
"Damn it!"

"How dare you pretend to be my junior sister’s fairy boy!"

"I will capture you right now and take you back for interrogation!"

The voice that led the Taoist shook out and resounded throughout the world.

The next second, he took action directly!

He raised his right hand and swung it towards Bi Yun!


A loud noise exploded, and at the same time more A huge mass of world in the palm of his hand suddenly appeared, moving toward Bi Yun in a majestic manner!

Compared with it, Bi Yun's two thousand-foot golden wheel of merit seemed small.......... at this time.

Follow the Taoist priest.

Many powerful people who were planning to retreat couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this.

They all stared blankly at the vast world in their palms that appeared in front of them!

They know that this is one of the most powerful magical powers and can only be used when they are most serious....

At this time, Taoist Jieyin actually used this magical power on Biyun Fairy Boy?

Is he crazy?...

This thought suddenly arose in the hearts of many powerful people!

You know, Bi Yun has already revealed his identity at this time.

Behind him is the support of Saint Nuwa!

Even the Sanqing Taoists at this time did not dare to offend the saint Nuwa easily.

Therefore, I also plan to retreat.

And when the Taoist leader did this, weren't he afraid of offending Nuwa?

As soon as the idea came up, they understood it.

In order to become a saint, the Taoist priest is crazy...........

Let’s talk about Bi Yun.

He felt his eyes go dark, and the next second he saw a huge projection almost materializing above him.

Coming toward him!

For a moment, he was so frightened that he was shocked!

"My queen!"

"Aren't you going to take action yet?"

"Your lovely fairy boy is going to be kidnapped by the bald donkey!"

Bi Yun exclaimed subconsciously.

Yes, in his opinion, Nuwa was even outside the prehistoric times, even though she was busy opening a dojo!

But at this time she made such a big noise!

She must have sensed it!

It's impossible for the saint to be ignorant of the prehistoric events! That

's the only possibility. That's why he shouted out like this. If so, saint Nuwa wouldn't come out. It’s over!


When Bi Yun's exclamation came out.

The Taoist Taoist could not help but narrow his eyes.

The cold light in his eyes is even better!

Now that we have taken action, it is impossible to look back!

Only continue!

"Still pretending!"

Jie Yin Taoist shouted angrily, his mind moved slightly, and the world in the palm of his right hand accelerated down!

It directly enveloped the two thousand-foot golden wheel of merit behind Bi Yun.

Only the last one hundred-foot golden wheel of merit was left!


A voice came out from the chaos, floating lightly throughout the heaven and earth....

"Try moving him!" As soon as this voice came out, it seemed to be carrying the supreme holy power.


I saw that the world in the palm of Bi Yun and the golden wheel of merit turned out to be...

It collapsed suddenly!!!

Countless powders are floating around the world!


Taoist Jieyin felt a throbbing in his heart!

The next second, an unshakable power came from his right hand!


The screams suddenly exploded!

I saw that the right hand of Taoist Jieyin exploded on its own.

Countless blood mist splashed out, turning Jieyin's whole body into a scarlet color.

There was also a pungent smell of blood floating out. , filling this world...

Look at the Taoist priest again.

Where does he still have the crazy look he had just now?

Where is the power of the divine power that has just been unleashed?

His right arm was already broken, and he was bleeding. Scarlet blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was as pale as bone....

But his eyes were staring at Bi Yun behind him....

That beautiful shadow that just appeared.........

Follow the Taoist priest.

Many powerful people feel that they are simply addicted.

Taking action from the lead, he unleashed the world in his palm, shocking them.

When Bi Yun opened his mouth, he summoned the saint Nuwa.

To the sage Nuwa's light words.

Taoist Taoist Dao Jieyin's magical power collapsed and his right hand exploded...

All of this is just an instant.

At this moment, I saw that the right shoulder of the Taoist leader was empty, only the blood was constantly flowing down.

They only felt frightened and could not help but feel chills!

This Nuwa!

After becoming a saint, you are so cruel!

Thinking about it, they immediately reacted and hurriedly flew out and came to Bi Yun and Nuwa.

"Emperor Jun (Taiyi, Kunpeng) pays homage to the saint Nuwa..."

"Laozi (Yuanshi, Tongtian) met with the saint Nuwa..."

"Styx meets the saint Nuwa..."


Many powerful officials saluted and respectfully paid homage to Nuwa.

But at this time, Saint Nuwa had no intention of letting them off the hook.

Instead, his eyes were focused on Bi Yun.

"Yuner, are you okay?"

Nuwa looked around Bi Yun and said nervously.

"not dead! You're one step too late! Just maybe!"

Bi Yun, whose heart was full of surprise, blurted out with an angry tone....

For a moment, the whole place was silent.........

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