I Am A Concept God! The Country Makes Me An Ancestor

Chapter 17 The Abyss Corrupted And Turned Evil Into A Monster

"Am I telling you the truth!"

Ye Ren directly transformed into the Zuan Mad Demon. After cursing at the eyeballs on the wall, he picked up a chair and smashed it.

There was a snap.

A large area of ​​densely packed eyeballs burst out with thick liquid.

The dean just watched all this indifferently from outside.

But what he didn't know was that in this team of lampbearers, because of Ye Ren's existence, there were six more bosses hiding in the shadows that he was completely unaware of.

Each of these big guys has the power to crush him easily.

Wangpingan thought for a while and then said:

"You can't take any risks, just kill him and rescue that kid."

However, another man with a thin body and sharp eyes held a different view:

"That child has potential that we can't predict. If we intervene now, how will he grow?"

Yu Linglong also expressed her admiration:

"Even the flowers in the greenhouse need to be exposed to the sun. Only those who have experienced danger can...do you understand what I mean?"

"But!" Wang Ping'an interrupted them, "We can't risk his life, what if?"

The thin man smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, I care about that kid's safety more than anyone else. If there is a problem, I will save him even if I die."

"That braised egg once said, how can you continue to become stronger without experiencing conflict?"

In the end, the big guys reached a consensus and decided to wait and see how Ye Ren would experience this danger.

"Captain Jiang, what should we do now?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, and the eyes on the wall stared at everyone, making people shudder.

At this moment, the ground began to shake, dust on the walls fell one after another, and a passage slowly opened under the gaze of everyone.

The other end of the passage was shrouded in shadow, and only the dean's cold voice could be heard coming from it:

"If you want to live, go in."

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly, with anger and worry mixed in their eyes.

One of the team members gritted his teeth and lowered his voice angrily:

"Captain Jiang, how can we just listen to him?!"

Even a fool can tell that the passage is definitely a trap. No one knows what's in it, but it's definitely not a good thing.

"Don't worry."

Ye Ren waved his hand, walked to the wall, and then said:

"Open the door, don't make me chop you."

After what happened just now, Ye Ren has judged that this room has independent will, and it will be easier to handle if it has wisdom.

He reached out and touched his back, seeing a familiar posture again.

Before his hand even grasped the bloody blade, the wall had already begun to tremble, as if in fear.

Ye Ren's expression was calm:

"Open the door."

The wall made a creaking sound, and then a gap was torn out and led outside.

Ye Ren immediately saw the dean outside holding his big eyes.

He grinned:

"Old man, what did I just say? I'll raise my ashes for you!"

The dean's expression changed for the first time.

There was obvious confusion on his cold and stiff face, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

The corner of his mouth twitched:

"This is impossible……"

The plan was completely disrupted.


Jiang Sui's voice echoed in the corridor.

As her order came down, everyone descended from the mountain like tigers, quickly surrounded the dean, and launched a fierce siege.

The dean tried to retreat, but he was already tightly surrounded by everyone and had no way to escape.

"Old man board!"

The figure of the thin man suddenly became blurry, and his speed increased several times in an instant, almost turning into an afterimage.

He walked around behind the dean, and stabbed the opponent's stomach with the standard saber made from the abyssal biological organs.

The strength was so great that the dean was almost lifted up!

Another team member made a large font: "Locked!"

The dean's whole body muscles suddenly tensed up, forcing himself to stay in place.

The next scene was a bit tragic.

Under the siege of everyone, the dean was as embarrassed as a wild dog.

His white coat was covered in dust and scorch marks, his hair was messy, and his glasses were knocked off in the melee.

His originally calm face was now bruised and swollen into a pig's head.

Just when Ye Ren was about to kill him directly with the blood blade.

Jiang Sui gently pulled Ye Ren's sleeve:

"Keep him alive. We need to interrogate him when we go back. There should be other forces behind him."

"Pfft...cough cough cough..."

However, there was a hint of madness on the dean's face.

He took advantage of the moment when everyone relaxed their vigilance, suddenly reached out and grabbed the abyss mud on the ground, and ate it in big gulps.

"You...damn it...damn it!"

His hoarse roar echoed through the corridors.

As the director's voice fell, the entire mental hospital suddenly shook violently.

It seemed like there was some huge force rolling underground.

The walls began to crack, fragments from the ceiling fell one after another, the entire building was twisted and deformed, and a large amount of abyssal silt poured in from the outside like seawater pouring in!

"Get out!"

Jiang Sui shouted loudly that there was no time to take care of the dean now, and survival was the most important thing.

The walls and floors of the mental hospital were eroded by the silt of the abyss, crumbling like fragile pieces of paper.

The sludge spread quickly, swallowing every inch of space.

The beds, medical equipment, and even the eyeballs that used to monitor Ye Ren and the others in the ward were all shattered by the impact of the mud.

"Run faster!"

Ye Ren and his team members were trying their best to rush out. Their footsteps were struggling on the slippery ground. Every time they landed, it was like they were greeting the God of Death.

The team members' breathing became rapid and their heartbeats beat like drums. Everyone knew that once they were completely swallowed by the mud...

I’m not sure I’ll die, but my chances of survival are probably zero.

"Ahead! Jump over!"

Ye Ren shouted loudly, his voice standing out among the chaos.

He took the lead and jumped over a rapidly expanding crack. Below the crack was the squirming and bubbling abyssal silt.

Jiang Sui followed closely, and the team members jumped over the cracks one by one, but the cracks became bigger and bigger, and the last person slipped when he took off.

"It's over..."

The man's mind went blank, and his body fell towards the abyss and mud.

But at this moment, a hand grabbed his arm.

It was Ye Ren. He gritted his teeth and picked up the opponent. Before he could stop, he continued to yell: "Why are you stunned? Run!"

Just when everyone was about to reach the exit, a deafening roar came from behind.

That was the voice of the dean, who had been completely corrupted and turned into a huge, twisted, and deformed abyss creature.

Its body squirmed, integrating the tentacles of an octopus and the scales of deep-sea fish, and its once cold eyes now shone with a crazy light.

"I'll test your code!"

The dean's voice became muffled and low.

Its tentacles waved like whips, each lash leaving ink-like traces in the air. Its speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye.

"Spread out!" Jiang Sui commanded calmly, "Run in different directions!"

The team members quickly dispersed, fleeing like a flock of frightened birds.

The Dean's attacks were thus confused, its now contaminated and cluttered brain unable to pursue everyone at once.

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