I Am a Magic Sword

Chapter 802: Choose rest

"Then rest!"

"Where are you going to rest?" Liu Quanjun asked.

"Are there any arrangements?"

Deng Yifei really has nowhere to go.

"If you don't cause trouble, I can take you to Caidu!" Liu Quanjun hesitated and replied, "The headquarters of our sting bee organization is in Caidu, but there are at least seven domain experts in Caidu. , If you cause trouble in Caidu, not only we can’t save you, maybe even the sting bee will die with you!”

"Then I won't go. If I really encounter a villain, I'm afraid I can't help but take it. I don't want to trouble you!"

"That's fine, if you really take you to Caidu, I am the one who is most worried about!" Liu Quanjun thought for a while and said, "Then, you can go to Wenshi City, Wenshi City is not far from here, Wenshi City Sting Fengfen The person in charge in the ministry was accidentally killed more than half a month ago. There is no person in charge there. You can go to the next generation first and get familiar with the intelligence network of our sting bee!"

"Can I? Let me do intelligence work, it's embarrassing me a bit!"

"You must do it. The Sting Bee branch of Wenshi City is still there, but it lacks the person in charge!" Liu Quanjun thought for a while and said, "I can also assign Huo Sining to you, and you can give her all the work, and then you Go play!"

"Didn't you say that Huo Sining wants to have a holiday in his dreams?"

"It's okay, that girl has good toughness. Although she is so tired that she is crying every time, as long as she cries happily, she will be motivated again!" Liu Quanjun then added, "There is one more thing. The person in charge of the city branch is actually not difficult, but very easy!"


Liu Quanjun quickly brought Huo Sining to Deng Yifei.

As members of the team dedicated to serving Deng Yifei, they are not too far away from Deng Yifei and will be there soon.

Huo Sining yelled weakly, "Master Deng, I will ask you in the future!"

Deng Yifei was younger than Huo Sining, but her strength and status were stronger than her. In desperation, Huo Sining could only think of the name "adult".

"Be low-key, the name of an adult is a bit high-key!"

"Then call you Master Deng!"


Liu Quanjun commanded: "Si Ning, you can disguise Deng Yifei first. His face has been put on record by every force in Cai State, and it must be disguised!"

"Okay, Lord Deng is indeed a little too handsome. He went out like this and was recognized by others. That is a certainty!"

Huo Sining found some bottles and cans from the space ring and smeared some odorless ointment powder on Deng Yifei's face. In less than a quarter of an hour, Deng Yifei's face changed in her hands.

She didn't make many changes, only a few, but only a few changes completely changed Deng Yifei's appearance.

Handsome is still somewhat handsome, but not as conspicuous as before.

"Okay, Captain Liu, how about this?"

"Roughly the same!"

Twelve days later, Huo Sining took Deng Yifei to Wenshi City.

Aragonite City is a medium-sized city in the Southern Region with a large population. The official statistics say there are 200,000 people, but in fact, the population should far exceed 200,000.

On the same day, the two found the Sting Bee Branch of Wenshi City, and Huo Sining officially took over as the head of the Sting Bee Branch of Wenshi City.

And Deng Yifei's external identity is the subordinate Huo Sining brought from other places!

This kind of identity is very common. Every person in charge likes to bring his own cronies, because they are loyal and easy to use. This is a kind of unspoken rule. Not only the sting bee organization, but many organizations send people to their posts. , They all agreed to bring some pro-accompaniments to those who were appointed.

Huo Sining had good abilities, and he was more than enough to be the person in charge of a city.

In just three days, using Deng Yifei's power as a deterrent, she almost controlled all the intelligence personnel of the Wenshicheng branch.

The old people in those branches are very cooperative with Huo Sining's work, and never give Huo Sining any trouble.

Because Huo Sining told them on the day that she took office, she was an acting person in charge, which was used for temporary excesses. After a period of time, the real person in charge would be assigned.

Specifically who should be appointed as the new person in charge, Huo Sining told the old people that she has a great say in this aspect, and the person above will ask her for advice when that time comes!

This led to those who wanted to motivate the branch old people to fight for the name Huosening.

There are even gifts for Huo Sining!

Sitting leisurely on a recliner drinking tea, Deng Yifei was very comfortable watching Huo Sining dealing with piles of work.

Huo Sining occasionally looked up at Deng Yifei when he twisted his neck.

Because she knew very well that the reason she was assigned was to cooperate with Deng Yifei to rest...

Deng Yifei drank the tea and whispered: "Recently, I often have nightmares. The dreams are all red, blood-red sky, blood-red ground, and all around are the kind of mutilated corpses. Those corpses are evil in my memory. Disciples, they just looked at me like that, and I looked at them like that... It always feels weird!"

"It's really weird!" Huo Sining's face became serious. As a martial artist, he actually cares about this kind of dream, because the scene in the dream can often reflect the mental state of the martial artist. "The blood-red world may be because You have killed most people recently! Many soldiers who have been on the battlefield, like you, have this kind of nightmare symptoms!"

"You are right to choose to rest for a while! I suggest you do something to cultivate your character!"

Deng Yifei asked, "What's the matter of self-cultivation?"

“It’s also possible to raise some cute pets, plant some plants, or learn a musical instrument. I heard that doing these things has a very good effect on preventing delusions.”

Inside the Scarlet Blood Sword, Chen Hao thought of Qingyan, that guy played the guzheng quite well!

If Deng Yifei wants to learn musical instruments, he can teach him to play the guzheng, pipa, and guqin.

"Does it really work?"

"Of course!" Huo Sining said, "It's all the experience of the seniors."

"Then I will go out and have a look, if it's suitable, I will choose one of them to do it"

"Go, remember that for the time being, don't kill people at will. Even if you do it, don't use the Aurora Profound meaning. The Aurora Profound meaning is too special. Once you use it, everyone will know that you are Deng Yifei. No disguise is useless!

Deng Yifei waved his hand and said, "Alright, alright, I know, how do I feel that you are as long-winded as Liu Quanjun?"

"Speaking of Captain Liu, you are not afraid of me going to sue?"


When Huo Sining raised his head and looked in the direction of Deng Yifei, he found that the other person had disappeared!

She can only spread her sullenness on her affairs, as long as she is busy playing these things, she can relax!

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