I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 493: The First Target

After the old magician's workshop was filled with new technological equipment, turning it into a laboratory where magic and technology co-exist, the fire dragon who left came back, and he directly took out a list and several wanted warrants saying : "These are the targets I have chosen. They are all vicious existences. After killing them, you can get a generous bounty!"

"That's all."

Zheng Yichen looked at the existences on the wanted notice, all of them were inhuman, and there was even a fire dragon inside, but the fire dragon in the picture was much more ferocious than Krakowska's dragon form, even from the picture, he could feel the fierceness breath.

"And your family?"

The fire dragon said indifferently: "What's the matter? There are many damn people in the human race. Isn't it normal for some scum to appear in the dragon clan?"

"This guy has been using some evil secrets to plot against his fellow clan to improve the quality of his bloodline, and it has only recently been exposed." Speaking of this, Krakowska showed a look of disdain, devouring his fellow clan is shameless for the dragon. At that time, in order to get revenge, he At the craziest time, I thought about smashing the dragon eggs, instead of devouring the dragon eggs in a more extreme way.

Well, he doesn't know the forbidden secret method like that, and he won't choose to use it that way.

"According to the Dragon Clan's investigation, at least twenty fire dragons died in his hands, devouring the power of so many of the same clan, even if he is not as good as a demigod, his strength will not be too bad."

At least beating me is the same as being able to play...

Krakowska muttered something in his heart, but didn't say this to Zheng Yichen.

"Let's go with him." Any target is a prey, Zheng Yichen saw the purpose of the fire dragon, he didn't let him take the demigod as the prey first, but chose to find the existence under the demigod to practice.

"Then let's hurry up, this reward has something to do with the Dragon Clan, besides the Dragon Clan, there are dragon slayers who will also be eyeing this guy, even if he hides in Hellfire Land, he won't be able to live for a few months, Unless he can reach the level of a demigod."

An existence like a demigod cannot be killed casually.

"I'll be back as soon as possible. After Katrina and the others come back, tell them about it." After Zheng Yichen explained to An Ke, he left here. It's still Katrina, they are all adults, and they can't starve to death.

"Let's compete?" Outside Langdon City, the fire dragon that had reverted to its original form sent a challenge invitation to Zheng Yichen.

"Okay." Zheng Yichen readily agreed.

"Ho Ho Ho, let's start—" Flame ignited on the dragon's wings, and he used a magic that can increase his speed. After he flew, he left a long trail of flames behind him, just like the flames advancing The tail flame left by the device.

The motorcycle Zheng Yichen was riding was roaring, and the speed was directly pulled up, and the space around him was obviously distorted as a result.

"...Is this car so powerful?" On the walls of Langdon City, those magicians who had nothing to do to join in the fun opened their eyes wide-eyed to Zheng Yichen who left, and some even used detection magic to enhance their vision. It quickly disappeared from their sight.

But the power displayed by that car has already been seen by them, not to mention the blessing of the wind element, which belongs to the common power of adding magic power to traffic attacks, and the fire element also has it, but it only obtains faster acceleration by distorting the space. Operation is not so difficult.

The space system is a well-known top-level magic system, and if you use it incorrectly, you will hurt yourself.

Under the ultra-high-speed advance, although the space distortion is not like a space crack, when it is not operated properly, the warped space will still be like a tough and slender steel wire on the road, and people who are slow will be cut to death.

It's very dangerous, but that kind of scene is really cool! !

As for the fire dragon, which is in the state of explosive flight, there is nothing to pay attention to. No matter how fast the fire dragon flies, they will not let them ride it, but an excellent magic vehicle can be purchased through various channels.

Besides, the speed of that fire dragon has been smashed to pieces by the cars running on the ground.

Zheng Yichen, who took the lead, couldn't hear the yelling of the fire dragon behind him. The problem of the route has been solved with the map brought by the fire dragon. Lilith recorded the world map of this world, not to mention every village, but those important ones Everywhere is marked.

When she set off, Lilith planned the route from Langdon City to Hellfire Land.

"Slow down, slow down, I can't take it anymore, I admit defeat." Fire Dragon's voice came, and he used the magic of transmitting information to transmit the voice, which caused the voice to be a little weird.

As for the normal voice, they can no longer catch up with them.

Zheng Yichen slowed down the speed of the car, and Huolong followed up panting: "Huhu~ Living in a low-level environment still has a great impact on me. I can fly twice as far as before... Well, here is the distance from the prison fire. It’s not far away, and it won’t take long at normal speed.”

The normal speed of the fire dragon in the sky is also much faster than the speed of civil aviation.

Zheng Yichen looked at the projected map next to him. They were racing before and missed a lot of areas where they could see the customs and customs of this world. For example, an elf forest passed by an hour ago. in several places.

Being able to be named like this means that the forest is the territory of elves. According to the records left by Lilith scanning the old mage, the elves in this world still fit the beautiful fantasy of elves in some works.

What is slightly different is that the elves are not weak at all. Even though some elves look weak, they are not like the settings in some games, with agility, high strength and weak.

In fact, because the internal structure of the elves is different from that of humans, they are not only agile, but also strong, and they are not very xenophobic, which is probably the reason for the high level of power in this world.

The land of hellfire, this is an area that can be seen to be strongly distorted from a distance. The burning flames distort the air in this environment, making this place a Jedi where creatures cannot survive. There are still several hells here The cracks in the cracks were affected by the breath of hell, which made the flames here stained with the breath of hell.

Therefore it was named the Land of Hellfire.

"There is a polluted fire elemental lord in this place, and the strength of that existence is comparable to some true gods." The fire dragon explained the origin of Hellfire Land. It became an unquenchable burning place.

"Some people suspect that the fire elemental lord became tainted and became crazy because he attempted to steal the power of hell..."

"That is to say, we will encounter the polluted fire element lord in the painting we enter now?" Zheng Yichen is not very interested in elemental creatures, mainly because this type of creature has nothing to absorb, they don't have blood, and the soul probably has nothing to do with evil. The energy creatures like spirits are similar. If you want to touch the soul, you have to peel off their energy body first.

This is more of a hassle than killing a living enemy.

"Uh, generally speaking, no. Although the fire element lord is crazy when he is awake, most of the time he remains in a deep sleep state under the influence of the power of the true god. That is the power left by the true god. It's not easy to wake up the fire elemental lord here."

Said that the voice of the fire dragon is lowered here: "There are even some conspiracies, that is, the land of hellfire was deliberately arranged, because after the fire elemental lord fell asleep, some existences used it as a special place. 'furnace'."

Fire Dragon didn't say who those beings were, but most of them were related to gods.

When approaching the land of hellfire, the cat spirit cloak on Zheng Yichen changed from gray to black. The cat spirit used attribute reversal. The state of the blessed spirit conflicted with the hellfire here, and the state of the cursed spirit was more suitable. Zheng Yichen But relying on his strong physique, he ignored the influence of the prison fire environment.

The poisonous smell contained in the air was ignored by his specially strengthened lungs.

Huolong clicked his tongue in such an environment, muttering something unhappily, looking uncomfortable but not affected.

Zheng Yichen waved his fishing rod, and the flames of hell and the flames of hell came into contact with each other, and there was a moderate conflict between the two.

The hellfire here is not the fire of hell. The flame here is the corrupted flame of the fire elemental lord after being polluted. It has the breath of hell, but the flame is not the original flame from hell.

"You should take out this weapon carefully, maybe it will be noticed by some existence, the true god may not directly attack, but before you prove your strength, there will be demigods who will trouble you." Huolong said on the side, entered After Hellfire, he became an earth dragon.

"Prove your strength?" Zheng Yichen raised his eyebrows: "How to prove it? For example, kill a few demigods?"

The fire dragon nodded as a matter of course: "Of course, this is the fastest way to prove your strength. It is a serious insult to the soldiers if the demigod asks for your weapon. You have every reason to kill them at that time... Ugh , preferably before they open their mouths to make amends."

Zheng Yichen picked up a stone on the ground and knocked it. The very hot stone made a very crisp sound. He threw the stone into the universal toolbox in the motorcycle. A large amount of gravel was thrown out, and then a finished product The bullet fell into his hand: "The iron content here is very high."

"Tsk tsk, it is said that this place is used as a melting pot by some special beings."

Huolong saw that Zheng Yichen was still like a normal person, so he smacked his mouth. He felt quite uncomfortable here, but Zheng Yichen was like a normal person. He didn't know whether Zheng Yichen's own resistance was stronger than his, or it was caused by the equipment on his body. .

"How about doing the on-site inspection later? Find the target we are looking for first?" Fire Dragon suggested. He was really uncomfortable here, so he wanted to find the target quickly and leave here.

"You don't need to look for it, I've found it." Zheng Yichen threw the bullet back into the universal toolbox. When he came here, he turned on his thermal vision. Although what he saw was a big red patch, his thermal vision The sense of vision has long been able to refine the layered heat source.

Although it is a bit dazzling in the flame area, it is enough to find some specific targets, unless those targets can fully synchronize the 'heat source' emitted by the temperature and power of their own feedback with the environment.

Being able to achieve this level can hide his thermal vision, but Zheng Yichen now has blood perception and abnormal spiritual perception brought by the Great Evil God in addition to thermal vision. The moment he came to the land of hellfire, Zheng Yichen discovered where the target is located.

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