The blazing sun was pouring down, and the cliff outside the cave seemed to be covered with gold.

A white-haired rat, like a kitten, sneaked quietly under an ancient vine.

A fist-sized red fruit hung on the vine, emitting a faint red light and a rich fragrance.

The white-haired rat stood upright like a human, stretched out its spike-like teeth, and ate the fruit flesh in small bites.

While enjoying the fragrant fruit, its cunning eyes looked into the depths of the cave from time to time.

If there was any slight movement, it would immediately run away.

Unfortunately, the silly rat only cared about what was in front of it and was not alert to what was behind it.

Silently, a slender white snake nearly two meters long swam into the cave.

The thin and dense snake scales were tightly fastened together, and the white jade was flawless, like a work of art carved out of jade.

When it swam closer, the white snake slowly opened its bloody mouth and showed its sharp fangs.

It attacked instantly, as fast as lightning, and the snake's mouth suddenly wrapped around the rat's head.

The fangs penetrated deeply into the rat's body, injecting venom crazily.

The white-haired rat struggled violently, and the snake and the rat rolled over and over on the rough ground.

As time passed, the white-haired rat was gradually paralyzed by the snake venom, and its resistance became weaker and weaker.

About two quarters of an hour later, the white-haired rat stopped moving completely.

The white snake began to eat.

Most snakes, even Zhu Jiuyin himself, like to swallow their meat whole when drinking blood and eating raw meat.

But the white snake was like a tiger or a wolf, first biting and peeling the skin with great effort, and then eating fresh blood and flesh.

An elegant female snake that doesn't like to eat hair but skin.

Zhu Jiuyin, who was peeping secretly, was about to show up.

But he saw the white snake's eyes suddenly rolled up, and it fell limply on the ground. The scarlet snake's tongue drooped long, and some white foam came out of the snake's mouth.

"This is... knocked down by its own poison?!"

Zhu Jiuyin was dumbfounded.

The ancients were not lying to me.

Although poisoned, the white snake would not die.

After all, it was its own poison. It was just fainted temporarily and would wake up soon.

But things were not that simple.

In Zhu Jiuyin's astonished eyes, a black snake that was not much longer than the white snake but very thick slowly swam in from outside the cave.

The black snake immediately swam to the half-dead body of the white-haired mouse. After thinking for a long time, it did not bite it.

Instead, it set its sights on the fainted white snake.

Under Zhu Jiuyin's gaze, The black snake opened its mouth and wrapped around the white snake's head.

Then, muscles everywhere exerted force, moving the slender body of the white snake towards the stomach little by little.

Perhaps the poison time had passed, perhaps it was awakened by the suffocation, or perhaps it felt the crisis of death.

The originally fainted white snake suddenly twisted violently.

The snake's body circled around and around, wrapping the front half of the black snake's body into a twist.

The two snakes struggled frantically.

The black snake could not move any further and completely swallowed the white snake into its stomach.

The white snake also had no way to pull its head out of the black snake's mouth.

The black snake was about to be strangled to death.

The white snake was about to suffocate to death.

Both died of suffocation.

"It turns out that you two are the Crouching Dragon and the Phoenix~"

Compared to the black and white snakes, the stupid crane is really too smart


Footsteps sounded in the deep cave.

The black and white snakes fighting fiercely heard the sound, but had no time to care.

Zhu Jiuyin came closer and squatted down.

He grabbed the white snake with his left hand and the black snake with his right hand, and pulled hard to separate the two snakes.

The white snake had round pupils, and the black snake had vertical pupils.

When the two snakes looked at Zhu Jiuyin's eyes like flowing gold and blood.

The struggling, twisted and entangled snake bodies lost all their strength in an instant and drooped limply in his palm.

Pretending to die again?!

Zhu Jiuyin was speechless and picked two red fragrant fruits, regardless of whether the black and white snakes could swallow them. He directly opened the snakes' mouths violently and stuffed the fruits into their throats.

The two snakes were choked and rolled their eyes.

They swallowed the fruits with difficulty.

Immediately, two balls of brilliant light burst out in the cave.

After a dozen breaths, when the divine light dissipated.

The black and white snakes disappeared without a trace.

In their place, there was a man and a woman who were naked.

The woman was about 20 years old, with a slender figure and fair skin. Her white silk covered her entire back like a waterfall.

The man was about 30 years old, a fat man with a bloated head and a pair of eyes narrowed into two thin slits.

His head didn't look like a human head, but a pig's head.

His round and heavy belly could give birth to at least 20 piglets.

"My name is Zhu Jiuyin, the God of Zhou Mountain"

"You two snakes have two paths to choose from. Humans call it choice, but it is God's grace."

"First, submit to me. Second, be eaten by me, and your soul will enter my underworld, never to be reincarnated."

The fat black snake spoke in human language, and said intermittently:"What...what...benefits are there?"

Zhu Jiuyin picked a red fragrant fruit from the vine with his left hand.

He punched with his right hand. With a loud bang, gravel rustled, and the sky and the earth shook.

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his left palm and right fist, and said coldly:"Either eat the spiritual fruit of my creation until you are full to death, or be smashed into meat paste by my punch."


The white snake made a prompt decision and took the spiritual fruit from his left hand.

He kowtowed devoutly to Zhu Jiuyin and said softly in a cold voice:"Master~"

The black snake was stunned for a moment, then raised his pig head slightly and met Zhu Jiuyin's gloomy red eyes.

He shuddered, and his fat body undulated like waves.

He quickly picked a red fragrant fruit from the ancient vine.

He imitated the white snake and kowtowed three times and nine times.

He said respectfully:"Master~"

"A man who knows the current situation is a handsome snake, very good."

Zhu Jiuyin bit his index finger and wrote two"death" characters in the air in front of him.

With a wave of his sleeves, the two"death" characters sank into the bodies of the black snake and the white snake.

"Death curse, no matter how far away you are, I only need to move my mind a little, and you two snakes will be destroyed."

The black snake's pork belly trembled violently again, and his scalp was numb.

The white snake was horrified and hurriedly expressed his loyalty,"Master, I swear, even if you are against the whole world, I will firmly hide behind you."

The flying tool is the stupid crane, and the protector is temporarily the black and white snakes.

It can be regarded as solving two major problems.

Look at the white snake with picturesque eyebrows and white hair soaked in frost and snow, and then look at the fat head and ears of the black snake, trying to open his squinting eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin first pointed at the white snake and said,"From now on, you will be called Xue Niang."

Then he moved his finger to the black snake,"As for you, just call me Pig King."

After speaking, he covered the black snake's head with his left palm and the white snake with his right palm.

Two pieces of complex information were like two torrents of water in the rivers, pouring into the minds of the two snakes.

After about an incense stick of time, Zhu Jiuyin retracted his palm and stepped back two steps

"《The first third of the Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven Art is enough to make you rise from a ninth-grade creature and cultivate to the peak of the first grade."

"Eat as much red fragrant fruit as you want. If you have any questions, come to me."

"In short, cultivate to the first level as soon as possible."

Feeling the magical mystery of"Nine Yin Devouring Heaven Technique", the black snake and the white snake were ecstatic and bowed respectfully again.

"Thank you for the gift from the master, Xue Niang will not let you down"

"Me too."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded with satisfaction,"Let's go practice."

The black and white snakes stood up, each picked a few red fragrant fruits, and walked out of the cave.

The black snake coiled under Tao Da, and the white snake coiled under Xiao San'er.

The two snakes quickly immersed themselves in the"Nine Yin Swallowing Heaven Skill".

Zhu Jiuyin turned and walked deeper into the cave.

"The stupid crane has no name yet"

"What should I call it?"

"Feikun or Shuke?"


Ps: Three things.

First: Many Taoist friends criticized the Death Chant in Chapters 59 and 60, and some even @ed me to ask for revisions. I have decided to revise it tomorrow, and I am going to check the Book of Songs and Chu Ci. If you have similar ancient texts, preferably from the Pre-Qin period, you can leave a message here.

Second: I will start revising the Flying Birds chapter tomorrow, and will delete the nonsense at the end of each previous chapter to maintain the continuity of the plot. If you have anything to say in the future, please post it in the 'Author's Words', and it will no longer occupy the main chapter.

Third: The Cangxue chapter is getting better and better, and the master and apprentice will meet soon.

You can guess what Cangxue saw and decided to go to the town. It's in the previous article.

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