Chapter 98 "Daxia Prison".

Not long after Chen Yu left, Ji Taiping, the first sword cultivator of Daxia, had already descended over Qiuyuan City with a monstrous sword intent. Although he was quite anxious and angry, he still lowered his voice and said hoarsely.

"Please, the city lord of Qiuyuan City, come out of the city for a chat."

The first sword cultivator of Daxia.

The title pursued by the young generation of geniuses does not mean invincibility. Most of the 365 major cities in Daxia have a Jindan cultivation level and Daxia luck.

His strength should not be underestimated. Although there is a high probability that he cannot beat him, the city lord represents Daxia after all. He can't just break into Qiuyuan City and act recklessly, which would be the same as an evil cultivator.

But at this time, Chen Yu and others had already run away. As for Liu Zide, although his running speed was not as fast as Chen Yu and others, it was not slow. He left Qiuyuan City at night through the random teleportation talisman he had bought long ago. At this time, he had changed his appearance and was on the road to Yuncheng.

The plate that had just been opened instantly broke into pieces and fled.


the things left behind have spread like dandelions throughout the 47 major cities of Xuzhou, and have taken root and sprouted. After a few days of fermentation, it will burst into a terrifying public opinion that no one has ever seen.

Gossip, this thing is like a mental drug, as long as you talk to people, it will spread.

Although the City Lord's Mansion has the responsibility to control public opinion, it just watched it with relish for a while, and didn't see any meaning of controlling this thing.

At this time-

Chen Yu and his party have come to the edge of a cliff in Xuzhou.

"We're here."

The scholar looked at the cliff below with clouds and mist flowing, and said with nostalgia: "At that time, I was still a foundation-building cultivator. Most of the time I practiced hard here, and then went to the secret realm to look for opportunities."

There are 19 states in Daxia, and Xuzhou is one of the largest continents.

It is also the northernmost state.

Since ancient times, continents often mean barren land, and Xuzhou is no exception. The spiritual energy is relatively thin compared to other continents, the frequency of secret realms is not as high as other continents, the land is not fertile enough, and there are few natural treasures.

Many famous sects and their mountaintops are near the capital, which is "Jingzhou".

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth there is much richer, and the spiritual energy of some caves and blessed places is even more than twice that of Xuzhou, so the speed of cultivation improvement is naturally much faster than Xuzhou.

"Xuzhou has a very wide territory. From the easternmost to the westernmost part, a normal sixth-level foundation-building cultivator flying on a sword, assuming that he does not stop and does not use up all his spiritual energy, will probably take three days and three nights."

"From the northernmost to the southernmost part, it only takes one day."

"The capital is just south of Xuzhou. Xuzhou and Jingzhou are next to each other on the territory of Daxia. There are eleven states further south of Jingzhou. It can be said that most of the states are south of Jingzhou."

"People often refer to the north of the capital as the North Continent and the south of the capital as the South Continent."

"The spiritual energy concentration of the South Continent is similar to that of the North Continent. Jingzhou is not much different, so Nanzhou also frequently produces talented people. "

The scholar sat cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, looking far to the north through the clouds and mist and whispered: "And to the north of Xuzhou, that is, outside the territory of Daxia, there is a vast and boundless desert. "

"I have heard that a peak Jindan swordsman went to explore and returned seriously injured three months later. He claimed that he did not see the edge of the desert at all, and felt an extremely terrifying Yuanying aura when passing by a certain place. The Yuanying just swept his consciousness over him and made him return seriously injured. "

"That desert is also named "Boundless Desert". "

"No one knows where the end of the desert is, and no one knows what is on the edge behind the end of the desert. We only know that there is a Yuanying in the boundless desert. "

Fei Long nodded thoughtfully: "Is there no Yuanying in Daxia?"

"No. ”

The scholar shook his head: "I can be sure of one thing, Daxia definitely does not have a Yuanying, otherwise Daxia would definitely announce it to the world at the first time, if not for anything else, just to tell those unknown existences around that we also have Yuanying in Daxia, and everyone lives in peace. ”

"Is it impossible?"

Fei Long frowned and asked in doubt: "To establish a sect recognized by the Heavenly Dao, the sect master must be at least in the early stage of Jindan cultivation. There are so many sects in Daxia, even if the ones who are not there are three or four hundred Jindan, right?"

"In addition, there are 365 big cities in Daxia, and the city lords of each city are basically Jindan cultivation, so let's say 300."

"In addition, there are some Jindan casual cultivators, and some great families' supreme elders, family heads, etc. ”

"However, it feels like there are more than a thousand Jindan, so there is not one among so many Jindan who can prove the Dao of Yuanying?"


The scholar did not speak at the first time, but fell into silence with a rare expression without any ripples on his face. After a moment, he shook his head and said softly: "No, there is not a single Yuanying. "

"I don't know the specific reason, I just know that Daxia is more troubled by this than I am."

"As for those Jindan city lords in Daxia's main city you mentioned, at least 70% of them are pseudo-Jindan."

"These people have been stuck at the peak of foundation building for a long time and cannot break through. After surrendering to Daxia, they took advantage of Daxia's imperial decree to take up positions and thus carried a trace of Daxia's national fortune, and successfully broke through the Jindan."

"Although they have become Jindan, they are basically stuck here. It is difficult for them to make any breakthroughs in their cultivation later. Moreover, once their official positions are dismissed and Daxia takes back the national fortune, their cultivation will immediately fall to the peak of foundation building."

"But even so, these golden elixirs who carry the national destiny of Great Xia are still very strong among their peers."

"Back then, Daxia also relied on this method to win over a large number of golden elixirs in an instant, thus confirming its leading position among hundreds of sects."

"The country is the main one, and the family is the auxiliary one."

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and wondered what he was thinking: "Is Daxia Guandao a large formation used to fight against Nascent Soul?"


The scholar smiled and said: "It was quite interesting in Daxia back then. Because the Nascent Soul could not be released, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent on building this formation under the coordination of a peak Jindan cultivation formation cultivator. It took decades. "

"It is said that it can kill the early stage of Nascent Soul."

"At the beginning, because the Golden Core Peak Formation Cultivator deployed this Nascent Soul National Formation for the first time, it was difficult to keep up with the cultivation and computing power, and the difficulty increased dozens of times, resulting in many disadvantages, such as the official way, which is the formation lineage There should be no blood dripping on it, otherwise it will cause holes in the veins of the formation. "

"So there is a saying that "stepping on the official road will kill the nine tribes." "

"Although it is a drawback, it was a time of war. Because of this law, it attracted many monks from other surrounding countries to come and seek refuge. It was a blessing in disguise."

"Daxia saw the benefits, so he gradually added some things, such as some stones that can sense the fluctuations of spiritual energy, and some acceleration formations buried under the official road."

"Later, after hundreds of years of continuous improvement, this flaw has long been eliminated, and this law has become less harsh."

"But maybe Daxia is overthinking."

"After so many years, Daxia's Nascent Soul Formation, which almost emptied the national treasury at that time, has never been activated. Not a single Nascent Soul has entered Daxia. In other words, those Nascent Souls seem to have completely ignored Daxia. It’s never been close to Daxia.”

"What was a great feat back then is now said by many to be a waste of national power."

The scholar looked to the north and continued to introduce: "In the boundless desert north of "Xuzhou", there are still many demon clans living. They are serious demon clans, the kind with spiritual intelligence. The ones we usually kill are called Monster. "

"The demon tribe has entries."

"It's not like a monster, just brute force."

"Those demon tribes have been harassing Xuzhou in the past few years, and they seemed to want to occupy Xuzhou. However, they were sent by General Yu, the most prestigious general in Daxia at the time, and after sweeping across them seventeen times in thirty years, they gradually became silent. "

"The demon clan lives in tribes. Different races will not live together. They are in a predatory relationship with each other. Even those of the same race will live a tribal life based on blood relationships."

"The whole thing is a piece of loose sand. It's okay if we don't provoke Daxia. If we do, the desert will turn red."

"Although Daxia dare not go deep into the desert, there is still no problem in killing some monsters on the edge of the desert."

"What about the east?" Fei Long looked to the east and asked curiously, "What is to the east of Daxia?"

"It's the sea."

The scholar said softly: "It's the Boundless Sea. At that time, the peak golden elixir sword cultivator was famous for his speed. After he returned from being seriously injured in the Boundless Desert, His Majesty rewarded him and after he recovered from his injuries."

"Let him explore the eastern sea."

"I returned after being seriously injured three months ago. I didn't see the end of the sea. I only saw many islands in the depths of the East China Sea. There were countless traces of human life on them. But before I could explore, I sensed a Nascent Soul, and then I repeated the same mistakes."

This time, before Fei Long could continue to ask, the scholar continued: "After the injury is healed, your Majesty will reward him again and let him explore the west."

"I saw hundreds of countries, and they were all small countries. It is said that it used to be one big country, but later the war split it into hundreds of small countries."

"The combined total is not even as large as the territory of Daxia."

"In the early years of war in the Hundred Kingdoms, many people went all the way north to Xuzhou to escape to Daxia Kingdom. They followed the official road all the way without incident. But after crossing the Hundred Kingdoms, the Golden Core Peak Sword Cultivator said that he saw A mountain higher than the sky.”

"That mountain has been covered with heavy snow for many years. As a peak Jindan sword cultivator, I can't fly over the top of the mountain at all. As I keep flying up, I can feel an extremely depressing feeling gradually rising in my chest, like heaven and earth. Like a coercion.”

"If you insist on flying over the top of the mountain, there is a high probability that you will die suddenly on the spot before flying over the top of the mountain."

"That mountain range stretches for millions of miles, maybe longer."

"Since you can't fly over, go around it, but the Jindan sword cultivator said that he flew for a month without seeing the end. Just when he seemed to be about to see the end, he felt a Nascent Soul."


"Returned seriously injured again."


Fei Long interrupted with a strange look on his face: "I feel like I have already guessed what you are saying next. Will this Golden Core Sword Cultivator continue to be rewarded by His Majesty, go to the south after recovering from his injuries, and then return with serious injuries?"


The scholar shook his head: "This Golden Core Sword Cultivator was indeed rewarded by His Majesty again after he returned from a serious injury. Then, after recovering from his injuries, he went south again under His Majesty's orders."

"In the southernmost part of Nanzhou, there is an ice field."

"That ice field has been covered by extremely thick ice for a long time. The temperature gets colder as you go deeper, and it is shrouded in millions of miles of black clouds all the year round. There is no trace of light. It is almost invisible and there is no sign of life. The silence is dark.”

"Golden Core Sword Cultivator was ordered to explore the south."

"this time."

"He didn't return with a serious injury again. Nearly a hundred years have passed, and he still hasn't come back. If it wasn't for the unlikely answer that he was too attached to the environment on the ice field and couldn't bear to come back, then he would most likely have died there."


Chen Yu was silent with a calm face before whispering.

"There are endless deserts in the north and endless ice fields in the south."

"There are endless seas in the east and endless snow-capped mountains in the west."

"There is a Yuanying in the north, west, and east. Although there is no news in the south, there is probably a Yuanying in the south."

"It looks like Daxia is like a prison."


The scholar suddenly didn't know what he thought of, and laughed meaningfully: "Yes, it looks like a prison, so for a long time, there has been a saying in Daxia, that is."

"The reason why no one in Daxia has been able to prove the Yuanying."

"It's because Due to the restrictions of the prison, no Nascent Soul is allowed to appear. "

"But how to break this prison is a difficult problem."

"I am not in a hurry, but I don't know if those old monsters at the peak of the Golden Core who are about to run out of cultivation are in a hurry. They should be so anxious that they can't sleep well at this time."


Chen Lu shook his head and said nothing more: "These are too far away from us, let's go down first."


The bearded man on the side saw the scholar's eyes and rushed forward without stopping. The whole person instantly fell straight into the depths of the cliff.

After a few breaths.

Chen Lu and others came to the bottom of the cliff.

The scholar pointed to the flowing clouds above his head and said with a smile: "It's basically absolutely safe here. This is a secret base I discovered a long time ago."

"See that layer of clouds flowing over the canyon? As long as you touch the clouds, the spiritual energy in your dantian will be instantly frozen, and you can't use spiritual energy within a hundred breaths."

"So, except for my brother, it's difficult for others to get down to the bottom of this canyon."

"This place is a thousand feet above the ground. Even if a Jindan cultivator can't use spiritual energy, he will get hurt if he falls to the bottom of the canyon. Even if you get hurt and come down, how you get up is another problem."

"The clouds not only freeze the spiritual energy in your dantian, but also isolate the spiritual energy connection between you and the flying sword."

"It sounds like a good place."

Chen Yu looked around the canyon. The bottom was still relatively empty. The ground was brown-red soil. You could see a lot of weeds and scattered stones. Under the moonlight through the clouds, it was quite comfortable.

There is also a thatched house that has been abandoned for a long time not far away.

It should be the cave for building foundation mentioned by the scholar.

He originally thought that a pit would be dug on the rock wall, but now it doesn't look so simple.

And in the depths of the canyon, there is actually a stream whose source is unknown. At this time, it is constantly emitting a cool breath. The water quality looks very clear, and you can even see many fat fish.

I have to say.

This place is really a good place for retreat and practice.

And Chen Lu also quickly found a place suitable for himself. There is an oval stone about half a person's height beside the stream. He walked to the stone, jumped up and sat cross-legged on it to feel it.

"Well, just right."


After exhaling a breath of turbid air, he closed his eyes tightly, placed his palms on his knees naturally, and operated the mind method to consolidate the realm he had just broken through tonight, and then prepared to eat the remaining Tiandao cultivation pills and continue to improve his cultivation.

He must improve his cultivation as soon as possible to make him feel a little safe.

Although it is extremely difficult to improve the cultivation level in the foundation building period, there is no bottleneck to break through. However, if you want to break through the golden elixir when you reach the peak of the foundation building, there will be a big bottleneck. If the foundation is unstable or there are hidden injuries and other factors, it is difficult to break through.

However, the peak of the foundation building is still too far away for him.

He is only at the fourth level of the foundation building now.

However, with these Heavenly Dao cultivation pills in his arms and the Heavenly Dao cultivation pills that can be produced every day for the remaining period of time, his cultivation breakthrough speed will be very fast in the next period of time, which will be hundreds of times faster than the speed of ordinary foundation building cultivators to improve their cultivation.

Seeing that Brother Lu has begun to enter the state of cultivation.

Feilong and others also subconsciously lowered their voices, cleaning up the dust in the thatched house and removing the surrounding weeds, while talking in a low voice.

"Well, scholar, did you get a copy of the photo stones Liu Zide made? Let me see what was captured."


Speaking of this, the scholar showed a trace of admiration on his face: "I saved a lot of copies of each scene, take a look."

"Especially the one with the power of nine bulls and nine yin, really, it's the first time I've seen it."

"I used to be the number one swordsman in Daxia. It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm more knowledgeable than 99% of the people in Daxia, but I've never seen this before, and I need someone to assist me, otherwise I can't see it at all. Not accurate."

"And this, the unwelcome abandoned child of the family breaks through the foundation and obtains the seven-color entry and then kills everyone. This is a bit too illogical. The probability of obtaining a seven-color entry in the foundation is not much lower than the probability of an entry jade slip falling from the sky."

"But Liu Zide's original words are, logic? According to logic, the fate of those unwelcome abandoned children of the family is to be suppressed for a lifetime, and then give birth to a collateral child, and the child continues to be suppressed. Do you think those people can like it?"


Fei Long nodded in agreement, then checked the pile of photo stones in his arms one by one, and kept making tut-tut sounds.

Under the moonlight.

Deep in the canyon, the few people were quite harmonious. After the night was quiet, Fei Long caught a few plump yellow croakers and sat by the stream to grill them.

It felt far away from the noise of the world of immortal cultivation, and there was a sense of loneliness like a paradise.

Under the night.

The edge of the boundless desert near Xuzhou.

A brown bear standing up about nine feet tall with white spots on its fur was now directing its people to plant spiritual rice in the depths of the desert. Many larger brown bears listened to the command, buried the spiritual rice seeds in the desert, and then poured a bubble of bear urine on them, as if it was watering.

The temperature of the desert was much lower in the middle of the night, and the bubble of bear urine was not instantly absorbed by the hot gravel, but it didn't look like it would work.


At this time, a larger brown bear stood beside the brown bear with white spots on its fur, and said in a muffled voice: "Spiritual rice cannot be grown in the desert, and your plan is doomed to fail."

"I can understand your ambition to lead the "brown bear tribe" to unite and walk out of the desert to the fertile land."


"Spiritual rice really cannot be grown in the desert."


The pupils of this small brown bear, which was obviously not fully grown, flashed with strange spirits, and he grinned and said: "I told you a long time ago that the demon tribe can only fight against Daxia if they unite. Do you remember?"

"I remember, but the demon tribe cannot unite."

"The demon tribe is destined to unite. In fact, all demon tribes are aware that the demon tribe must unite to fight against Daxia and set foot on that fertile and cool land. ”

The little brown bear’s voice revealed fatigue: “But just as you have tried, the demon tribe cannot unite with each other due to various historical reasons.”

“So I need to create a miracle for the demon tribe, a miracle big enough to unite the demon tribe, at least the “brown bear tribe”.”


The old bear, who was huge and the strongest among these brown bears, shook his huge bear head: “You have been smarter than other people since you were a child. Maybe you really have a way. Just do it as you say.”

“But I can be sure of one thing, spiritual rice will never grow in the desert.”

“Especially watered with bear urine. ”

Then he turned and walked to the side, and began to beat the lazy tribesmen with his bear claws.

After his father left.

The little brown bear stood up with a face full of fighting spirit and trance, looking at the land of Xuzhou in the Great Xia Kingdom under the clouds in the south, which exuded a sweet scent.

A few months ago, he traveled through time, and when he opened his eyes, he was on this brown bear.

From the initial discomfort, he has gradually adapted to this powerful body.

"Brown Bear Clan", all newborns of the tribe are born with the fourth level of Qi Refining. After adulthood, they can naturally step into the peak of Qi Refining, and can break through to the foundation building stage with a little practice.

He is already at the sixth level of Qi Refining at this time, and he still has four months to adulthood.

By then, he will be a mighty brown bear.

And he also has a very good entry.


"Entry Name": Bloody Claws.

"Entry Level": Green.

[Effect of the Item]: Your claws will become sharper and harder, and will be improved as your cultivation becomes stronger.


This item makes his claws extremely sharp.

At first, he thought that he was the only one who had this item, and it was the golden finger that brought him through time and space. He hid it and didn't tell anyone. His father almost thought that he was a child abandoned by the heaven without awakening items, and killed him for barbecue.

Later, he showed the item in a hurry and saved his life.

Then he knew that every demon can randomly obtain an item in the Qi Refining Stage, and after breaking through the Foundation Establishment Stage, each major realm including the Foundation Establishment Stage can choose one of the two random items at will.

The same is true for the human race.

However, the human race can choose one of the three random items at will.

He once asked his father, the patriarch of this brown bear tribe.

His father shook his head and said he didn't know, saying that it has been like this since ancient times.

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