"Of course, I suspect there is a problem, but it is just my subjective inference!"Wu Nan spread his hands,"This doesn't mean anything? Maybe they already have a debt dispute. We can put this line aside for now.……"

"Let's talk about Gou Anguo again!" Wu Nan walked back and forth on the podium."Gou Anguo is my number one suspect! Because his behavior is too abnormal! Let's assume that he is the murderer of Song Dong! Then……"

Wu Nan paused and said,"What is the motive for the murder?"

What is the motive for the murder?!

This is a key!

When the police investigate a case and identify a suspect, they usually do so from two aspects: either reliable clues or by inferring the motive for the murder. For example, if someone has a grudge against Song Dong, the grudge is the motive for the murder, and the person with the grudge is the suspect!

So, what is Gou Anguo's motive for the murder?!

"Gou Anguo, male, 31 years old, a native of Xihang. His parents are ordinary working class, but his old house is located in a good area and has been demolished. He is a second-generation demolition worker.…���After graduating from university at the age of 22, Gou Anguo changed jobs many times and met his current wife Song Qian at the age of 24.……"Wu Nan spoke at a moderate pace, without looking at the script.

His tone was like that of a TV show narrator on a murder case.

"Four years ago, 26-year-old Gou Anguo married Song Qian, and they jointly ran a fast food restaurant. A year ago, Song Qian gave birth to a daughter... It is worth mentioning that Gou Anguo married Song Qian not only for emotional reasons, but also because Song Qian's mother Feng Dongmei was dying of cancer, and Song Qian married to fulfill her mother's wish.……"

"The victim, Song Dong, did not attend his daughter Song Qian's wedding and did not receive an invitation. It was not until after Feng Dongmei's death that Song Dong heard about it and took the initiative to contact his two daughters, and the relationship between the two sides began to ease.……"

"What was Gou Anguo's motive for committing the crime? Son-in-law, killing father-in-law, why?"Wu Nan asked the question again, pacing back and forth,"If it was just because of Fu Jiaojiao's threat, because of the future ownership of the property, Gou Anguo would not be so radical. Even if he was radical, it should be Fu Jiaojiao who died, not Song Dong.……"

"However, after a secondary investigation, I seem to have discovered the reason!"

"Six years ago, Gou Anguo opened a fast food restaurant called"Spicy Fried Chicken Fast Food".

In the same year, he met Song Qian.

Two years later, they got married.

After marriage, the couple jointly operated the fried chicken restaurant.

Three years ago, the spicy fried chicken fast food restaurant started chain operation.

Gou Anguo opened two more stores within a year.

Two years ago, the scale of spicy fried chicken fast food restaurant expanded to five stores.

But after that, spicy fried chicken fast food restaurant went from prosperity to decline.


"In January last year, the spicy fried chicken fast food restaurant closed two stores one after another, and in April last year, it closed another store... Until the incident, there were only two spicy fried chicken fast food restaurants left, one operated by Gou Anguo and Song Qian, and the other operated by Gou Anguo's younger brother Gou Anhua... But it was still losing money.……"


Wu Nan snapped his fingers!

The white screen behind him changed the film again. It was a debt inventory, a bank statement, and a transcript!

"From January to November last year, Gou Anguo and his wife's assets shrank dramatically, mainly due to debts. The rent of the two stores, the cost of fast food materials, water, electricity, labor expenses, etc., amounted to 140,000 yuan per month! The rent of the two stores was 70,000 yuan... Gou Anguo and Song Qian were unable to make ends meet. The peak of their debt was in June last year, when they had more than 570,000 yuan.……"

"In mid-June last year, Song Qian received a payment of 600,000 yuan! This money came from Song Qian's father, the deceased Song Dong!"

"It's only natural for a father to help his daughter! This money helped Song Qian and Gou Anguo temporarily solve their financial crisis, but... after paying off their debts, Song Qian and Gou Anguo still didn't have much money, and couldn't even pay the rent for a store for a month.……"

"At the end of July last year, Song Dong transferred another 200,000 yuan to Song Qian!"

"At the end of August last year, Song Dong once again gave Song Qian 200,000 yuan!"

"Three payments totaling 1 million RMB! Although Song Dong's business is not small, the cash flow of the food factory is not sufficient. In order to help his daughter, Song Dong can be said to have done his best...Since the end of August last year, Song Dong has not given Song Qian any money.……"

"At the end of November last year, Gou Anguo's two stores closed down one after another because the landlord closed the stores, detained all the tables, chairs, and kitchen equipment, and demanded the rent owed by Song Dong!"

Wu Nan paused, and then slowly said:"On December 13, Song Dong was killed!"

"I think!" Wu Nan raised his voice,"If it was really his eldest son-in-law Gou Anhua who killed Song Dong, then Gou Anhua's motive for committing the crime was money! Gou Anhua's career was on the verge of collapse and needed a lot of cash to save it. Gou Anhua's daughter was born in June last year. The birth of his daughter increased the burden on the family. The cost of raising a child in a big city like Xihang is very high.……"

"There's more!

" Wu Nan raised his hand and knocked on the white curtain.

"Look here, this is a transcript from Song Dong's mistress, Fu Jiaojiao, the financial director of Xinli Food Factory.

Fu Jiaojiao can confirm that in August last year, Song Qian and Gou Anhua came to Xinli Food Factory and had a big fight with Song Dong over money.

Song Qian even threatened to sever the father-daughter relationship and not let Song Dong see his granddaughter, hoping to get financial support from Song Dong!


"At the same time, Fu Jiaojiao also confessed that she had quarreled with Song Dong because of this incident. Fu Jiaojiao believed that the fast food restaurant business run by Song Qian and Gou Anhua was no longer saveable, and hoped that Song Dong would stop giving Song Qian money. Song Qian heard this, so in September, Song Qian came to the Xinli Food Factory and had a big quarrel with Fu Jiaojiao. The employees of the Finance Department of the Xinli Food Factory can prove this!"

"That is to say, Song Dong, Fu Jiaojiao, Song Qian, and Gou Anguo and his wife had a fierce quarrel or conflict, and the focus was on one issue - money!"

Wu Nan finished speaking in one breath, panted, took a deep breath, and said lightly:"In summary, I think Gou Anguo and his wife have enough motive to kill Song Dong!

In fact, the maker of the whole plan was not Gou Anguo, but Song Qian, because Song Qian and Song Dong did not have a good relationship.

Song Dong left her with an indelible shadow in her childhood.

Because of Fu Jiaojiao's existence, it was more difficult for Song Qian to get money from Song Dong.

Under the influence of multiple factors, this murder case happened!


"This is a cruel and inhumane case of patricide!" Wu Nan defined the case, but then changed the subject and said,"But all of the above is just my personal inference!"

"But I personally think that this is the closest hypothesis to the truth! Suppose that Song Qian and Gou Anguo are the culprits behind the scenes!"Wu Nan glanced at the whole audience

"Then, a new question arises. Song Qian and Gou Anguo both have alibis... Who killed Song Dong?"

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