At dusk,

Zhu Jiuyin put down his chopsticks and looked at the woman on the bed.

The light shone through the window onto the woman, who looked peaceful and calm.

"Sir, I don't have many days left to live.

The woman lowered her eyes, holding a needle and thread and an unfinished tiger-head hat in her skinny hands.

"Ah Fei, I'll leave it to you, sir."

Zhu Jiuyin said softly.


Then he stood up and walked out of the house.

"Sir, this is the last time we will see each other.

Zhu Jiuyin's body stiffened slightly.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.


Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the door of the east wing. Inside the room, the little one was sitting on a small stool in a proper manner, holding a bowl of corn rice in his arms.

At this moment, he was chewing the chicken bone of the chicken leg in small bites.


Seeing Zhu Jiuyin, the little one quickly buried the chicken bones in the corn rice.

His little face was burning.

"Disciple, from now on, you will stay in the town and accompany your mother."

"Wait until the beginning of next spring, and then go to the foot of Buzhou Mountain to find a master."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said

"Master, the town is not far from Buzhou Mountain.

The little guy put down his bowl, stood up and said,

"Disciple, you also know that snakes need to hibernate"

"Oh, so that's how it is."

The little guy touched the back of his head and said shyly,"Then I wish Master a good dream."

"Lend me your good words"

"Master, I'll take you to the town entrance."

"No, eat quickly, it's getting cold."


When passing by the kitchen, Zhu Jiuyin saw Liu Cui'er washing dishes, so he didn't disturb her.

Walking out of the alley, Zhu Jiuyin put his hands behind his back, walked barefoot on the bluestone slabs, and walked towards the town entrance.

On the street, there was a white-haired old man leading an old cow slowly.

There was a vegetable vendor carrying an empty bamboo basket, humming a little song, walking home leisurely.

There was a woman carrying a vegetable basket, walking in a hurry. There were children carrying school bags, in groups of three or five.

With a light sniff, the nose was full of the aroma of food.

Looking up, the whole town was filled with the smell of fireworks.

Not long after, Zhu Jiuyin arrived at the town entrance.

Under the old locust tree, there was no trace of Mr. Qingshan

""Sir, wait a minute."

Zhu Jiuyin was about to walk out of the town when a voice suddenly floated behind him.

Turning around, he saw Liu Cui'er running towards him.

"Sir, can I take up some of your time?"

Zhu Jiuyin nodded slightly and gestured in the direction of the old locust tree.

"Miss Cui'er, please"


Zhu Jiuyin had never seen such a thick locust tree. It would take at least three adults to hug it.

The bare branches stretched out in all directions.

It is conceivable that in the midsummer of next year, it would be a wonderful thing to cool off under the shade of this locust tree.

There are stone piers and tree stumps under the old locust tree.

Liu Cui'er sat on the stone pier and Zhu Jiuyin sat on the tree stump.

After pondering for a while, Liu Cui'er asked,"Sir, how much do you know about Ah Fei?"

Zhu Jiuyin's red eyes narrowed slightly under the cloth strip, enjoying the last bit of warmth of the sunset.

He said,"Since Miss Cui'er has something in mind, you might as well say it directly."

"Sir, do you know how Sister Ling'er's legs were broken?"

Without waiting for Zhu Jiuyin to reply, Liu Cui'er said to herself,"She sawed them off with a saw."

Zhu Jiuyin's body trembled slightly.

At this moment, two dark clouds gathered in Liu Cui'er's watery almond eyes.

"That year, Ah Fei was only two years old.

As she told the story, the dark clouds in the girl's eyes collapsed.

The past was like a torrential rain, pouring down.

"Ah Fei's father was called Chen Yanshi. In the winter of the year he married Sister Ling'er, which was also the year Sister Ling'er was pregnant, he went deep into the mountains to hunt and never came back."

"Sir, can you imagine? Sister Ling'er, who was pregnant, went to the market every day to pick up rotten vegetable leaves for the nutrition of her unborn baby."

"I could only eat half a bowl of corn rice every day, and had to go out of town every day to collect firewood in small bundles."

"That winter was particularly long and cold. Ah Fei was born on a dark night with a raging snowstorm."

"In that freezing cold room, Sister Ling'er delivered her baby."

"Cut the umbilical cord by myself, boiled hot water by myself, and washed away the blood stains on Ah Fei's body."

"Ah Fei was a premature baby. He didn't cry when he was born."

"Sister Ling'er thought the child would not survive that cold winter."


At this point, Liu Cui'er took a deep breath.

She stretched out her fist and pounded her chest a few times.

"Due to the heavy bleeding during childbirth, Sister Ling'er became ill"

"When Ah Fei was one year old, Ling'er's feet started to rot, and then it spread upwards until it reached her legs, endangering her life."

"Poor families, orphans and widows, even having enough food and clothing is a problem, let alone medical treatment."

"When Ah Fei was two years old, on a stormy, thundering night, Sister Ling'er entrusted the child to me."

"That night, she was alone, boiling a pot of hot water. Biting a stick in her mouth, she picked up a saw and sawed off two legs that were so rotten that the bones were barely visible."

"That night is very long in my memory."

"The next day, after a sleepless night, I opened the door"

"Sir, I will never forget that scene in my life."

"The wooden bed was covered in blood. On the floor lay two bloody broken legs."

"The bedding looked as if it had been soaked in blood. The stick was broken into two pieces, with teeth marks all over it."

"Sister Ling'er's bloodstained face is the most beautiful I have ever seen. She is thousands or tens of thousands of times more beautiful than the so-called fairies in New Year pictures."

"Sir, perhaps I have met too few people and am ignorant. No matter in the past, present, or future, Sister Ling'er is the person I admire most."

"No one can compare to Sister Ling'er."

Saw off your own legs!"

Zhu Jiuyin, a cold-blooded animal, couldn't help but feel his palms wet at this moment.

"Sir, Ah Fei is a good kid."

"Since I was old enough to understand, my young shoulders have shouldered the responsibility of being the head of the family."

"When I was three or four years old, I stood on a small stool and learned to cook and boil medicine for Sister Ling'er."

"Other children could sit in a bright and clean classroom and study. But Ah Fei could only be trapped in a cramped kitchen, fanning himself day after day."

"Other children climbed trees to steal birds, went to the river to catch fish, and played all day long. But Ah Fei could only go to the depths of the mountains alone to collect herbs."

"Other children had new clothes several times a year, but Ah Fei could only wear coarse linen clothes and worn-out straw sandals."

"Neighbors couldn't bear to see the mother and child suffer, so they would help them every now and then."

"Of course, Zhang San's family gave three white flour buns today, and Ah Fei immediately gave four tomorrow."

"Li Si's family gave two catties of meat today, and Ah Fei will return three catties tomorrow."

At this point, Liu Cui'er looked at Zhu Jiuyin.

"Sir, actually, back then, the owner of the Yang Family Pharmacy, Yang, had gone to look for my sister."

"After seeing this, Shopkeeper Yang told my sister that if she wanted to survive, she had to give up her legs."

"Shopkeeper Yang is willing to amputate my sister for free."

"As long as the dose of anesthetic is sufficient, my sister will fall into a coma, and she will not feel any pain during the amputation."

Zhu Jiuyin frowned and asked,"Why refuse?"

Liu Cuier smiled bitterly,"For Shopkeeper Yang, amputating my sister is just a kind gesture. But for my sister, that kindness is too great and too heavy."

"My sister knew that after the amputation, she, a disabled person, could never repay the kindness of Shopkeeper Yang."

"This huge favor can only weigh heavily on Ah Fei's shoulders.

"My sister's only wish is that Ah Fei can live a healthy and peaceful life."

"Over the years, my sister and Ah Fei have never owed anyone in the town a favor."


Liu Cui'er said seriously,"The reason why I have said so much to you is because I know very well that my sister will not live for long."

"Ah Fei is a really good kid."

"If you can't do it, please tell me."

"I will carry out my sister's wish and train Ah Fei to be an adult."

Zhu Jiuyin sat upright.

His voice was gentle but firm:"Miss Cui'er, please rest assured. Once a teacher, always a father."

"As a father, I will educate Ah Fei and protect him throughout his life."

"Thank you, sir~"

Liu Cui'er had tears in her eyes but a smile on her lips.

"If Ah Fei knew that so many people were thinking about him, he would wake up laughing in his dreams."

Mother, Master, and Sister Cui'er, three people in total.

Is that a lot?

For a little kid, it's simply too much.

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