
Xizhuang Village, in the main house of the Lan family courtyard.

Bai Liu sat on the bed with his legs crossed, smoking a pipe.

Lan's father, Lan's mother and Lan Xiang sat on chairs, and the family of three gathered around the square table where they usually had meals.

At this moment, there were three objects on the square table.

In the middle was a small and exquisite porcelain bottle as white as jade, with a small long strip of red paper attached to the bottle body, and the three words"Duanchangsan" were written on the red paper.

On the left side of the jade porcelain bottle were twenty or thirty golden bars, and on the right side was Bai Liu's sharp narrow knife.

Outside the main house, stood a dozen county constables dressed in green clothes with long swords hanging from their waists.

No one spoke a word, and the atmosphere was suffocatingly solemn.

"It's been half an hour. Have you three thought it through?"

Bai Liu, whose mouth was dry from smoking a pipe, stood up and walked to the square table. He grabbed a gold bar with his left hand and a narrow knife with his right hand.

"Life or death, glory and wealth or burial in the earth, which one do you choose?"

Lan's father and mother looked at each other, with uncontrollable greed in their eyes, and the reluctance of being poor people.


Lanxiang clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth, and stared at Bai Liu with hatred,"A Fei has no grudge against you, Captain Cao, or the county magistrate, why do you have to kill him?"

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows,"You little girl, you don't know shit."

"Mr. Cao, this is called preparing for a rainy day"

"The county magistrate wanted to take the boy in as a dog, and Lord Cao also valued him very much."

"For the sake of this young genius, Lord Cao did not hesitate to tear off the mask of this beauty in Lingshi County Yamen, revealing the bloody and glorious treasure inside, just to release the greedy beast deep in the boy's heart."

"As long as a person has greed, no matter whether he is a commoner or a prince, he can be easily controlled with a little effort."

"If the boy agrees to be the county magistrate's dog, Lord Cao will personally send him back to Xizhuang Village."

"At this point, in the entire Lingshi County, the young man was second only to the two of them and was above ten thousand people."

"The two people refer to the county magistrate and Lord Cao."

Lan Xiang was horrified and asked hurriedly:"What if...what if Ah Fei refuses?"


Bai Liu showed a mouthful of white teeth,"Miss Lan, aren't you asking even though you already know the answer?!"

"The county magistrate, Lord Cao, and our group of brothers have worked hard to transform this devil's den of the county government into a dignified and holy goddess."

"The young man looked through the stinking darkness beneath the golden splendor."

"If we choose to integrate into this deep darkness, the boy and we will become one family"

"If you refuse, do you think the county magistrate and Lord Cao will let the boy leave Lingshi County alive?"

Lanxiang suddenly felt an extremely gloomy chill rising from the soles of her feet and instantly bursting out from her crown.

The girl shuddered violently.

""Grandpa Lan,"

Bai Liu looked at the extremely struggling father Lan and said in a gentle and persuasive way,"This time is different from the last time."

"If you put this bottle of Broken Heart Powder into the diet of the youngster, the county magistrate will not only give up the idea of taking your daughter as the twenty-seventh concubine, but also give you thirty gold bars."

"Thirty of them!"

"I, Bai Liu, have been working in the wind and rain for the county magistrate to manage the lamb industry in Lingshi County for ten years. I have not saved much, let alone gold bars, even silver ingots."

"And you, old man Lan, only need to use a little poison to gain this wealth and glory."

"How many people kneel before the statue and bang their heads to ask for this blessing, why the hell are you hesitating?" With a bang,

Lanxiang slammed the table, stood up suddenly, glared at Bai Liu,"Get out of my house right now, or I will tell Ah Fei about what you just said, as well as the evil intentions of the county magistrate and Captain Cao."


Bai Liu smiled but his eyes were dark,"Okay, very good.""

"I can't believe that all three of you Lan family members are so stubborn."


Lingshi County, the back garden of the Cao family mansion.

Cao Gang held the blue and white porcelain teacup in both hands, his palms were wet.

Across the stone table, the young man had an unusually calm expression, without the slightest hesitation or struggle.

‘From the beginning, have you never thought about serving the county magistrate? '

Cao Gang murmured in his heart.

He knew that the reason why the young man was reluctant to speak was because he wanted to think of some nice words to make himself not so disappointed.

"Ah Fei."

The young man looked up at the man,"Brother Cao, please speak."

Cao Gang thought for a while and said,"I was once as young as you, with the same great dream, thinking that if I held the sword in my hand, I would hold the whole world."

"Always believe that the sky is high for birds to fly and the sea is wide for fish to jump"

"When I was ten years old, my dream was still vague, but firm. I was determined to become a great man."

"When I was fifteen, my dream gradually became clear. I vowed to become the best swordsman in the world."

"The flowers in the hall intoxicate three thousand guests, and the sword chills fourteen states"

"He fought in battles over 3,000 miles, and his sword was once as powerful as a million men."

"I have been sharpening my sword for ten years, but I have never tried it. Today I will show it to you. Who has any grievances?"

"What a lofty and passionate dream."

Cao Gang smiled bitterly and continued:"When I was 20, my dream was like a big jar of rice that was about to overflow, but the thief of reality scooped away several big basins of it."

"At that time, my dream shrank a little. I wanted to become a top-level martial artist."

"At the age of 25, my dream of a rice jar was empty"

"I feel that being able to cultivate to the peak of the fourth level at the end of external training is enough for this life."

"When I was thirty, the thief of reality not only stole the last grain of rice in my dream rice jar, but also cruelly smashed it to pieces before leaving."

"At that time, I was like a hungry wild dog, sticking out my tongue, staring with scarlet eyes, and willing to do anything to fill my stomach."

"Dreams, dignity, and personality are all bullshit in the face of the hunger that is gnawed at our hearts.

The man said earnestly,"A Fei, the world is too big, and we are too small."

"We are all insignificant ants, trying our best to climb out of the abyss of mediocrity"

"I have seen too many people like you and me."

"They gritted their teeth and persevered on the thorny road to greatness and escape from mediocrity, leaving bloody footprints step by step."

"Half of them gave up halfway and have been living a mediocre and muddle-headed life ever since."

"The other half fell into the abyss and was smashed to pieces.

The man suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand, and caught a feather that was fluttering down.

It was a sparrow feather.

"Ah Fei, we lower class ghosts are like this feather"

"The upper class like the county magistrate is a giant."

"We stayed in the dark gutter, waiting, waiting"

"Waiting for the day when a giant from the upper class passes by the gutter, the wind from his walk will carry us away"

"If I were lucky enough to land on the giant's shoes, I would not ask for a lifetime, as long as I could follow him for a very small distance, that would be a blessing that I have cultivated for ten lifetimes."

Cao Gang looked at the boy,"A Fei, I have said so much, you should understand it, right?!"

The boy in the coarse linen clothes and straw sandals nodded gently.

"Serve the giant County Magistrate, let him take us feathers and fly freely"


Cao Gang's tone was mixed with a hint of pleading.

The man really liked the boy.

He saw his youth in the boy in straw sandals.

At that time, no one saved him.

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