I Am Hellscream

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Hell stabs a consistent hand!

The Mignon Island incident happened at night, and this time is no exception.

At this time, the night is dark and the entire island is in chaos. Not only Gromash is fighting Kaido, but Jack is fighting the drought. Marine, Doflamingo’s Donquixote Family is also fighting Marine. There are a lot of pirates on the island.

Although the pirates haven’t figured out what’s going on yet, in this kind of melee between Marine and pirates, who do you want to play with and who are you looking for trouble?

It must be the fucking Marine first!

Somewhere on the island, Doflamingo is fighting Gion. At this time, Doflamingo is already a little embarrassed. His coquettish pink feather coat has become a bit tattered, and there are more sharp tools on his chest. Wounds caused by obsolescence.

Of course, the Admiral candidate of Gion Marine is not much better than Doflamingo. She also has some bloodline on her body. She has a bleeding wound on her forehead, and a peanut-sized penetrating wound on her arm. It is also unclear who suffers more from her and Doflamingo.

“Hufurfuru, Momousagi Vice Admiral, it doesn’t make any sense to fight anymore. Why don’t you, Marine, join us to find the missing Op-Op Fruit and then end these things?” Doflamingo breathed a sigh of relief. Then smiled and said.

The wound on his chest is also being quickly mended by the insignificant thread. Although he can’t heal immediately, it can slow down some of the injuries.

“It’s useless to say more, Doflamingo, even if we can’t find Op-Op Fruit, we won’t be in vain if we catch you.” Gion threw off the blood on his Jinpiluo and said in a deep voice while looking at Doflamingo.

“Squirt, so I hate you guys who won’t compromise…” Doflamingo vomited uncomfortably.

After speaking, he raised his hand and pulled out a few thin threads again, and Gion also loosened the Jinpira held in his hand first, and then tightened again.

Just as the atmosphere became more and more tense, and both of them were looking for an opportunity to shoot, a loud noise of’Bang!’ came from the island again. Doflamingo also stretched out his hand, and didn’t know which cloud tied his thin thread in the sky 083, and pulled himself quickly away from the place.

In the next second, Gromash’s sturdy body, burning with raging flames, slammed into the place where Doflamingo and Gion were facing each other, smashing the ground out of a huge pit, and the pit was quickly taken by Gromash. Melted by the high temperature, it became a “pool” full of magma.

Doflamingo landed on the ground in the distance and was taken aback while watching this scene. Then he smiled and said, “Fufurfurfurfur, Gromash, do you need me to help you out??”

“Shut up, Doflamingo, Laozi is very upset right now, talk nonsense, I will fight with you!” Gromash’s voice came from the lava pool.

In the next second, an arm wrapped in scarlet scales, with sharp claws, and burning flames stretched out from the pool of magma and grabbed the edge of the pit.

Soon, Gromash’s sturdy figure climbed up from the ground, hot lava flowed freely from his body toward the ground, his chest was covered with bruises, and the scales on his body were also torn a lot. It feels a little embarrassed to get up.

It’s just that, judging from his pupils, which are shining with scarlet aura and constantly overflowing with blood-filled light, Gromash should be in a very excited state at this time.

Doflamingo didn’t care about Gromash’s unkind words. He still smiled and said with a smile, “Well, then I won’t bother you. There is still something on my side. After processing, I will leave. Here, I hope I can see you again”

Gromash also looked back at Doflamingo, and then said, “I came to North Blue this time to find you. Who knows that Kaido happened to appear at this time. After the fight, I will go back. I’m looking for you.”

As soon as Gromash’s voice fell, a slash came again from a distance, with a fierce aura, slammed into his body, as if he wanted to cut him in two pieces.

Gromash raised his hand, and (abdi) also exploded a scarlet slash from his hand, dispersing the slash.

“Proudmoore Gromash!!” Gion roared and slashed at Gromash again, not even looking at his original target, Doflamingo.

“Spray, I ran into a troublesome guy like you here. Return Laozi’s shoulder armor!!” Gromash said with a twist in his heart after seeing Gion.

Then he wrapped Armament Haki’s big hand to block Kim Pira in Gion, and then raised his hand to grab her shoulder armor.

Of course Gion wouldn’t stop like that, but just when she was about to dodge, a breath of heat hit Gromash again from a distance.

A trace of impatience flashed in Gromash’s eyes, and then a hot breath spit out.The heat and breath exploded in contact, and a powerful wave of air impacted. The only person who was attracted most of the attention because of Gromash. The garden was also blown by this blast, and almost never got off the ground.

However, Gromash didn’t intend to continue to entangle with the fellow Gion, the thick tail twitched mercilessly, and slapped Gion on the chest, directly spitting out Gion who hadn’t stood still. A bite of blood flew out.

Then Kaido’s voice came out of the smoke.

“There hasn’t been any movement for a long time, I thought you were at this level.” Kaido’s tall figure also appeared from the smoke and dust.

Similar to Gromash, he is also a very wolf fox at this time. The original wild black hair is also burnt in a mess. It looks like the one just rushed out of the fire scene. His chest and arms are also There were a lot of charred fist prints and paw prints, which were obviously beaten by Gromash.

“I want to say that if you are at this level, Laozi can fight you for ten days and ten nights without any sigh of relief!!” Gromash looked at Kaido and said without showing any weakness.

After speaking, he and Kaido both had excited smiles on their faces at the same time, and they seemed to be ready to fight again.

After calculating the time for a while, I found that it would not be long before the zero o’clock, Gromash also moved his wrist, and then said: “Kaido, get ready to accept Laozi’s explosion!!”

After speaking, Gromash slammed his foot on the ground, smashing the ground, and his momentum skyrocketed again.The body that was already strong enough seemed to be stronger, and even the flames on his body were a little faint. It’s a black sign

Feeling that Gromash’s breath became stronger again, Kaido was also very excited and said, “Come on!”

Gromash is no nonsense. After turning on the autonomous rage, he kicked his feet, and his body was so fast that Kaido couldn’t keep up. The next second, Gromash was short and punched Kaido in the chest, who was caught off guard. Above, the strong impact force came out directly, blowing the long hair behind Kaido into the air, and Kaido also snorted, his mouth

A wisp of blood spilled from the horns, and his eyes were slightly convex outwards.

His feet instantly turned into dragon claws, and he grabbed the ground firmly, and forcibly plowed two long and deep scratches on the ground, and forcibly blocked Gromash’s sinking force with his body. fist.

Gromash was unrelenting, and saw him turn around three hundred and sixty degrees in place, and his ankle wrapped around Armament Haki was hung on Kaido’s neck fiercely from top to bottom, trying to knock Kaido down.

Kaido was also kicked by this kick and couldn’t stand firmly. One hand slammed on the ground, crushing the ground to pieces.

Gromash quickly retracted his leg, and then said: “Uranus-Hell stabs a Kanshou!”

I saw Gromash’s right hand into a fist, and the index finger with sharp nails pointed at Kaido’s heart like Finger Pistol.

This move “Hell stabs a kanshou” is Gromash’s extension from Finger Pistol’s six styles. Its power lies in its unparalleled penetration force. The fire of the unicorn condensed on his index finger is like the essence. It’s just that I feel my sight is burned at the first glance, and the fingers that envelop Haki’s power are still swift and violent after all.

Kaido said to his heart.

A flame rising to the sky instantly ignited Kaido’s huge body, and it came out from his heart. Gromash’s fingers also slammed into his body with a “click”.

Kaido spit out a big mouthful of blood when he received this blow. The whole person flew upside down and hit the ground hard, looking like he was dead.

And Gromash also withdrew his actions, seeing that his original sharp fingers were completely distorted, and the fine bones pierced out of the scales on the fingers, and it was painful.

“Squirt, this finger is completely useless.” Gromash glanced at his finger and said with a smack. Then there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes, and the other hand grabbed the broken finger and slammed it hard. , I broke my finger off.

“Get in the way!” Gromash said casually, then dropped his severed finger on the ground and looked at Kaido again.

“Hey, aren’t you dead??” Gromash said with a cruel smile on his mouth, looking at Kaido who was motionless.

As soon as Gromash’s voice fell, Kaido, who was lying on his back, suddenly exhaled a thick black smoke from his mouth, then coughed a few times, patted his chest and stood up.

“You guy, it’s really possible to kill me in the future,” Kaido said as he watched Gromash wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Gromash also smiled and said, “Maybe I don’t have to delay into the future, I can kill you now.”

After speaking, the two moved their hands again, but this time the wound on Kaido’s chest and heart was penetrated by Gromash, and it didn’t seem to heal quickly…

I don’t know when Kaido and Gromash started to change the way of fighting very tacitly. The two have rarely used heat, breath, roar and other moves. Instead, they are like two boxers. No, it should be. Say it’s like two street gangsters, you punch you out of nowhere, and I beat each other with punches.

The only thing that is frightening is that the extra energy they vent when they fight each other can generate strong wind pressure.A random wave of air can blow up the low houses and knock the entire Mignon island into a mess. .

Just when Gromash hardly took Kaido’s fist and his head was a little dizzy, Gromash also instinctively punched Kaido’s head with a backhand, and the moment he shot, a violent sound came from him. Feeling of weakness, the strength in the hands has been reduced a lot.

Kaido, who had been mentally prepared to fight against the attack, was stunned for a while after receiving Gromash’s punch. Then he kicked Gromash and said, “Why?? Has it reached the limit?? You guy just now? Aren’t you still telling me to kill Laozi??”

After Gromash landed, he stepped back a few steps, stepped on the broken footprints, and removed the strength of Kaido Rui, then looked up at Kaido, with a grinning smile on the corner of his mouth and said, “No, it’s a new beginning. is coming”

After speaking, a flash of fire flashed in Gromash’s eyes. In the next second, his body swelled and then quickly collapsed. Kaido also seemed to perceive some danger and involuntarily covered Haki’s power on his body. In seconds, a huge explosion occurred, and the entire Mignon Island was shaken, and the mushroom cloud rising into the sky was mixed.

With the huge waves of hot flames, Mignon Island, which was originally shrouded in winter, was quickly turned into a’Summer Island’. The heavy snow had no chance to melt into a stream of water. A large number of ordinary Marines and pirates were directly killed by this trick, and the slightly more powerful generals and officers were also suddenly surprised by this.

The explosion left scarred and embarrassed.

While guarding the seriously injured Gion who was just found by her, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at the pillar of fire that rose up into the sky and muttered, “This is what Kuzan said… Is that guy blew himself up??”.

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