Looking at the thin figure slowly going away, Wang Haoyang narrowed his cloudy eyes slightly under the shade of the tree.

"The ancient well at the entrance of the village flows from a tributary of the underground river, while the private well of the young man of the Cang family flows from the mainstream."

"It seems that the mainstream water is turbulent."

Wang Haoyang said happily

"But Dad, Canglan and Qu Yiqing went out to perform early this morning. Who knows when the troupe will be back?"

"Our corn seedlings won't last for a few days."

Wang Ye said in a deep voice:"How about I secretly water the seedlings tonight while the two bosses are away?"

"No way."

Wang Haoyang refused sternly,"Although we are poor, we will never steal or cheat. If we want to get water, we should do it openly."

"When that girl comes over, you go up and say something nice to her."

"With my father's sixty years of sharp eyes, I can see that the girl is a kind-hearted person and will definitely not refuse."

The footsteps came from far away.

The father and son of the Wang family turned around to look.

But they saw the little brat of the Cang family walking slowly with his hands behind his back, with an innocent smile on his little face.

"Hey, isn't this Yuwazi? Why didn't you help your sister water the seedlings?"

Wang Haoyang's old face bloomed with a kind smile.

"Yuwazi, you are four years old and still wearing open-crotch pants? Isn't that shameful?~"

"Come, let your uncle flick your calf to see if the bones inside have grown out."

Wang Ye grinned.

The little brat walked in front of the Wang family father and son, suddenly opened his watery eyes, pointed at Wang Haoyang's chest, and said in panic:"Grandpa Wang, a bug has crawled in."

The old man hurriedly lowered his head and opened his clothes.

The next moment.

The well-behaved and cute little brat suddenly grinned, and his right hand behind his back quickly stretched forward and threw something into the old man's clothes.

The cold touch and the creepy evil pattern turned out to be a wildly twisting rat snake.

Old man Wang was quick and decisive, and he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with his head up.

Wang Ye was stunned for a long time before he hurriedly grabbed the rat snake and threw it away with his scalp numb.


"I...I'm fine, hurry...hurry up and catch the snake, and have an extra...snack tonight."

"Hahaha, Old Wang peed his pants~"

Wang Ye glared at the kid and ran to the field to find a snake.

The kid pointed at the old man's wet crotch and laughed.

"I'm sorry, you old man lied to me."

The old man was surprised and said,"Rain boy, what did grandpa lie to you about?" The little kid gritted his teeth and said,"Boy's urine and tadpole eggs can drive away evil spirits. Didn't you tell me in person?"

The old man nodded and said,"This is something that has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth by the older generation.""


The little brat spat on the ground,"Bullshit!"

"If it can drive away evil spirits, why is the birthmark on my sister's forehead still there?"

The old man frowned,"Maybe she didn't drink enough."

""Fuck you, you old fool."

The little brat lifted up the little calf and aimed at the old man's lower body,"You complain about cold legs every day, let me cure you with my boy's urine."

""Yuwazi, how dare you!"

Wang Ye ran over with a rat snake in his hand while shouting angrily.


The little brat turned and ran away.

The little calf, who had already opened the gate to release water, suddenly shook his head.

A stream of boiling yellow water instantly splashed on Old Wang's face.

"Little bastard, don't let me catch you!"

Looking at the little brat whose butt was smoking and who ran faster than a dog, the Wang family father and son were so angry that they almost vomited three pounds of blood.


The moon is above the treetops, and there is a bluestone well in the backyard of the Cang family.

The ground is covered with hay, and on the grass is a mattress, and the little kid is sleeping soundly.

Cangxue took the two big dogs of the Cang family, Wangcai and Laifu, to the backyard and tied them to wooden stakes.

There were signs of drought in Liangzhou last year, and Canglan had a long-term vision and asked someone to dig a well in advance.

Now the water level of the ancient well at the head of the village is declining day by day. The villagers of Changliu dare not even wash their clothes, faces or feet, let alone fetch water to irrigate the seedlings.

Although there is still water in the private well of the Cang family, it is only decreasing and not rising. It is only a matter of time before it dries up.

Today, not only the old village chief, but also many villagers asked Cangxue for water.

The girl refused them all.

After all, the Cang family is now in a difficult situation, so how can they have the leisure to help others?

""Sister, don't cry~"

Cang Yu muttered in his sleep.

Cang Xue smiled slightly and took out a handkerchief to wipe the saliva from the corner of the kid's mouth.

After his adoptive parents went out, the kid completely let himself go. In just one day, he took 20 to 30 bird eggs from the mountain.

Leaning down, Cang Xue gently kissed the little kid's forehead.

"The bird eggs are so delicious. My sister has never eaten so much."

"Thank you, Xiao Cangyu"


The next day.

The sun was blazing.

The world was like a blazing furnace.

Cang Xue came to the Cang family's field carrying two small wooden buckets.

He gave a bucket of water to all the strong corn seedlings.

He pulled out all the wilted ones.

They would be burned to death in a quarter of an hour. The sun was high in the sky.

A little kid with bare upper body, bare feet, and only a pair of open-crotch pants, carrying a teapot in one hand and a large white bowl in the other, ran over excitedly from a distance.

"Sister, drink some water."

Cang Xue, who was bending over to pull up seedlings in the field, said without raising her head:"I will be there soon.""


The red face looked as if it was cooked, and the black hair steamed by sweat stuck to the forehead and temples, which made the little kid feel distressed.

He quickly poured a large bowl of water, and tremblingly handed the white porcelain bowl to his sister.

He took the large white bowl and took a big gulp.

Cang Xue's eyes were bright,"Why is it so sweet! What did you put in it?"

The little kid bared his mouth full of milk teeth,"Mom saved the white sugar for making mooncakes."

The girl was surprised and said,"How much is left?"

The little kid laughed and said,"Half of the jar is used up."

Cang Xue shuddered

""Sister, isn't it sweet?"

Looking at the little brat's heartless smile, Cang Xue couldn't help laughing and said,"It's sweet to my heart."

Sugar is more expensive than salt.

Half a jar is gone.

Wait until my stepmother comes back...

Thinking of this, Cang Xue couldn't help but shudder.

"Sister, I have emptied all the bird nests on the mountain."

"I'm going to go down to the Cui River today and catch some loaches and river shrimps for you."

Cang Xue scolded,"Don't go!"

The kid said nonchalantly,"What are you afraid of? There's no water in the Cui River. You won't drown."

"Cang Yu, come back!"

Looking at the little brat running away, Cang Xue felt dizzy and powerless.


The sun was high in the sky.

Outside the village, there were dozens of children in the village, all carrying small bamboo baskets on their waists, groping around in the muddy pool of the dried-up Cui River.

Sweat beads as big as beans slid down their hot skin, but Cang Yu didn't bother to wipe them off.

With a serious look on his face, he crouched down and carefully groped in the mud.

There were already two loaches and several river shrimps in the little kid's bamboo basket.


A boy about eleven or twelve years old, who was more than two heads taller than the kid, had a joking smile on his face.

He said,"Yuwazi, people in the village say that your sister's mother is a prostitute in a brothel, and her father is a leper. Is that true or not?"

A child nearby asked curiously,"Brother Shan, what is a leper?"

The boy replied,"It means that the skin all over the body is the same as that of a toad"

"Oh, that's disgusting."

"Brother Shan, what is a prostitute?"

The boy laughed and said,"My mother said that prostitutes are rotten people, bitches, and as long as you pay them, even dogs can have sex with them.""

"Even dogs can get on it? Where can they go?"

The boy rolled his eyes, grabbed a handful of mud and threw it at the kid.

"Yuwazi, are you mute?"

"Brother Shan asks you, have you ever slept with that little bitch?"

"Is it fun?"

"I'll ask that little bitch for Shan if he can give me a copper coin to fight him."

"Shan Ge promises that he will be gentle."


Mud stars flew everywhere. The little brat suddenly jumped up like a tiger cub and bit the boy's face fiercely. The sharp teeth were instantly embedded in the flesh. Blood was scarlet.


Ps: There are so few people here today.

In addition, the author is not a senior high school student. I haven’t even graduated from junior high school, and I haven’t even taken a physics or chemistry class.

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