On September 24, the third year of Fuling

, a carriage stopped at a fork in the road as the sun rose.

An old man named Han Jing carried his grandson out of the carriage, and both of them looked at the bluestone towering in front of them.

"The people of Qi and the dogs of Wei are not allowed to enter the mountain."

The child asked,"Grandpa, the dogs of Wei should be the royal family of Zhao and their minions of Wei, and the people of Qi... are they our Northern Qi?"

The old man nodded with a wry smile.

The child looked a little surprised, because Northern Qi was one of the ten strongest countries in the Immortal Gang.

The Jixia Academy, one of the five poles in the world, was in the territory of Northern Qi. There are hundreds of countries in the Immortal Gang, and there are strange people. Choose a country and use the four techniques of being a minister.

Or the Dragon-Trapping Technique, restrict the imperial power and make the country a country.

Or the Dragon-Supporting Technique, work hard to assist the king, but the essence of the country is a family world.

Or the Dragon-Following Technique, choose an assistant from many princes and emperors to help him ascend to the throne. If you fail, you will be in trouble, but if you succeed, you will be second to none.

Or the Dragon-Slaying Technique, choose a son of destiny, assist him in rebellion, overthrow the old court, and establish another New regime.

These strange people who stir up the world, with the world as their chessboard and the people as their chess pieces, are the latter among the hundreds of countries and thousands of beauties. Among the thousands of beauties, six or seven out of ten come from the Jixia Academy.

Northern Qi, one of the ten countries, and Jixia Academy, one of the five poles in the world, are like the sun and the moon combined.

The reason why the child was surprised was not because"people from Qi are not allowed to enter."

Nor was it because"dogs from Wei are not allowed to enter."

It was because"people from Qi and dogs from Wei are not allowed to enter."

People may ridicule the tiny light of fireflies, but they will never laugh at the bright moon shining brightly.

If the group of young masters in Northern Qi saw this, they would turn this mountain range upside down.

"Grandpa, was this line of small characters carved by Qi Qingji, the national master of Qi?"

The child asked curiously,"Mr. Qi is from Qi, and he is also the master of Qi."

"What happened in the past that made Mr. Qi give up all his fame and fortune and go to Northern Qi?"

The Qi State Master, this fame and fortune attracted so many extraordinary people.

To be frank, the 100 state masters of the Wei State are not as good as one finger of the Qi State Master.


The old man gently stroked the small characters with his fingertips and said quietly:"What is love in this world? It makes people pledge to each other for life and death."


The Taihang Mountains stretch for thousands of miles and are different from the hell on earth.

The mountains are covered with lush green forests, rabbits are running in the woods, and flocks of birds are flying in the blue sky. After passing a narrow bend, a clear river jumps into view.

From a distance, it looks like a green belt around the waist of a goddess.


Cang Xue was shocked. The mountains here were a world of their own.

After being stunned for a while, the girl ran down the ancient road like a bird out of a cage, and flew towards Qingjiang River with joy.

Just as the girl scooped up the river water to drink, the carriage of the grandfather and grandson surnamed Han rushed past on the ancient road on the river.


���The third year of Ling, September 26.

The sun was shining and the sky was clear.

Outside the town, beside the Taiping River, in front of the Shenmu Forest.

Inside the fenced courtyard, on the table, in a copper basin, were steaming dog bones, a small bowl of secret hot and sour sauce, and a pot of Bamboo Leaf Green.

Qingyi took the boning knife and slowly chopped the meat off the bones into a white porcelain bowl.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The bones belonged to Dahuang, and the fragrant meat belonged to Qingyi.

Pick up a piece with chopsticks and let it take a hot and sour bath in the thick sauce.

Qingyi put the meat slice into her mouth and chewed it carefully.

""Ba Shi~"

He picked up the wine cup and was about to drink it all.

Qi Qingji's face suddenly changed.

The next second, Qingyi picked up the table and rushed into the kitchen like a flash of lightning.

The second second, the kitchen door was locked.

The third second, he lay lazily on the rattan chair under the shade of the tree. The fourth second, with a wave of his sleeves, the meat aroma in the yard disappeared in an instant.

The fifth second, his three lacquered pupils were slightly closed, and he snored like thunder.

The sound of wheels was getting closer and closer.

Da Huang was concentrating on clicking.

‘Oops, I forgot to bury the bones~'

The creaking sound stopped abruptly.

The grandpa and grandson surnamed Han got off the carriage.

The old man stood in front of the courtyard gate, and his cloudy eyes cast on the Qingyi who pretended to sleep on the rattan chair under the shade of the tree.

His expression was extremely complicated.

There was shock and regret that he had seen his star-like brilliance, shining on the mountains and rivers for billions of miles, but burned out in just an instant. There was envy from the bottom of his heart when he saw his heroic spirit of going forward even if there were thousands of people against him.

There was deep admiration for his proud character of facing thousands of people pointing fingers and bowing his head to be a cow for children.

More importantly, it was the refreshing feeling of meeting each other again after the passage of time.

The old man's eyes were slightly red, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

He stared straight at the child in green, his two dark pupils widened.

It is true that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

How could a dignified immortal on earth, who was revered as the State Master of Qi and one of the 72 Confucian scholars of Jixia Academy, snore so loudly?!


A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...

Qingyi had been pretending to sleep for three hours without realizing it.

From the time the sun was high in the sky to the time it was setting in the west.

A fly landed on her face, and she rubbed her hands, which was extremely itchy.

A bee was lying on the back of her palm, and suddenly a needle dropped into it, which was extremely painful.

A sparrow flew by, and with a snap, dirty things splashed into her hair.

Even so, Qingyi still didn't open her eyes.

Even though the four legs of the Han grandfather and grandson had long been numb, they still didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the beautiful dreams of the gods.

Night fell, and the sky was full of stars.

The snoring gradually weakened.

Qingyi really fell asleep.

September 27th.

When the morning sun rose.

The snoring started again.

Two hours later.

Qingyi couldn't pretend anymore.

Slowly opened her eyes, pretended to stretch, and startled several flies to flee in panic.

"Yo, this isn't……"

Qingyi looked at the old man at the gate and pretended to be surprised.

After recalling for a long time, she still couldn't remember the old man's name.

"Qi Shi, junior Han Jing, my father and you were classmates in Jixia.

Qing Yi suddenly realized,"You are the eldest son of Junior Brother Han Cheng.""

"I remember hugging you and you kissed me.

"Since you are an old friend, please come in quickly."

Qi Qingji waved his hand.

The old man smiled happily.���

The child looked at Qingyi, whose face was covered with mosquito bites, and sighed inwardly, saying,"Why bother ?~"


A quarter of an hour later.

Qingyi looked at the old man's vicissitudes of life and frowned, saying:"You and your grandson have traveled a long way of a million miles to come to Wei State to find me, just to let me give your grandson a name?!"

The old man added:"And a word."

Qi Qingji turned his eyes to the child beside the old man.

Qingyi knew what the old man was thinking.

The old man also knew that Qingyi knew what he was thinking.

"When I was studying at Jixia, I was full of vigor and vitality. Not to mention girls, even the smell of flowers would make me feel distracted."

"Full of restlessness, nowhere to vent"

"At the critical moment of life and death, it was my junior brother Han who gave me a copy of"New Talks by the Lantern Festival"》"

"This favor is as high as the sky and as deep as the earth."

The old man immediately grinned with joy.

Because Qingyi agreed to give the child a name and a character.

Qi Qingji closed his eyes slightly, preparing to think of a domineering name for the child that would shock the gods.

‘Damn it, why is my head full of"New Talk on the Lantern Festival"》’

Even though more than a hundred years had passed, Qingyi could still recite the first erotic novel she had ever read.

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and looked around.

But she saw Dahuang still gnawing on the pile of bones.

Qingyi's eyes lit up,"Your grandson will be called Qi Xianggu from now on.""

"Ahem, Master Qi, this is my grandson."

"Sorry, it's Han Xianggu."

The old man reminded carefully:"Master Qi, there are more words."

The sound of running water drifted to my ears from outside the courtyard.

Qingyi made a prompt decision.



Ps: The next article is the Taiping chapter.

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