Just when Yang Tian was about to say that I could give it a try, Yang Jinrong spoke:"Doctor Zhang, Yang Tian, you two go and talk to the family members. If they agree to the pregnant woman signing to give up the pregnancy, then we will do it for them immediately. Endoscopic appendicectomy If they don’t agree, then let’s talk!"

"Dr. Zhang, you should know how to explain the stakes, right?"

"Well, no problem."Zhang Zongrong nodded. Medical troubles are so serious now. For such a high-risk operation, you must have a clear discussion with the patient's family. Otherwise, when something goes wrong, it will be their doctor who will suffer the tragedy in the end.

Everyone is happy to save the person. When something goes wrong, they take the blame. But it’s not their doctors who have the final say in the high-risk surgery. They try their best, but what if the surgery fails?

They are human beings and cannot guarantee the surgical process. There will be no risks, and if there are risks, they can be solved 100%!

Yang Tian swallowed his words again, and let's see the patient's reaction first.

Soon, Yang Tian and Zhang Zongrong will come. Arriving at the ward.

This patient’s husband is called Guo Bin. On the surface, he seems to be a fairly well-behaved person.

"Doctor, how are you? Have you finished the research? When can my wife have surgery? She's having a hard time now...I'm afraid……"Guo Bin saw the doctor coming and stood up hurriedly

"Mr. Guo, you come out first, and I will tell you later."Zhang Zongrong waved.

You must not talk about this kind of thing in front of the patient, otherwise it will increase the patient's psychological pressure.

After Guo Bin came out, Zhang Zongrong whispered to him in the corridor:"That's it, we Several doctors and directors have conducted comprehensive discussions and research on your wife's situation. Your wife's condition is not very optimistic. Mainly because your wife is pregnant! There are certain risks associated with surgery"

"What are the risks?"Guo Bin turned pale after hearing this and asked

"First of all, we recommend using laparoscopic appendicectomy... This operation has low risks, the wound is not large, and it is easy to recover... But it requires general anesthesia... Too much anesthetic may put the fetus at risk.……"Zhang Zongrong told Guo Bin the situation

"What? You want me to sign a pledge to give up the pregnancy? Doesn’t this mean protecting the big but not the small?"Guo Bin's face suddenly became uncertain. He is now in his thirties and has just become pregnant with his first child. Moreover, his wife also had several miscarriages and finally got pregnant. Of course he values this child very much.

Now the doctor says that there are risks in surgery. If something goes wrong, how can we protect the patient but not the minor one?

"What? To protect the big or not to protect the small? no! Absolutely not, we two elders are waiting to have a grandson. No, what do you doctors do for food? Are there such big risks in such a surgery?"I don't know when, Guo Bin's parents walked out of the ward and came to the corridor. Hearing Zhang Zongrong's words, they immediately became anxious.

"That is, your Jiangbei First Hospital is also the most famous hospital in the province, but why can’t you even save a child? You quacks!"The old woman turned on the mad mode at Zhang Zongrong.

Well, the old aunts these days are definitely good at quarreling. The key is that you can't quarrel with them!

If they are so angry that they faint, they may even get beaten!

Will it hurt? Come on.

At this moment, Zhang Zongrong was called a quackery, which made his face as black as a pot lid! He thought he was not a celebrity, but he was definitely a doctor with medical ethics. He must feel uncomfortable being called a quackery.

But after all, he graduated from college and was still a doctor with medical ethics.

He took a deep breath and said:"Guys, every operation has risks, big and small.

Our doctors cannot guarantee whether there will be any risks during the operation.

Do we have gods, don’t we? We can only do our best!

Your daughter-in-law is pregnant and suffering from acute appendicitis.

The situation is not optimistic now.

No one knows whether the condition will worsen or worsen when we undergo surgery, so we can only prepare for the worst.

And the choice of this worst-case scenario is up to you.


"Let me reiterate. This laparoscopic appendectomy only means that there may be situations where it is necessary to preserve the size but not the size. Generally speaking, maybe out of a hundred pregnant women, only two or three will experience this condition. So please don’t worry too much, the probability is still relatively small."Zhang Zongrong patiently explained to them

"In other words, the probability is relatively small?"After Guo Bin heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. This is true for both the patient and the patient's family. They still believe what the doctor said.

After hearing that the probability was so small, Guo Bin was relieved a lot. He was worried. He also knows that there are definitely risks in surgery.

He understands it, but his parents can't understand it!

"What? How many people out of a hundred people might experience this dangerous situation? What if this happens to my daughter-in-law? Will my unborn grandson be given up by then? No, absolutely not!"The old aunt suddenly shook her head like a rattle. She became anxious again!

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