"Grandpa Lan,"

Bai Liu stood up from the small stool and put the pipe back into his waist.

"Do you two know what will happen to the county magistrate if I cannot return with good news today?"

"He will skin me and my brothers, chop them up and feed them to the dogs."

"He will also chop off the heads of the three members of your Lan family and hang them high on the city wall to intimidate the people."

"You two, please don't make it difficult for me~"

Bai Liu gently grasped the handle of the narrow knife.

Lan's father protected Lan's mother behind him and said in a deep voice:"Skinning and cutting marrow, oppressing the people, causing public resentment, doesn't he Chen Chong fear the laws of Wei?!"



Bai Liu laughed as if he had heard a great joke, and tears were about to flow out.

After a few breaths, the laughter stopped abruptly.

Bai Liu wiped away his tears and said sarcastically:"The so-called law is nothing more than a means for the upper class to enslave the lower class."

"To put it bluntly, the law is a collar on a dog, a rope to restrain the dog, and a whip in the hands of the owner."

"The county magistrate is the Lord of Lingshi County. This is the naked reality.

Father Lan was so angry that his body kept shaking. He pointed at Bai Liu, his lips trembling, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

"My patience is almost exhausted!"

Bai Liu said coldly:"Go ahead, capture Lan's mother first"

"Today I'll chop off a finger, tomorrow I'll chop off a palm, and the day after tomorrow I'll dig out an eyeball."

Bai Liu looked at the east wing and smiled coldly,"I don't believe Miss Lan will still be able to sit on the Diaoyutai by then."

Several big men blocking the gate of the Lan family immediately rushed towards Lan's father and mother with ferocious looks.

"Stop it!"

A cry suddenly rang out from the east wing.

Bai Liu smiled with a look of success and waved his hand silently.

The big men immediately withdrew.


The door of the east wing was opened, and a girl in plain clothes walked out slowly.

Her slender hands tightly grasped a jade hairpin.

The tip of the hairpin was against her fair and delicate face.

"Xiang'er, what are you doing? Put the hairpin down quickly!"

Lan's father and mother were panicked.

The girl looked at Bai Liu, her peach blossom eyes full of determination.

"My surname is Bai. Didn't the county magistrate like my face?~"

"Go back and tell him that the vase is broken!"

After saying that, the girl exerted force suddenly.

The tip of the hairpin pierced into the flesh and cut it fiercely.

Instantly, the jade face was full of bright peach blossoms.

Bai Liu was not in a hurry. He dodged and drew his sword.

The sharp and narrow blade was tightly attached to the skin of Lan's father's neck. With a bang,

Lan's mother was so scared that she fell to the ground.

"Miss Lan,"

Bai Liu had a faint smile on her face,"Put down the hairpin and be obedient~"

Seeing the thin blade as thin as a cicada's wing embedded into Daddy's flesh, bleeding bright red.

The girl immediately lost her temper and lowered her arm dejectedly.

With a ding, the jade hairpin fell to the ground and shattered.

For the poor who were targeted by the nobles, even death was a luxury.

"What a pity~"

Bai Liu withdrew his gaze from the broken hairpin and said indifferently:"Miss Lan, you are too stupid"

"Do you really think that if you destroy your own appearance, the county magistrate will let your family of three go?"

"Fortunately, there was only one scratch. If there was another one, it would have ruined the county magistrate's mood. He would have ordered his men to scrape off the flesh of your family of three piece by piece."

"Miss Lan, you……"


With a scream, the narrow knife fell to the ground.

Bai Liu, whose whole arm was numb and tingling, stared at the stone deeply embedded in the courtyard wall.

The stone did not hit Bai Liu's hand, but hit the narrow knife.

‘What a terrifying power, what an exquisite skill!’

‘If you hadn't shown mercy, my right hand would have been in danger~'

Putting away the horror and cruelty in his eyes, Bai Liu turned around and looked outside the yard.

Lan's father and mother, Lan Xiang, and several burly men who were blocking the gate of the yard were still in shock.

Everyone's eyes were all on the handsome young man in coarse linen clothes with an iron sword hanging from his waist.

They automatically ignored Hu Zi who was beside the young man.

Ah Fei stepped forward.

The big men immediately stood on both sides and made way.

Walking into the yard, Ah Fei's eyes first swept across Lan Xiang's bloody face, and then looked at the young man whose right arm was trembling slightly.

He whispered:"How much silver do your uncle and aunt owe you? I'll pay it back."

Bai Liu shook his head and said nothing.

He picked up the narrow knife, led his men, and quickly walked away.

Ah Fei was a little stunned.

When he could no longer see the backs of the group of people, Ah Fei came to the girl, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and handed it over.

"Thank you, little brother."

Lan Xiang took the handkerchief and gently wiped the blood off her cheek.

Ah Fei looked at Lan's father and mother and asked doubtfully:"Uncle and aunt, didn't that group of people come to collect debts?"


Father Lan sighed and said,"This is a long story.……"

"" Dad!"

Lan Xiang glared at her father, who shut up.

Mother Lan shook her head, knowing that her daughter didn't want the innocent boy to be involved in this storm.


Since Lan's father, Lan's mother and Lan Xiang were unwilling to tell him, Ah Fei would not ask for the truth.

Half an hour later, the young man led Hu Zi and the two of them walked towards the deep mountains and old forests outside the village, ready to continue hunting.

"Strange, isn't that bastard surnamed Bai here to collect debts?"

Hu Zi frowned and said,"Could it be that my grandfather is deceiving me?"

"Every family has its own problems."

After a pause, Ah Fei continued,"My master taught me that apart from my own affairs, I should be ruthless and not cry for my own family."


Ah Fei patted Hu Zi's head and said,"Don't worry about other people's affairs. As a human being, the most important thing is to be happy."

"Hehe, Brother Fei's good advice is invaluable. I will keep it in mind."

Hu Zi smiled and said embarrassedly,"Brother Fei, can you teach me your amazing stone-slinging skill?"

Ah Fei nodded,"You���Why don't you play with my sword? Everything else is fine."


The sun was high in the sky, a rare warm day in winter. In

Qilong Lane, Lingshi County, the Cao family mansion.

In the back garden, a man in brocade clothes, about thirty years old, was basking in the sun with his wife and children, eating cakes.

The expressions of the family of three were full of comfort.

The man was called Cao Gang, the only head of the Lingshi County government, and he managed dozens of constables.

Not to mention the county-level head of the police, even if it was at the prefecture level, the annual salary was not as much as Cao Gang's monthly salary.

In just nine years as a head of the police, Cao Gang bought this three-story mansion in the most prosperous area of Lingshi County.

In his hands, there were thousands of taels of snowflake silver and dozens of shining gold bars.

There was only one reason.

Cao Gang, who was at the peak of the fifth level of martial arts, was the best master in Lingshi County.

Of course, this was not important.

What was important was that Cao Gang was the most trusted confidant of the county magistrate Chen Chong, without a doubt.

Nine years ago, the county magistrate's mentor, Mr.

Tang, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, celebrated his sixtieth birthday.

The county magistrate wanted to go to Weidu in person to celebrate.

For this reason, he spent all his wealth to collect rare treasures, just to make his mentor smile.

Hard work pays off, and Qixia Prefecture really has the treasures that the county magistrate needs.

But the silver and money are not enough, and there is a shortage of nearly ten thousand taels.

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Hundreds of constables in the county government disguised themselves as bandits.

With the help of insiders and outsiders, they easily rushed into Lingshi County and burned, killed and looted.

A total of ninety-seven constables looted more than thirteen thousand taels.

Cao Gang alone took more than two thousand seven hundred taels.

Because of this, the county magistrate Chen Chong promoted Cao Gang, who was still a low-ranking constable at the time, to the highest level of black-robed constable.

"Everything I have was given by Lord Chen~"

Cao Gang would repeat this to himself dozens of times a day.

He reminded himself again and again that Lord Chen was the heaven.

If Emperor Wen Jing ordered Cao Gang to chop off the heads of his wife and children, the man might hesitate.

But if Lord Chen gave the order, the man would not hesitate.

Footsteps came closer and closer.

The housekeeper of the Cao Mansion entered the back garden.

He leaned over and whispered in Cao Gang's ear:"Sir, Bai Liu wants to see you~"


Ps: Thanks to 'Tuxia' and 'Bai Yuqing who loves banana mousse' for the flowers, thank you for your support.

Thanks to 'Rosemary Dill' for the gift, three grams of oil.

Thanks to fellow Taoists for their full support.

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It may die while you are keeping it.

Please keep updating, please urge for updates, please support.

I bow with my fists.

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