"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for activating the mission reward [Cultivation level has been improved to a great level]】!"

"Ding dong! Start giving out rewards!"

Bi Yun's spiritual thoughts just touched the seven-colored light group in his mind.

The system's melodious and ethereal prompt sounded again.

The next second, Bi Yun only felt that a vast sea of spiritual power appeared out of thin air in his body....

And his cultivation method also started to work automatically!...... in chaos

"a hundred years"

"It’s too laborious to open a dojo!"

"If I had known earlier, I would have asked Master for help!"

A soft voice sounded here. Who else could it be than Saint Nuwa?

She stretched out, revealing her perfect curves. However, no one was around to see her at this time.

In front of her is a huge continent.

This continent is suspended in chaos and is extremely stable.

This is because this continent has her own unique aura that prevents it from being suppressed by the innate wind and chaos. Destroyed by fragments.

This is the dojo that Nuwa opened for hundreds of years

, but it is enough for her!

She waved her right hand, and a beam of vitality fell on the continent in front of her..

Suddenly, a magnificent palace appeared on the continent, with thousands of golden lights blooming in it, and thousands of auspicious auras rippling out. The entire palace was dark green and made of colored glaze. Complete.

There is a plaque hanging in front of the gate of the palace, which reads"Wa Palace"!

At this point, the Nuwa Dojo has been opened, but the palace has just been built, and there is a lack of vitality in the dojo.

"Um...I remember that the teacher's Zixiao Palace has various innate spiritual roots, as well as cranes and spiritual beasts, which are full of vitality...."

"If you have time, let Yun'er bring some over...."

"This way it won't be too lifeless..."

Empress Nuwa put her slender hands behind her back, looking at the dojo she had created and talking to herself, her words full of relaxation.

Speaking of Bi Yun, Nuwa's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she murmured:"It has been a hundred years, but I don't know how well Yun'er has taught the human race."..."

"Not as good as...have a look?"

When Empress Nuwa thought of this, she raised the corner of her mouth slightly, waved her right hand, and the power of the saint appeared in front of her, directly condensing into a spiritual mirror.

Her mind moved slightly, and the spiritual mirror flashed momentarily, and finally reflected the place where the human race was born. Picture.

This is the power of a saint. As long as you think about it, you can use the power of heaven to see all the details of the ancient world....

But she didn’t know it by looking at it, and Nuwa was so angry that she raised her pretty eyebrows!


"A hundred years have passed, and thousands of human beings have made no progress at all!"

"Still no clothes to cover the body, no cultivation at all!"

"What has Yun'er been doing for the past hundred years!"

Nuwa Empress said in a tone that she hated iron for not being able to become steel!

You know, she asked Bi Yun to teach the human race, and also intended for Bi Yun to become associated with the human race and inherit the human race's destiny.

If the human race becomes stronger and has the luck of the human race, she believes , Bi Yun's practice will be much smoother!

But what about this time? Although a hundred years is short, it is very important for the newly born human race! Why didn't Yun'er teach them even a little bit?...

Even if you let them cover their bodies, that’s fine!

Empress Nuwa's face turned red when she thought of this. She didn't know whether she was embarrassed or angry.

"I want to see where this good cloud of yours has gone!"

She murmured to herself, her mind moving slightly, and Bi Yun's figure suddenly appeared in the spiritual mirror....

The next second, Nuwa's expression changed drastically.

Directly from anger, from hating that iron cannot become steel, to sluggishness......... outside world.

Tens of thousands of human beings woke up long ago when the Hunyuan gas was completely absorbed by Bi Yun.

They watched Bi Yun still practicing with his eyes closed.

They didn't dare to disturb him, and they all continued to follow Bi Yun's previous order to familiarize themselves with the surroundings....

Just at this time!

Tens of thousands of human beings wandering around thousands of miles around felt a wave of heart palpitations.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards Bi Yun!

Suddenly, a powerful aura suddenly appeared, and the powerful air flow pushed everyone back a hundred miles!


At this time, a strange voice sounded from Biyun's body.

Bi Yun broke through.

The aura of the middle stage of Tianxian is undoubtedly revealed!......

"How is this going? Holy Master, what's going on?"

"This smell is so scary!"

"very strange! Why does the Holy Master change every period of time?"

"We don’t understand, and we don’t dare to ask!"

"I don’t know what to say, but I think it looks pretty awesome...."


Tens of thousands of people were seen exclaiming without realizing it.

They don't know how to practice, but for some reason, they feel that Bi Yun is very evil at this time!

Just the aura that revealed everything made them want to kneel down!

In fact...

They actually knelt down...

And soon, Bi Yun's aura climbed up again, reaching another level!

【ps: third update...I want flowers, I want collections, I want reviews, I want everything....】

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