Chapter 1479 192 The Practitioner

It's not bad that you are a practitioner, even if you are skilled in medicine,

To be so compassionate, he doesn't care about what happened just now.

"Ha ha!

The old man was shocked for a while, then slapped his legs and laughed.

"Effective picture! Doctor Lin! I like your bold personality so much!"

"That's ok, stinky boy, you're taking advantage of it, so stay."

When Zhong Wu heard this, he quickly nodded and thanked him.

"Yes, yes, thank you Brother Lin for your atmosphere!

Zhong Wu's voice just fell,

The people present gathered around one after another,

Start expressing thanks to Lin Yuan.

If nothing else, at least the old man is alive and kicking now,

I thought how dangerous is the so-called bloodletting,

In fact, the wounds left behind are not large.

And after the poison was sent out, the old man really recovered a lot.

Can they be thankful?

Before they all thought that the old man was about to go into the ground 21, and now he has turned the corner,

Everyone is very grateful to Lin Yuan.

"Doctor Lin, I'm so sorry just now that I doubted you! 35

"Yeah, Dr. Lin, you are really amazing. Before, we went to almost all the hospitals in the country, and we couldn't cure the old man's disease. I didn't expect it to be so easy after you took over!"

"It's not too much to call a genius doctor. I said you should stop talking about Dr. Lin. It's time to call it a genius doctor!""

"That's right, Doctor Lin! You are literally Hua Tuo alive! Rejuvenate with a wonderful hand!

It's not just the relatives of the Zhong family who are booing,

At this moment, even Zhong Xin looked over with tears in his eyes.

"Doctor Lin, I knew you could do it, thank you so much, I really... really can't repay it!

Zhong Xin's play is also enough, so saying,

Seeing it, tears were streaming down my face.

Lin Yuan was also afraid that she would cry in front of people, and he thought they had something to do with each other.

"Cough...don't be so polite.""

"You hold back your emotions, it's public.

Although it is not for him to say this,

But how to say, this is also surrounded by a group of people,

A woman was sobbing, as if she had bullied her.

It's not like it's true.

The old man was stunned for a moment when he saw the interaction between the two.

Immediately, a wicked smile appeared.

As if he knew something.

"Haha, it's good to be young!"

"I see the two of you looking at each other, Xinxin, are you interested in this genius doctor?"

"If that's the case, Grandpa will have to support you!"

"Actually, grandpa also has a crush on this young man. If you can really find him in our family, I can see our Zhong family!

The bell and drum had just recovered from a serious illness, and he was in a very good mood.

Saying this jokingly, Zhong Xin's face turned red all of a sudden.

Almost visible to the naked eye, the red rose directly to the base of the ear.


"Grandpa...don't talk nonsense."

It was nothing at first, but she was so shy,

The whole thing is even more difficult to wash.

Lin Yuan was speechless.

Damn, why did you suddenly get accused of being a mandarin duck when you came to your home to treat a disease?

And this girl Zhong Xin is really,

It's not like that, but let's make it clear!

So what the hell is that shy look?

"Cough cough, I can't see it, I thought Xinxin, who is smart in Bingxue, is not interested in these things. 99

"Haha, Zhong Xin is also an older child, it's time to start a love affair!

"Yeah! She's been busy all these years after taking over the hospital, and I'm worried she's not interested in this."

"It's no wonder that she has been talking for Shenyi Lin just now. It turned out to be the case. Why didn't she say it earlier?"

The people were infected by the atmosphere,

This will start to make fun of you.

The atmosphere naturally became more embarrassing,

Bell and Drum also saw Lin Yuan's discomfort at this moment.

He also didn't want to embarrass Lin Yuan,

As a result, his face turned black, and his tone changed directly.

"Okay, old man, my granddaughter and I are joking, what are you kidding me about?"

"My old man is all right, you don't need to stay in the house and watch.

"Just go out for a walk if you have nothing to do! Do whatever you need to do, and what do you do around me all day?

After saying this, he walked out of a driving action.

Although people do not want to leave like this,

But the old man couldn't hold back his words.

And through just now, they have learned that,

Lin Yuan is indeed a genius doctor, not a liar.

So now they are at ease with Lin Yuan.

Just leave without worrying about it.

"Why don't I stay?"

Everyone was talking about it,

There were only three people left in the house.

Lin Yuan, Zhonggu, Zhongxin.

Just now, it was Zhong Xin who spoke.

She blinked innocent eyes, and there was a slight blush on her face.

193Though it is of no consequence that she remains here,

But she wondered how Lin Yuan cured the old man,

She wants to stay and discuss, but it's not very good for her to make her own decisions.

Therefore, this meeting will use the tone of inquiry to seek Lin Yuan's opinion.

If Lin Yuan doesn't let her stay,

Then she would just leave the stage obediently.


Lin Yuan originally wanted to say no,

If she wants to stay here, just stay.

Although the atmosphere just now was really embarrassing,

But to be honest, Lin Yuan doesn't want to be alone with Bell and Drum right now.

After all, I just told a little lie,

If the bells and drums bring the topic back later,

But it's not good.

If there is one more outsider left here,

It is estimated that the bell and drum will not ask.

Lin Yuan thought of this and wanted to keep her.

As a result, Lin Yuan's words were not finished yet,

He was interrupted by the old man sitting on the hospital bed.

"What are you doing here?"

"The hospital isn't busy anymore? Why don't you go back to the hospital to take care of it! Is it interesting to have an old man around me all day?

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