I Am A Reiatsu Player With All Points, And I Stun All The Marines At The Start.

6. Close Range Reiatsu Release! Completely Crushed! ! (Update 6, Please Vote For Flower Evaluation!)

Needless to say, Gion was knocked unconscious in the bathroom for no reason.

And she is the alternate Admiral, the Admiral should have been hers!

No matter if Levi is really that powerful.

She has to test her, otherwise how will others see her?

Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, also has some grudges in his heart.

He is also one of the best in Marine and will compete in the Summit War in the future.

It can even make Marco, the captain of Whitebeard's first team, suffer.

Just put seastone handcuffs on him.

You must know that Marco kicked the two Admirals Kizaru and Aokiji back and forth.

Its combat power is not much worse than Admiral.

It is conceivable that the combat power of Ghost Spider is not comparable to that of ordinary Vice Admiral.

He is also expected to become a strong member of Marine Admiral in the future at Marine Headquarters.

Even if you can't reach it, it will be a good achievement to have a substitute Admiral in the future and raise it by half a level.

But Levi came out of nowhere and was directly promoted to the fourth Marine Admiral.

It is too difficult for their military ranks to fluctuate in a short period of time!

Even if you know that Marshal Sengoku will not choose the wrong person.

But if they were left silent, they would not be willing to lose.

No matter what, you have to take action and give it an honest try, even if you lose!

They have no complaints anymore. This is an explanation for their hard work!

"You want to try my level?" Levi waved his hand to stop what Sengoku was going to say next.

Now that I have taken over this position, I naturally have to deal with some troubles myself!

Levi still has this awareness.

If you can't handle even this little trouble well.

It's better not to take advantage of this convenience and leave the Marine headquarters as soon as possible!

"That's right! But it's not revenge because you knocked me out in the bathroom. I just want to try to see how strong you are and whether you can make me lose consciousness if I am on guard."

"I have been waiting for this Marine Admiral position for ten years. Do you know what this means?"

"Does it mean you are older?"

"This bastard..."

Forget it, looking at him like that, he really blurted it out.

Nothing malicious.

Gion took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

Adjust your mental state to the best!

Try to clear yourself of unnecessary distractions.

Especially when he was carried out of the bathroom.

Her hand gradually grasped the knife, and the sharp breath gradually released.

She is a great swordsman!

As a daughter, her current achievements are enough to disdain more than 90% of the powerful people in the world.

And what she meant was obvious.

Regardless of whether Levi agrees or not, she will take action!

Levi's Reiatsu can clearly sense Gion's current state.

She actually really concentrated her energy.

Stop thinking about any nonsense.

The power of the sword was concentrated, and only the burning fighting spirit remained in his eyes.

As she said, in this battle, she was not trying to make things difficult or settle a score with Levi because of the previous incident.

She just wanted to give an explanation for her life and pursuit.

This kind of consideration makes Ghost Spider feel ashamed.

He actually still had the idea of ​​testing Levi's strength.

Because Levi is obviously from the Sengoku school.

And he, Ghost Spider, is from Akainu's group.

Marine headquarters, there are actually three factions in total.

One is the doves of Garp Aokiji, and the other is the hawks of Akainu!

After that came the conciliatory neutral faction of Sengoku and Kizaru.

Akainu's faction is radical and not very popular among Marines, but they are extremely loyal!

Most of them are Marine generals who have been persecuted by pirates.

Now an extra Marine Admiral appears out of thin air!

They need to test out and ultimately determine what impact he will have on Marine as a whole.

After understanding it, see if you can "get closer".

For this reason, even if there is a possibility of being beaten up, he will not hesitate.

"Are you two coming together, or one by one?" Levi's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the two of them with a calm smile.

"I'll do it myself." Gion said coldly before Ghost Spider could speak.

She disdains joining forces with others.

She felt that on the premise that she had taken precautions.

No one in the world can defeat themselves solely relying on Conqueror's Haki!

So what if that’s the qualification that only one person in a million has?

Is it not more difficult than being one in a million to reach this point?

There is no way out for her!

"Why don't we go outside..." Marshal Sengoku suggested as he looked at Gion who was constantly increasing his sword power.

He was afraid that the conference room would be blown up.

Levi is very strong, but Gion is not weak either.

Especially his swordsmanship, Penultimate is extraordinary.

If there is really a precautionary situation, it might be difficult for Levi to capture her.

But before Sengoku could finish his words, Gion drew his sword and struck him with one move.


The figure disappeared instantly, and a stunning sword light cut through the void and swept toward Levi!

The stunning sword light made all the strong men present pay close attention!

Even Kizaru Garp and others are no exception!

Any strong person who can become a candidate Admiral is a top-notch strong person.

Even if it's a little far away from Admiral, it won't be too far away.

"Not dodging? No action!?" Garp observed carefully. Only Vice Admiral and above generals present could see Gion's attack trajectory.

The Rear Admiral level experts were all confused and completely invisible!

But they saw Gion moving, but Levi didn't move!

"What is this brat doing? Why isn't he moving? Are you careless?!" Sengoku couldn't help but feel a cold sweat in his heart for Levi!

Even if you are powerful, you can't be so conceited!

Take action! You might as well show us your attack methods!

If he doesn't take action and defend, Sengoku will be unable to resist taking action.

But in the end Sengoku chose to believe Levi.

"So slow..." Levi still didn't move, his eyelids just raised slightly.

With a bang, an invisible force that seemed to exude a light blue that was so light that it could not be seen, Reiatsu burst out!

The souls of everyone present were hit hard again!

The closest ghost spider, Vice Admiral, was already covered in pitch black Armament Haki.

With a pop, he knelt down on his knees in an extremely inelegant manner, unable to move!

At this moment, everyone understands!

Vice Admiral, the ghost spider, is completely unqualified to challenge Levi. This is an absolute crushing!

(Flowers are only 160! Woohoo! I don’t want to cut the book! Help me! Flower evaluation votes, one is also love, the 7th update will be sent later!)

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