I Am Hellscream

Chapter 080

Even if it is the Devil Slayer Order fleet, with five vice admirals sitting in town, they will not always open to see and smell domineering, after all, open to see and smell domineering, will hear a lot of noisy sounds, as long as it is not a brain problem, who has nothing to do always open to see and smell domineering to find guilt ??

Therefore, Gromash also sneaked from the sea very smoothly into the Demon Slayer fleet that had blocked the port of O’Hara.

The warship was very huge, and Gromash showed his head on the sea without worrying about being discovered, he first looked at the refuge ship in the distant port, at this time the refuge ship was already crowded with ordinary people from O’Hara, but Gromash knew very well that this refuge ship would soon be shelled and broken by Sakaski’s ruthless guy, and this ship, whether men, women or children, could not run.

But Gromash is not a saint, he is too lazy to care about this matter, what does the sins of the righteous navy do with his evil pirate Gromash?

But then again, if Gromash had sat in Sakaski’s place, he might have ordered the shelling of the refuge ship, and if he really wanted to identify O’Hara as “evil”, then he must do everything to eliminate evil, as Sakaski said, once a scholar really ran out of this ship, the entire O’Hara’s sacrifice was in vain, and the navy also suffered such a great sin in vain, gritting its teeth and destroying O’Hara.

Even if he wasn’t as ruthless as Sakaski, Gromash would send everyone on the shelter ship under strict supervision for ten years and eight years.

Gromash, who was hiding in the sea, did not dare to put anything domineering to sense where Sakaski’s bastard guy was, after all, the strong could still detect some traces.

“Just wait and see, let’s see if it’s the shelling from that warship.” Gromash touched his chin and thought, and then dived into the sea again.

On the other hand, Spandyne also pressed the golden phone worm in his hand, and the harsh noise came out instantly, and then the commanders on the ten warships were all signaled.

Kuzan looked at the phone worm in his hand that made an ugly noise, and his face sank, and then he closed his eyes and said, “Demon Slaying Order… Turn it on. ”

“Yes, Lieutenant General Kuzan!” A navy also saluted with a serious face and said.

With Kuzan’s order, the two warships under his command began to adjust their guns, and then they all seemed to be as agreed, and ten warships of the naval headquarters began to shell the entire island of O’Hara, and the dense gunpowder shells began to cover O’Hara inch by inch, intending to completely erase the island from the “physical level”.

That’s right, the horror of the demon slaughter order lies in this erasure word, which represents absolute justice, no matter where the target is, they can be ruthlessly erased, even if it is the later Justice Island, a fortress of justice under the world government, it is not a word, say blow up.

And once the demon slaughter order is issued, it will definitely not stop halfway, the Warring States General’s demon slaughter order erased the entire O’Hara, and when Kuzan was a general at the time, his demon slaughter order erased the entire Justice Island.

“Gee, what a spectacular scene…” said Gromash hiding in the shadow of the warship, watching all this involuntarily smack his lips.

At the same time, since Spandyne is also using the Demon Slaughter Order for the first time, he does not quite understand that as long as the golden phone worm is pressed, whether you CP-9 people are still on the island or not, anyway, the navy cannot be your existence, they will completely ignore whether there are their own people on the island, and directly wipe it out in all directions.

Therefore, the large number of artillery also scared Spandyne enough, at this time Robin had already seen Nicole Olbia, in order to make her proud and let her admit that she was his mother, so Robin also personally announced that he had become a scholar.

Originally, Spandyne was going to kill Robin with him, but now that the artillery is so dense, a greedy guy like him who prioritizes his own life and fears death, of course, it is impossible for Ling Ran to see Robin and these scholars killed before leaving, he didn’t even think about it, turned around and took his little brothers and began to flee in the direction of the warship.

Not long after Spandyne and them evacuated, the giant Sauro, who had already lost most of his combat effectiveness because he had been drifting for a long time, also rushed to the vicinity of the Tree of Omniscience, and saw Dr. Clover, who had been shot and was about to breathe, and Robin and Olbia, who were hugging each other and crying after the mother and daughter recognized each other.

As for those scholars, their spirit of sacrifice still broke out at this time, not caring that the tree of omniscience had been ignited, and rushed into the fire, desperately trying to throw those precious books into the lake outside, and pass on this knowledge that belongs to all mankind.

Later, it turned out that they were indeed successful, and the books in the Tree of All-Knowing filled the entire bottom of the lake, and were not all burned, if nothing else, they should have been recycled back by the world government, anyway, it is good that they were not destroyed.

“Olbia…” Sauro was also very sad when he saw Olbia.

Olbia was quite surprised after seeing Sauro.

“Sauro??? Why are you here? Olbia asked while holding Robin, who was crying.

“Alas, it’s hard to say a word, this is all destined by heaven, when I was drifting at sea, I accidentally drifted here, and in the end Robin saved my life and gave me a sip of water to drink, let’s not talk about these things, hurry up and escape from this island, the Navy’s demon slaughter order… No joke!! Sauro also spoke quickly.

Olbia finally hugged Robin fiercely, and said to Sauro with tears in his eyes: “Sauro, please, this is my last request, please send my daughter Robin out of this island!” ”

And Robin also struggled to resist after hearing her mother’s words: “No, mother, you run away with me!!” ”

Sauro also looked at Olbia with great emotion, and said: “What about you? Olbia…”

“I’m here… There is also the matter, the eyes of the navy and the world government, after all, it is because we were attracted to O’Hara, everyone has the right to escape, but I cannot. When Olbia said this, a smile appeared on his face, and this smile seemed to be so righteous and fearless, so that Sauro, who originally wanted to persuade her again or even forcibly take her away, also closed her mouth and chose to obey Olbia’s request.

After Olbia saw that Sauro agreed, she was also relieved, and then she raised her hand to wipe the tears on Robin’s face, and said softly: “Robin, since you are also a historian, since you have also become a scholar, then you should know that history is the wealth of mankind and can light up the future, but the history handed down from the past, if it cannot be carried over to the next era, will gradually die, we O’Hara do not want to expose any past history, It’s just to protect this voice from the past, and our research can’t continue, but Robin… Even if O’Hara dies, we cannot give up hope for the future. ”

Robin wiped his tears and cried, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Mom!!” ”

“Sooner or later, you’ll understand, Robin.” Olbia gently touched Robin’s face and spoke lovingly.

Then she looked at Sauro and said, “Get out of here, Sauro, please!!” ”

Sauro also let out a long sigh, and then grabbed Robin, who was reluctant to part with her mother who had not seen her for many years but could only meet briefly, and then looked at Nicole Olbia and said: “Then take care, don’t worry, even if I fight for my life, I will protect Robin from here!” ”

Sauro was also a well-known man, and after saying this, he gritted his teeth, turned and ran, never looking back again.

And only then did Olbia cry hoarsely and loudly: “Robin, live!!! ”

At this time, on the warship, Kuzan also received news from the people below.

“What?? That guy from Sauro was really on the island at this time??? Kuzan was also very shocked when he heard the news, although he expected that Sauro and Olbia should come towards O’Hara, but when he blocked O’Hara before, the CP-9 people came with the news, saying that they had captured O’lbia, at that time, there was no news from Sauro, Kuzan was also relieved, he thought that Sauro just rescued Olbia and didn’t care about this anymore, in that case, he didn’t have to say goodbye to his former best friend.

But who knew that now that the demon slaughter order was issued, Sauro suddenly appeared from the island, and Kuzan, who was still a little lucky, was completely woken up by this cold water.

Sauro was also running at this time, and said to Robin, who was constantly crying in his hand: “Robin, you should be proud, Robin, your mother is good, O’Hara is good, but the history of this island will depend on you to continue in the future, Robin!” O’Hara, they are making enemies of this world!! ”

As soon as Sauro finished saying this, a shell from the warship hit him hard in the head.

Fortunately, Sauro is a giant race, his strength is also quite strong, it can be said that when he was in the navy headquarters before, Sauro was the leader of the entire giant race vice admiral, his strength is far from being comparable to ordinary giant races, even if he has fled and drifted for so long, he can still make a big splash in O’Hara, three times five divided by two destroyed six of the ten warships, of course, in the end, the world government in order to bury the stain on the navy and maintain the face of justice, He put the pot that Sauro had made on Robin’s head, declared her the son of the devil, was extremely dangerous, destroyed six warships in O’Hara, and finally gave Robin a reward of 79 million Bailey.

For an eight-year-old girl, Robin’s bounty is already ridiculously high, she can be said to have completely crushed Bigmom Charlotte Lingling, you must know that when the gifted monster first became a pirate and was rewarded, it was about seven years old, and then the first reward was only fifty million Baileys, Robin was about a year older than when she first offered a reward, and then the bounty was nearly 80 million Baileys, from here you can also see how much the world government attaches importance to Robin.

In order not to let the warship continue to shell, so as not to hurt Robin, Sauro also decided to kill a warship first, only to see him casually put Robin on the ground, protect behind him, and then accelerate under his feet and rush out towards the warship.

Sauro hugged the warship, first raised his hand to break the battery, and then wanted to lift the warship with his huge force and throw it out.

“Stop, Lieutenant General Sauro, are you dizzy??”

“Wow, Lieutenant General, stop it, what do you want to do??”

Sauro’s body jerked with force, and the entire warship was lifted by him, and then he opened his mouth and shouted: “I don’t know what justice is now!!! I just want to protect what I want to protect!! If you are an enemy of me, you are finished!! ”

With Sauro’s roar, the huge warship of the naval headquarters was directly lifted by him and thrown towards the other two warships that were leaning together.

Former Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Haguval D. Sauro took out three warships with just one move, both in strength and in his character, he can be called a well-known man!

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