.

Luo Xing looked down at the sky, and his mood was very happy, even a little floating.

"That's right, Kaiwa

That girl.

Now I guess I'm still confused.

Luo Xing's gaze moved slightly.

But I saw a ghost island in the distance, falling madly... And under the impact of these thousands of meters in the air.

Island falls.

Will absolutely smash!

He didn't hesitate, controlling his figure and flying forward!


At this time, the sky was light, and the people were relieved to see the floating Sky Island moved from the sky.


During this time the country lost generals and there was turmoil in all regions!

If it weren't for the panther beast.

From time to time, he came out to suppress, and there was Hiyo, who called himself Princess Light, active in the panther beast... Win the hearts and minds of the people.

I'm afraid it will be even more chaotic!

Count the invasion of the flying pirate group, and collapse directly!

"The members of the hundred beasts and the royal court have all run away, damn it, these waste!"

"What a shit ninja!"

"Fortunately, there is a super mechanical beast of the Master of Mechanical Calamity! Kill all the foreign pirates!"

"Lord Disaster..."

"It's really all thanks to him, otherwise Jiuli and the Flower Capital would have suffered long ago!"

"Long live the adults!"


With this thing.

The voice of the people of Wanokuni for Luo Xing suddenly increased, and even separated from the Hundred Beasts.

But and the pirates under the command of the flying pirates.

I panicked.

Originally, he was tortured and killed by the Black Panther Beast Army, running around, and now... The floating island leaves and begins to disintegrate and collapse.

Without the greatest hope, there is a complete loss of fighting awareness.

Run around!

At last.

Reduced to the energy value of the Black Iron Panther Beasts!



The rabbit bowl plate fell.

The edge was broken a lot, because it didn't rise much higher, but not a big earthquake.

But the other place...

"Ghost Island!"

Quinn stood firm, looked at the base camp of the rapid fall, and his heart was clenched: "This height... Will absolutely smash!

Suddenly, he remembered something.

The island falls...

That is, the capable are dead?!

Golden Lion。


Before Quinn's scalp could tingle, the sky suddenly darkened, and the wind began to whistle!

In the clouds.

Vaguely streaked through the blue scales of the road!

Ghost Island.

is falling.

Trees, rocks, houses.

Many items that could not keep up with the speed of the island fall were thrown into the air, among them... Including Yamato, who is clutching a rock disk!


The wind doesn't stop.

Blow away Yamato's ponytail, shining silver, and make a mess in the air.

She was in a distraught mood.


The explosive shackles she wears will explode as soon as they leave the range of Ghost Island!

But don't go.

Falling with the ghost island, Yamato is not sure if he will be safe.

"Explosive shackles"


Probably wouldn't really put explosives in it, right?

Just rub your fists at Yamato.

Made up his mind.

When he was about to jump out of the rock wall to try it, a black shadow suddenly stopped: ... Hanging in front of her.

Before Yamato could see it.

The index finger on the opposite side is tapped on the handcuffs.


The handcuffs turned into two sides and flew into the air....


The handcuffs were red.

A large explosion was generated, turning into a 100-meter hot flame cloud

The heat wave rolls down.

Before Yamato could come to his senses, the black man hung over her and split the heat wave in half.


Explosive handcuffs are real!

"Father, he..."

Yamato muttered, and then his face changed and he looked at the man.

Fire waves.

Blocked by it!

“ Luo Xing... Are you stupid? Flash away!"

Yamato reached for the push.

But Luo Xing grabbed his wrist and said with a smile: "Why, you want to protect me?"

He grinned.

Up close.

The powerful heat wave didn't seem to hurt it at all!

All right.

In fact, there is a loyal blue poisonous beast behind him, blocking it


"Of course I want to protect"

Yamato flipped his wrist and tried to backhand Luo Xing into his arms... only to find.

The opponent's strength is surprisingly large.

Can't screw.

Yamato was stunned.

Seeing Luo Xing's smiling expression, thinking of the shocking punch of the wild ape before, the words came to his lips.

Cheek... Redness on the ground.

There are mechanical beasts.

And what about her!


"Been hiding it from me?"

Yamato remembered the protection he had taken before, no longer the macho demeanor of the past, and glanced away from him.


I want to dig out three rooms and one living room with my toes!

"Hold me tight." Luo Xing saw that the ground was getting lower and lower, and did not respond to her.


Yamato didn't hear clearly.

When he was about to ask out loud, he was suddenly taken into his arms by Luo Xing.

"Huh! You..."

Yamato exclaimed, and the two got closer.

Yamato squeezed.

After being silent for a while, he struggled and lowered his figure: "It's so uncomfortable, you change your posture first..."

"You actually mind?"

Luo Xing put his arm around her, a little incredulous: "Just a hug, don't you think of yourself as a man, what?"

"But you treat me like a woman!"

Yamato suddenly grinned: "And... I mean you're uncomfortable!?"

What doesn't mind.

We used to bathe together every day, and we still care about this?

She was referring to.

It's just pressing Luo Xing, afraid that he won't feel comfortable...

Luo Xing smiled and didn't speak.

Yamato looked equally silent.

"Are you... I won't be needed in the future. "

She whispered softly.

My heart is inexplicably a little uncomfortable.

"Is that bad?"

"I'm strong now and can control more things!"

Luo Xing's eyes shone with stars: "It can also make you taste it to the maximum..."


He turned his gaze and narrowed his eyes slightly.


Thousands of meters away from the two, I saw a giant blue dragon piercing through the clouds and using a large purple flame cloud to roll up the ghost island fall!


A lot of debris fell again.

Ghost Island.

Finally, he fell into the water calmly.

The blue dragon's body retracted, and the huge dragon head instantly looked at Luo Xing above!


"It's not late."

He smiled lowly.


At the mouth of Wanokuni Waterfall, dozens of large fleets are galloping in! Extremely arrogant!

Don't want to experience a big war in the slightest!

“ Kaido!”

"And the cadres are back..."

Yamato put down his thoughts, his beautiful eyes were slightly heavy, and he immediately looked at the man next to him: "Luo Xing, the Hundred Beasts Regiment will not let you go, we..."

"Even if you run to the Tianya cape, will you be safe?"

The corners of Luo Xing's mouth ticked.

To face it is to face it, not to mention... He now has plenty of confidence!

That's it.

Luo Xing is under Kaido's nose, holding Yamato... Straight down on the dome of Ghost Island.

See here.

Kaido's face froze, and his eyes grew!

All right!

Not only did he dare to come back swaggering, but he actually hugged the beauty back!

It's beautiful!

A thousand meters long body rolled, Kaido hovered over the dome, the dragon's skull slightly underneath.

Ask ask.

"What about Shiki guy?"

The whistling sound rolled.

A terrifying sound wave swept through the two, and in his expectation, Luo Xing's thin body would be blown away.

But it was a surprise.

The straightness of Luo Xing Station stands like a mountain, and Japanese stocks are affected.

Kaido's dragon eyes moved.

He felt.

Luo Xing is taller than before?

"Forget it."

Kaido's nostrils spat out a layer of white waves: "Luo Xing, tell Laozi now... How do you want to die?!"

Words fall apart.

The Hundred Beast Grand Fleet also completely surrounded Ghost Island, and all the high-level combat power that went out returned and quickly landed!


Enough 20,000 members of the beasts to wrap the island in a big circle!

Densely packed ordinary members.


To the endower, really fight... Land and sky, all shrunk!


The numbered man as huge as a small mountain is carrying a wolf tooth giant stick of tens of meters, crossing a hundred beasts to really fight!

One beauty, two teeth, three ghosts...

Look ahead.

Nearly ten ancient giants were swinging 540 clouds and mist, approaching the dome.


Fly sextuplets and two big Kanban faster, one jump, and wrap Luo Xing and Yamato!


Count Governor Kaido.

It can be described as a large collection of all employees, this look, really a sure look!


The atmosphere is frozen to the extreme!

Luo Xing did not move from beginning to end, but there was also Reiju who changed into a combat uniform by his side.

And the Tiger King!


Yamato grabbed Luo Xing's hand at the corner of his sleeve, squeezed it very hard, and his eyes became firm: "If you want to fight Kaido, I will accompany you to the end!"


Luo Xing reached out and touched her cheek.

There is a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This scene.

Reiju, Runma, Black Maria, their eyes jumped when they saw this.

And Yamato himself.

His body trembled, he couldn't stand the gaze around him, and quickly put Luo Xing's hand on his shoulder.

Put on a brotherly pose.

That's a sigh of relief.

"Hey, aren't you a man, Yamato, and now you want to be a woman again?!"

A slightly sour voice sounded.

It's Runma.

She said that she was about to carry the rod up, but before she could take two steps, she was stopped by a taller black shadow.

"Little Star."

Black Maria swept her eyes above the long dragon, took a deep breath, and looked at Luo Xing again: "Lord Kaido just said angry words, you... Just apologize to him first.


She heard it.

But will Kaido really do it? She doesn't believe ....

The other three males flew sextuplets, but they did not speak, but their bodies were tense and straight.


Look at the Tiger King every now and then!

In their eyes, it seems that this can pose a great threat to them!

Luo Xing?


“ Luo Xing!”

Jack, who is more than eight meters tall, approached in one step, and the noise was very muffled: "Even if you bow your head and apologize now, it's too late!"

"Deceiving Lord Kaido into getting the gold?"

"Bind Big Brother Ember!"

"Go out privately to develop troops! Do you want to get away from Beasts Pirates?!"

He said.

Suddenly stopped by Ember with an iron mask!

“ Luo Xing。”

"This time we and Big· The Mom Pirates go to war, all to protect you.

"See for yourself."

"What did you do again, run around at will.. ....Once the beast is controlled by its people, you become someone else's puppet!"

Maybe it's backed by the Hundred Beast Army!

Or perhaps.

Feeling that Luo Xing was about to be crippled by Kaido, several people immediately stood on the 'moral' high ground and taught Luo Xing a lesson!

While venting your emotions!

And this one came down.

In other words, ordinary people are afraid that they will not be able to hold it just by coercion, and they tremble with fear.

But they don't know.

Luo Xing is no longer what it used to be.

The wind was light and cloudy, sweeping over the faces of several people, and finally laughed.




"You guys... Did I make a mistake?".

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