At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, in front of a cave, a shirtless boy holds a thousand-pound boulder in both hands, doing squats again and again.

The scorching sun of midsummer splashes on his body, and beads of hot sweat slide down his firm chest muscles and well-defined abdominal muscles.

""Master~" the young man called out.

The red python, who was hiding in the cave to escape the heat, didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.

He said calmly:"Speak"

"My big brother Lishan, who is addicted to eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and drugs, and is proficient in everything, returned to town a few days ago."

"Not only did he beat Sister Cui'er all over her body, he also robbed her of the money she had saved up over the years and went to the gambling house to have fun."

The red python said lazily:"So?"

With a dull thud, the boy smashed the boulder to the ground.

His dark eyes flashed with a cold light.

"My disciple wants to kill Brother Lishan"

"I wonder if Master will agree?"

The red python said calmly,"There are all kinds of weapons in the depths of the cave. You can pick whatever you want."

"In addition, the action must be ruthless and decisive, and it must be done quietly. If conditions permit, it is best to burn the body to ashes."

"Then let the ashes fly in the wind, or bury them deep underground. There is a Taiping River in this town, so you can scatter them in the river."

"If you are really worried, you can eat it with rice, and wait for it to be digested and turned into feces, and then defecate in the pit."

"Killing a person is not the key, destroying the body is the most important thing"

"Remember it?"

The boy nodded heavily,"Remember it in your heart."


The weather in midsummer changes suddenly.

One moment the sun was still floating at the end of the sky, and the clouds were as red as blood.

The next moment, dark clouds were pressing down and strong winds were blowing.


The rolling dark clouds were like an inverted ocean. Even if a few mountains were thrown into it, no waves would be splashed.

First, a dazzling flash of lightning fell from the Wuhai.

The sky and the earth suddenly became as bright as day.

Then there was a deafening thunder.

Boom, rolling from one side of the Wuhai to the other.

""It's thundering, it's raining, go home and collect the clothes~"

The young man with flying black hair, a wooden sword and a rusty iron sword hanging on his waist, returned to the town.

From a distance, Uncle Guo Ziru was seen squatting at the entrance of Wuyi Lane, puffing on his pipe.

In six years, some people grew up and some grew old.

Uncle Guo, whose three sons all died in the battlefield, is now too old to be a human.

His white hair is messy, and his face is like the cracked bark of an old tree.

""Uncle Guo, who are you waiting for?"

Ah Fei called out as he approached.

Uncle Guo, who was smoking with his head down, suddenly looked up, stood up and grabbed the boy's wrist.

"Ah Fei, earlier, I saw Cui Er being taken away from home by the Zhao family."

The boy shuddered,"Zhao family in Wolong Lane?"

Uncle Guo nodded.

The boy turned around and ran towards Wolong Lane.



The straw sandals fell on the bluestone street. Ah Fei was running wildly, and his heart was beating violently. In this life, the boy only cared about three people.

Mother, Master, and Sister Cui'er.

To the boy, Master was his father, and Sister Cui'er was his second mother.

"Don’t… Sister Cui’er… please don’t let anything happen to you!"

As night fell and the floodgates opened,

Ah Fei rushed to the depths of Wolong Lane.


After calming down his rapid breathing, the boy looked up at the gilded plaque.

"Zhao Mansion!"

The only gambling house in the town is owned by the Zhao family.

"Could it be that... Zhongli Shan sold out Sister Cui Er?!"

Concentrating his mind, Ah Fei took a few steps forward and gently knocked on the vermilion door.


After a while, the door opened a crack.

An old face came into view.

The well-dressed old man looked Ah Fei up and down and asked,"Young man, who are you looking for?"

Ah Fei smiled and said,"Uncle, I'm looking for Liu Cui'er, she's my sister"

"Earlier, the neighbor grandfather said that he saw my sister being taken away by your Zhao Mansion."

"It's getting dark and it's going to rain. I haven't seen my sister come home yet, so I came to see her."


The old man sighed and said,"Child, you are late."

Ah Fei's heart tightened,"Old uncle, what do you mean by this?"

The old man's face was compassionate, and a dry hand suddenly stretched out from his sleeve.

He rubbed his thumb and index finger gently.

Ah Fei immediately took off the purse from his waist and handed it over,"Old uncle, this is a little gift, please accept it."

After taking the purse, weighing it twice, listening to the clinking of copper coins and silver, the old man smiled kindly.

"Young man, is your sister wearing a green skirt?

Ah Fei nodded.

"My child, you are too late. The girl has already been torn to pieces and eaten by the fierce dogs raised by the young master."

"Do you want bones? If you do, I will collect them for you."

"The young master's fierce dogs had not eaten for who knows how many days. They were so hungry that they chewed up even the smallest bones and swallowed them."


The old man was still chattering.

Ah Fei felt dizzy.

He felt as if his soul had left his body.

"Uncle, I want"

"Every one counts, help me collect them all"

"By the way, uncle, why did my sister die? Who is the young master you mentioned?"

The old man narrowed his cloudy eyes and said,"The young master is a guest from Weidu. He is of noble status. Just the carriage needs three tall horses to pull it."

"Even if my master saw it, he would have to be respectful."

"As for that girl, your sister, what can I say?"

"It is only natural to pay back debts. The girl's husband owed us three hundred taels of silver in our Zhao family gambling house, and he has not paid it back for many years."

"Our master is very troubled by this kind of scoundrel who is not afraid of boiling water. Beating him is not enough, so let's kill him. Who will pay the money after he dies?"

"Today, the young master came to my Zhao family and sent people to arrest many debtors and forced them to sign a contract to sell themselves."

"Your brother-in-law, right? He signed your sister's indenture contract, so our Zhao family dared to arrest people in broad daylight."

"After all, whether we are common people or nobles, we must abide by the laws of Wei, isn't that right?"

The young man smiled and asked,"What happened next?"

The old man replied,"After that, the young master personally peeled the skins of the debtors off their bodies."

"The old man is on the scene"

"Boy, your sister is amazing."

"From beginning to end, there was no sound."

"Unlike those few who screamed as if their mother had died."


After an incense stick of time, the door opened.

With a muffled bang, the old man threw a bloodstained sack in front of Ah Fei.

""Young man, hurry up and leave. If the master sees you, he will blame me again."


The door closed tightly.

The young man squatted down and stretched out his violently trembling hands.

He pulled out a piece of emerald green clothes from the sack.

The clothes were stained with blood, which was shocking.

The young man took a deep breath and opened the tightly wrapped clothes corner by corner.


A thunderclap fell.

The boy's two dark pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Inside his clothes, there was a white skull!

The eye sockets were pitch black.

There were pieces of flesh and blood everywhere.

In addition to the skull, there were two thigh bones.

There was nothing else.

Whether it was the skull or the thigh, the dog mark was clearly visible.

"Sister Cui Er~"

The emerald green clothes wrapped the skull and leg bones.

Then she held the clothes in her arms.

Sniffing the extremely familiar fragrance, the boy burst into tears.


The rain poured down in torrents.

In the wind and rain, the soaked boy knelt on the ground with his head down, holding the clothes tightly.

He was like a dog.

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