
It will be put on the shelves in the evening, it will be put on the shelves at night, around seven or eight o'clock!

Available tonight! The book was on the shelves in just eight days!

On average, about 15,000 words are updated a day!

This is the ultimate explosion since writing the book, and it is updated every day!

The extra updates promised to everyone were fulfilled one by one.

And there are thousands more words for free than others!

I believe everyone enjoyed watching it!

I believe that not many people can achieve this amount of updates during the new book period.

But it’s when it’s on the shelves that truly determines how good a book is!

It is also an assessment and verification standard for whether it can be written.

Everyone is required to subscribe. The requirement is really not high, as long as one out of ten people subscribes!

I will not cut the book, but will definitely continue to update and write this book down.

The first update on the first order day will strive to break through 20,000!

I think why this book is so popular is because I have too many stories to write in my mind.

I can’t write it well, and I’ve read the Pirates books myself, and I feel that many books put the truth about World Government and Raftel very late.

But I think that since everyone wants to watch it, it’s a pleasure to watch it in one go. All the speculations about the final solution of One Piece will be presented to you in the shortest possible time and written in one go.

So this book probably won’t be very long! Instead, I try to condense the story as much as possible so that everyone can read it in one go and finish it!

Having written about pirates for many years, I believe I still have some control over it.

What I'm most afraid of now is putting it on the shelves! So we really need everyone to subscribe!

As long as you subscribe, the releases will not stop every day, and we will even try to get more!

Please everyone, I want to finish writing this story!

Ask for the first order, the first order is very important, every one is important! Save a few to send out tonight! Codeword! !

As long as the first order is confirmed, I will update at least 20,000 words on the first day of staying up late!

The later chapters will be longer, usually several chapters are combined together, so I don’t want to be exposed! I just hope everyone enjoys watching it! At the same time, I refuse to be a short chapter dog!

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