"Dad, Mom, Sister~"

The afternoon sun shone through the window onto the bed, and the little kid who had taken a nap woke up slowly.

He sat up slowly and rubbed his sore eyes with his little hands.

He called out twice, but no one responded.

The little kid climbed out of bed, walked out of the west wing barefoot, and came to the backyard.

But he saw a person lying on the haystack next to the bluestone well.


Dad, why are you sleeping here? It's not late at night, there's no need to watch the well, get up quickly.


Looking at the motionless man, the little kid took a palm leaf fan from the front yard.

He squatted beside the man and fanned him gently.

"Dad, are you too tired?"

"Go to sleep, have a good sleep, with Xiaoyu here, no flies, mosquitoes or bees will disturb Dad."


Outside Changliu Village, in the Cang family's field,

Qu Yiqing led Cang Xue to pull up the seedlings for the second time.

The water level of the Cang family's private well had dropped by more than two-thirds compared to the beginning of spring. There was no way to irrigate the twenty or thirty acres of land.

The only way was to pull up the seedlings for the second time, or even three times.

Pull out all the bad seedlings and irrigate only the good seedlings.

"This damn weather is really hot."

Qu Yiqing came to the shade of the tree at the edge of the field, took off his straw hat and fanned himself.

Cang Xue was still bending over and working.

The field was about five mu. Qu Yiqing had ploughed more than one mu in the morning, but the girl had already ploughed two mu.

"Come on, stop pretending. Why are you pulling it out so quickly? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate or wait for someone named Cang to praise you to the skies?"

"Come here and pour me some tea!"

The girl came to Qu Yiqing obediently, picked up the teapot and white porcelain bowl, and poured a full bowl of tea for her stepmother.

Qu Yiqing took the big white bowl and drank half of it in one breath.

Then she handed the remaining half bowl to the girl,"Water is more expensive than oil nowadays, drink it all, not a drop left.""

"If you dare to waste it, I will tear your mouth apart."

The girl not only drank half a bowl of tea, but also twisted a few leaves from the bowl and put them into her mouth to chew carefully.

"Did the man surnamed Cang fall into the well and drown? It's almost an hour, and you're still hesitating to pick up water."

"A lazy donkey will produce a lot of shit and urine when it is grinding its wheels.

A small figure came running madly from a distance.

He did not follow the paths, but crossed one dry land after another.

"Mom, sister!"

The little brat was sweating, veins on his forehead were bulging, and he panted and said,"Wow... watermelon……"

"Dad, the watermelon has cracked!"

Qu Yiqing frowned,"Where did the watermelon come from?"

"No... no."

The little brat was so anxious that he almost cried.

"It was Daddy, his head was cracked open, and a lot of watermelon juice was flowing out."

That was the first time Cang Xue saw what it meant to be as fast as the wind. His stepmother was sitting under the shade of a tree at the edge of the field a second ago.

In the blink of an eye, she had rushed far away.

Cang Xue felt that even the wolves and tigers in the mountains and forests were not as fast as his stepmother.


"Sister, what happened to Dad? Why did his head split open while he was sleeping?"

"The blood attracted a lot of flies, and I killed many of them."

"Sister, I am awesome, right?"

When Cang Xue led the kid back to the village, he saw his stepmother rushing towards the Wang family courtyard with a kitchen knife in her hand.

""Mom, where are you going?"

The kid yelled, but the woman ignored him.

Cang Xue hurriedly pulled the kid to the gate of Wang's courtyard.

"Xiaoyu, stay here and don't run around."

""Okay, sister."

Cang Xue rushed into the courtyard and saw her stepmother standing blankly at the door of the main house.

The girl came to the woman's side quietly.

The two lacquered pupils in her peach blossom eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Old Wang fell asleep, sweating all over, soaking his clothes and bedding.

Wang Ye hanged himself with a hemp rope, and his whole head was two circles larger than before.

Sticky blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, and his two eyeballs were particularly scarlet and scary, as if they would fall out of their sockets in the next second.


The sun was setting.

Cang Xue was absent-mindedly preparing dinner in the kitchen. The heartless kid was rolling around on the floor with two big dogs in his arms.


The door to the master bedroom was pushed open, and footsteps were heard approaching from afar.


The girl turned around and saw her stepmother standing at the door of the kitchen, her eyes red.

"Xueer, boil some water and take Xiaoyu to take a bath. Wash both of you clean. Put on your costumes and come to the master bedroom."

""Okay... Mom."

The girl's call of"Mom" stunned the woman for a long time.

"go quickly"


At sunset, Cang Xue, wearing the costume of Overlord, gently held the hand of Cang Yu, who was wearing the costume of Concubine Yu.

The two walked out of the east wing and came to the door of the master bedroom.

The new costumes fit well. They were bought by Cang Lan and Qu Yiqing for the two children after returning from this performance.

""Mom~" the girl called softly.

With a creaking sound, Qu Yiqing pushed open the door.

Cang Xue was stunned, and the little brat pointed at the woman and asked curiously:"Mom, why are you wearing a white dress? It doesn't look good at all."

The woman smiled.

It was uglier than crying.

"come in"

"For your father, let's sing"Farewell My Concubine" one last time》"


Cang Yu:"Ever since I followed the king on his expeditions to the east and west, I have endured the wind and frost and toil year after year.……"

Cang Xue:"I have killed several generals in the Han camp with my spear. Even if I am brave, how can I guard against the enemy from all sides?……"

In the master bedroom of the Cang family.

Canglan, whose head was wrapped in gauze like a white dumpling, had kind eyes and looked at the two children with shrill and hoarse voices who were singing seriously.

Maybe because of the injury to his head, the man kept opening and closing his mouth, but he couldn't say even a word, and could only drool.

Even so, the man still waved his right hand to beat the rhythm for Cangxue and Cangyu.

As for Qu Yiqing, he used a towel to wipe the man's saliva from time to time.

Cangyu:"My king, how was the battle today?"

Cangxue:"I shot several generals of the Han camp, but we were outnumbered and it was difficult to win."


Cang Yu:"I advise the king not to be depressed and relax."

Cang Xue:"However, he is surrounded by enemies and it is difficult to……"

The hoarse voice suddenly stopped.

Cang Yu, wearing a Ruyi crown and a dress embroidered with phoenixes and flowers, looked up at the girl,"Sister, why don't you sing?"

The girl did not respond.

Following her sister's gaze, the little brat saw his father's right hand, which was beating the rhythm, hanging in the air.

His mother lay on his father's chest, her shoulders trembling.

The little brat threw away the mandarin duck sword, ran to the bed and pulled the woman

"Mom, why are you lying on Daddy's chest? You're so heavy, Daddy can't sleep."

""Mom, don't cry, you might wake up Daddy."

The setting sun shone through the window onto the man.

This time, the man didn't snore after falling asleep.

Cang Xue knelt down slowly.

The little brat was horrified and left his mother behind, rushing to pull his sister.

"Sister, get up quickly. This is a new costume. If you get it dirty, mother will beat you again."


After cleaning her husband, the woman told Cangxue to take good care of Cangyu, and then hurried to Tongqiu Town in the moonlight.

The coffin, the funeral clothes, the Feng Shui master, and the nephews of the Cang family had to be notified.

The workload was not small.

Less than half an hour after the woman left home.

The night sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Soon, heavy rain poured down, and the tiles were crackling.

Amid the creaking sound, the little kid wearing only a pair of shorts pushed open the door of the east wing, and without waiting for Cangxue to react, he quickly got into the girl's bed.

"elder sister"

"What's up?"

"My mother told me that my father was dead. What does death mean?"

"Sister, mother also said that she wanted to bury daddy in the ground"

"Sister, why did mother bury father underground? Is mother lying to me?"

""Sister, will I never see my father again?"

Cang Xue didn't know how to answer, so she could only nod.

When she thought about never seeing her father again, the little brat began to cry.

Crying silently.

She hugged Cang Xue's neck tightly.

The hot tears soaked the girl's thin shirt.

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