Ancient times.

Southwest of the Eastern World. boom!

A huge air explosion exploded from the sky above here!

I saw a thin figure flying by carrying a boy of twelve or thirteen years old!

Its speed was so fast that wherever it flew, there was an endless air explosion sound!

Boom boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen figures came through the air behind him!

Every figure burst out with terrifying momentum.

The countless creatures below were so frightened that they could only lie down and tremble....

"hateful! If he forced us to find out the method of creation, how could we get it!"

"Shameless! Shameless! This level of cultivation is so shameless!"

"If this kid becomes a Westerner, how can we know the law of creation!"

"Chase! Hurry up and catch up!"

"You have to be careful not to mention that servant!"

Many powerful men were chasing the Taoist Jieyin in front while cursing angrily.

No wonder they were so angry! They were really pissed off by Jieyin and Zhunti!

If Bi Yun really became a disciple of Jieyin, then what would they do before today? It was all a joke!

At this moment, they suddenly felt a force of merit erupting from the front!

The next second, a dazzling golden light came towards them, one by one, they stood still in mid-air. looking ahead... what did they see...


The whole world was instantly rendered with golden yellow, filling it all over.........

A few breaths ago.

Flying high in the sky, I heard the sound of piercing the air and the roar behind me.

Taoist Jie Yin could not help but feel a little irritable.

He knew that if he flew like this, he might actually be caught up!

After all, there is someone who is good at flying behind him.

Thinking of this, his heart tightened, and he knew that the only option for now was to let the boy he held in his hands worship him as his teacher.

In this way, this boy's creation and even his people will belong to the West.

Those powerful people behind them no longer have any reason to compete!

Therefore, he hurriedly sent a message:"Little friend! Do you know that those people behind you are trying to take away your merits!"

"I had no choice but to do this to save you!"

"In this way, if you worship me as your teacher, I will ensure that you will not be forced by anyone!"

"You know, I am a disciple of Taoist Hongjun, and I am innocent!"

Taoist Jie Yin spoke one after another, and in order to increase his credibility, he even directly moved Taoist Hongjun out!

After hearing Taoist Jie Yin's words, Bi Yun's mouth twitched.

You are so shameless, does Taoist Hongjun know? ?

You are such a child, but you have to be a good person!

Of course, he doesn't dare to say it like this in his heart, so what if the other party gets upset?

He hurriedly said:"It turns out to be Uncle Master! I am the fairy boy of Empress Nuwa! Please let me down! They dare not do anything to me!"

When Taoist Jie Yin heard this, he seemed to be shocked, and then became furious!

What a boy!

In order to trick me into letting him go, he even revealed the name of Saint Nuwa!

Return Nuwa's fairy boy?

Why don't you? You are said to be Haotian Yaochi next to Daozu Hongjun!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown and continued to say:"Little friend! I'm not lying to you, I really am a Taoist guide, and worshiping me as your teacher is the way to solve your crisis!"

There was a hint of sincerity in the words!

Hearing this, Bi Yun was furious.

Damn, in this case, I have no choice but to make a plan! Anyway, the Golden Wheel of Merit will be discovered!

Thinking about it, he no longer hesitated, and his whole body Shock!


In an instant, a golden wheel of merit with a diameter of two thousand feet suddenly appeared from behind Bi Yun!

A huge force came from his hand, shaking his fingers apart!

Before he could react, he felt a dazzling golden light blooming in front of his eyes!... golden...

At this time, the figure of the Taoist leader couldn't help but pause, floating high in the sky!

He only felt that his eyes were stinging extremely, and all he could see was the endless golden color, and tears were instantly stimulated to his eyes.

When his eyes recovered.

His whole body froze, his already red eyes widened, and his mouth opened involuntarily, and he could put down a fist....

What did he see?

A golden wheel of merit with a diameter of two thousand feet!

It appeared alive in front of him, less than ten feet away!

Even he felt extremely small in front of these two thousand-foot golden wheels of merit....

"How can this be!!!"

"Two thousand feet of golden wheel of merit!"

"Who is this kid!!!"

"There is so much meritorious power!!!"

After Taoist Jieyin came to his senses, he exclaimed in surprise!

His face was full of disbelief.

Because he clearly saw that the two thousand-foot-sized golden wheels of merit were hanging alive behind Bi Yun....

And the dozen or so powerful men not far behind him also reacted in the same way....

"Introduce yourself!"

"I am the fairy boy under the throne of the sage Nuwa!"

"Dharma name, Biyun!"

At this time, a childish voice resounded from Biyun's mouth, echoing endlessly...........

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