I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 349 underworld organization

At this time Yukihira sat side by side with Chen Fei on the train.

99 You guys are still brooding about the fact that you lost me, too modest guys can't make a big deal. 66

"And your communication with the underworld. 35

"Because I don't think I understand the entanglements and disputes of your generation.

"My record against Yukihira's father is 20-101."

I guess Nakamura had the same idea as me at the time, but before we knew it, our world and Seiichiro Saiba began to quietly divide into two completely different directions.

Oh, Seiichiro, don't bully people too much. current

That's why it's so popular.

"But why did that person finally say that he wanted to destroy us, and even made this decision now?

However, for this reason, he finally chose to leave.

"Competitions are not judged only on the basis of the final results, but academic performance and contribution to the first month will also become the evaluation criteria. 99

And Yukihira said slowly.

"Don't be afraid, no matter where you two go, we have to keep going.

Dojima Gin vaguely remembers that Jōichirō made it just right with a dish of bovine bacteria wrapped in a cake.

"Didn't the underworld organizer say that when you and your father competed in the past, you had a 50-to-100 match?

I vaguely remember that when everyone was celebrating for him, there were many fans chasing him.

At that time, he was invincible, but a very important accident happened.

"He was a serious cook just like your father, right?

"I've always been curious, why is the kitten so obsessed with the heroine?"

Just after he was about to compete in the No. 1 competition in the world.

"I'll let it go."

"Next time, you will show me more perfect words. I'm looking forward to Seiichiro-kun."

"I don't know when it started, walking alone in the wind and sand, it was not Ichiro, and it became more and more difficult. 99

also let him. Famous for the name Shura in gourmet food.

At that time, Nakamura was full of desire to surpass Yukihira.

"Hey hey hey. Keep asking?"

"5 Nakamura looked adored.

"I remember that at that time I should be considered a very powerful person in the "July 17" academy."

"Really, father and son are exactly the same, are they a pair of very similar fathers?"

"If that's the case, let's have a cooking showdown with you guys today as usual,

It doesn't matter if I'm number 2, I want to keep going with this man.

Dojima Gin said from the window.

"I don't know since when, she has a strange hobby, that is, she will start to cook some curious and mysterious dishes.

"So what's your idea for the next ingredient?"

Chen Fei nodded.

In short, after we met him, we met the brilliant and romantic genius, and met the chef named Caibo Jōichirō.

I am often laughed at, but after meeting Jōichirō, I had an idea.

I still remember that when he was about to participate in the blue competition, he was besieged by a group of people who were jealous of him. It is precisely because of this that he also launched a comparison between a pair of 50.

I'm still very shocked to think about it now. I don't know how Yukihira's father found such perfect ingredients from the windy Gobi...

But he moved on without fear, and as soon as he took a step, there would be a path there.

"Okay, then let me tell you.

Dojima Gin at the moment took out a photo,

Okay, let's get started. The direction Seiichiro Saiba was heading towards was a wilderness where the wind was dancing wildly.

What's the 35 bet? The loser will clean the bathroom tomorrow. "6

At that time, Nakamura had a very good relationship with them, and Nakamura was probably the driving force behind the underworld organization.

And after. When they entered the third grade, because of this, their level began to gradually improve. At that time, more than half of the Elite Ten were in the dormitory.

under the photo. Where are Yukihira's father Dojima Gin and Caibo Chaoyang smiling.

At that time, there was only one place in the competition, and this place was originally reserved for Caibuichiro.

It was also at that time, when he was about to enter his second year of high school.

At that time, he and Nakamura were young fans of Caibo Jōichirō?

If I hadn't fought so hard to bring him back to school, the guy might be out there.

After all, this is the first time he has fought against the heroine, and it should be said that the first time he has a complete disagreement with the heroine.

"Oda, listen to me too."

On the other side, the kitten at this time also took a deep breath and closed itself infinitely in the room.

"Actually, in retrospect it still seems like yesterday, and the protagonist of our era was undoubtedly Yukihira's father.

At this moment, Chen Fei also smiled.

As long as he wields a kitchen knife, a whole new world of taste will be opened up, just like the current Chen Fei.

I don't know when it started, but slowly he has become less and less communication with us.

"The Blue Competition is the first competition in the gastronomy world, and winning this competition guarantees a world-renowned reputation and a bright future.

at this time. The older brother also said slowly,

"Can you tell me. Dojima Gin.

“School truancy, never doing the work assigned to him after becoming an Elite Ten, and all kinds of weird behavior.”35

Since then, his record of beating 50 people by one person has also shocked everyone.

When the two of them participated in the party, they were stunned.

"It seems that something like this is happening.

Although his cooking skills are far better than others, he is always late.

"Dojima Gin you, that is to say Dojima Gin, do you lose more and win less?"

He also often dragged people from the spice department at that time to try it.

"Yes, you should also know about these things. 55

"5Okay, okay, then Nakamura, you should be a judge.

The two of us have already been appointed as An Xiangzi and the seventh.

It is precisely because of this that she should be more entangled and depressed now than any day in the past.

The former Caibo Junichiro was addicted to hunting strange cooks and enjoyed it, but then he slowly lost interest.

Or because at that time, this guy from the family club was still out in the game after he took office as Elite Ten.

During this period, Caibo Seiichiro still swept the competition outside the school recklessly.

I didn't like my name a long time ago because it was like claiming to be number 2.

"What exactly happened to the seniors in your time. 35

brother said


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