I Am Hellscream

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Mihawk: Eight generations of my ancestors were all farming!

Not to mention that Buggy is happily rushing to Logue town to find Gromash for the treasure map, nor that the “fruit merchant” Doflamingo is preparing for a grand auction, inviting big names from all over the world to come and participate.

In the tavern in this Logue town, Mihawk and Shanks are also arguing with Gromash.

“Let me say that you are obviously cheating. I also have a treasure map. I can also catch Buggy, a greedy guy.” Shanks spoke to Gromash very dissatisfiedly.

Mihawk, who always pretends to be cold and cold, and who has made himself look like a’male god’, has also begun to turn his face and refuse to admit it. I saw him and Shanks said together: “That’s right, you are so lured. Obviously cheating”

“Damn, what do you two say are big people who are famous in the world. Those are people who have to tremble three times when stepping on the sea. At this time, you even care about this kind of thing with this little person like me??? Do you have any dignity?? Can you be like a man and keep your credibility??” Gromash was also very surprised by these two

After losing a bet, this guy turned his face to deny others and couldn’t help but scolded.

But when Gromash just finished talking, the rest of the people in the tavern laughed. Shanks is even more cheeky. I thought I was cheeky enough. I didn’t expect you to be shameless. He looked at the grid with “one, three, zero”. Romash said: “You have the face to say that you are a small person?? When did your uncle Gromash ever see a small person break Whitebeard’s Daguan knife, and then talk to Guy

What kind of monsters fight for five days and five nights?? Too shameless??”

Mihawk also looked at Gromash very contemptuously and said, “I really think that a brazen person like you is a good friend, and it’s a bit of a downgrade.”

Gromash said shamelessly, “We have a talk, you are red-haired-Shanks is a big figure known as one of the four pirate emperors in the world, right?? Four Emperors, this kind of name Do you compare with me?? What do you think I have?? I’m just a pirate with a bounty of 600 million Baileys, nothing, even big

The’perfect man’ of the mom pirates, Charlotte Kata Kuri, has a higher bounty than me. He is just a star. Compared with you, is my grade very low? Is it just a small person??”

Just when Shanks was about to refute Gromash’s shameless remarks, Gromash watched Mihawk continue to tell his fallacies, only to see Gromash drank the wine in the glass, then pointed to Mihawk and said: “Look at you again, wow, the most powerful swordsman in the world!! The title of the first swordsman is not enough for your ass

?? How many people can have the name of’the strongest’ in this world?? Five fingers broken and one break is enough?? You are standing at the apex of countless swordsmen and swordsmen on this sea Above, the man sitting on the throne, think about it this way, am I not a small person compared to you?? Really, you two big people are embarrassed to care about me

So much?? Pay the bill quickly!”

Mihawk was also almost told by Gromash that he didn’t spit out a mouthful of old blood. He looked at Gromash with a “you fucking genius” expression, and finally opened up and said with a little less confidence: “You, you…you But the “most cruel” person at the top of the list of pirates!! He is also a big man!!”

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Shanks seemed to have found a point of debate, and quickly said: “Also, you are different from us, we are all civilians Mihawk, are you a civilian?? Look at how your dress is a little bit different. Like a noble?

After hearing what Shanks said, Mihawk was stunned for a while.He did have the status of a nobleman, but of course he couldn’t admit it in this case, anyway, no one can immediately investigate this kind of thing, right?

So Mihawk blushed and said, “Of course it’s a commoner. Eight generations of my ancestors were all farming and working people!!”

Gromash almost didn’t get angry with Mihawk’s forgotten words, and Shanks didn’t care whether Mihawk’s words were true or false, but continued to speak, “Did you see? Me and Mihawk are both civilians, even if No matter how good it is to be among the pirates, it is nothing more than a “civilian”. Look at you again, you are already

We have turned over from the populace class. If I remember correctly, your uncle Gromash is now the official franchise country of the World government. Officer, you have to be a majesty? I heard that Dragon Palace is still preparing to give you a knighthood?? And it seems to be

Are you a duke?? You bastard, as a pirate, mixed into this class, you are ashamed to tell us two commoners that you are a small person??”

The guy Mihawk also picked up the wine glass and said, “Yes, I have heard that those bastards and nobles are arrogant and prostitious. Well, on the surface, he is a pirate, but behind his back he secretly becomes a nobleman. I heard that some people are unmarried.

My wife is still a child, it is too much!”

Gromash trembled with anger, stretched out his fingers and pointed tremblingly at Mihawk and Shanks, and said, “When did you two start wearing a pair of pants?? Don’t you think it’s crowded?? And you, Mihawk, you Don’t you feel cold when he’s standing on a moral high ground??

Why didn’t you see that you have so much humanity and morality when you ruined the world??”

This Hellscream, the first swordsman and the pirate emperor, sat in a small tavern in a small town, and they blamed each other, abused and quarreled with the small and thin three in the dark street. I was seen by the people of the News of the World, and I would definitely be able to write a one-month special issue. After all, this is more attractive than a three-person war.

People’s eyeballs are often the Eight Trigrams that people who eat melons prefer to watch.

Ben-Beckman sitting on another table, smoking a cigarette, smiled softly and opened his mouth to Laki-Lu and Yasopp beside him and said, “It’s really rare for our captain to look like a wreck like this. ..”

“Yes, although the captain is already very sloppy, but this is the first time I have seen such a shameless stubbornness.” Yasopp also smiled and said.

Raki Lu was biting a big chicken leg, and said: “I always thought that the first swordsman was a cold guy. That expression and posture all revealed the phrase,’No one enters. ‘, I’m still wondering how a guy with the style of our captain would become a close friend with him. Now it seems that I can figure it out.

Swordsmen who can pretend to be forceful.

“Hahahaha, so do I, and that Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash. At first, my impression of him was also the kind of “courageous and strategic”, looking at the big picture, looking forward and retreating men, this kind of people generally have heroes But after seeing this, I found out that all the majestic postures of the table are all deceptive. He is completely unreasonable.

. “Ben Beckman also said with a big smile.

On the other side, Gromash, who said with one mouth but two mouths, was also sprayed by Shanks and Mihawk. In the end, he also raised his hand and surrendered: “Well, I said, but you two shameless guys, okay. Count me cheating, right? Then what do you suggest can you tell me? Let’s talk together in a friendly manner, there is no need

Rising to the point of personal attack, right?? I remember, you Shanks said me five times “pervert, you Mihawk said me “Loli Control” four times, and we will calculate this account again in the future.

“You said that I “pretended to be a criminal” seven times, and I remember it too,” Mihawk said with a disdain after a glance at Gromash.

And Shanks followed: “Yes, you said my “Salted Fish King” six times, and I remember it too.”

Gromash scratched his head a little embarrassed when he heard the words and said, “They are really two prudent men.”

Mihawk and Shanks almost didn’t get scolded again by Gromash. It was obvious that he picked it up first, and they still have the face to say that others are careful??

However, Gromash was also afraid of being caught fire by the two of them again, so he hurriedly said: “Okay, stop, then you guys tell me what to do?? It’s better to void the bet??”

Shanks touched his chin, and pretended to say, “If you simply invalidate it, it seems as if Mihawk and I are bullying you, isn’t it good??”

“Yeah, why not do this, we also ask you a question each, and then they are equal to each other??” Mihawk also hurried down the ass and said.

In the end, the three reached an agreement, and they just twisted the bet that Gromash had won into a’truth’ question to each other…

“As a winner, I will ask first,” Gromash said after looking at Mihawk and Shanks.

Shanks and Mihawk swallowed nervously, then nodded and said, “Ask.”

A wicked smile hung on Gromash’s mouth, and he looked at Shanks and asked, “Shanks, your boats are all big men, and you can’t see a beautiful girl. Then, in this boring voyage, how do you solve that? What about urgent physiological problems?? Will it be”

When Gromash said this, he turned his gaze to the other members of the Red-haired Pirates 3.8 group who were listening carefully to the movement of the three of them, pervert whose gaze was indescribable.

Even Ben Beckman couldn’t help but tremble, and said, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m normal.

Shanks was flushed and flushed, and finally let out a sigh of relief, and said humiliatingly, “Resolve it with your hands…”

After hearing Shanks’ answer, Gromash instantly pretended to be a little white rabbit, and said strangely: “What hand?? I am asking you how to go to the bathroom, what do you say with hand?? I Why don’t you understand??”

Shanks’ face changed even more when he heard that, yes, Gromash asked about a’physical problem’!! No specific mention, but his eyes and expressions were too evil at the time, and he couldn’t help being biased. After thinking of this, Shanks patted the table and yelled, “What’s the matter, you yin me??

The guy Mihawk had already laughed, and he couldn’t help but bury his face on the table, hammering the table with one hand.

“Hahahahahahaha, no more, I’m going to laugh to help save my life!!” Mihawk said as he lay on the table, smiled and started to roll, there was no high-cold male god at all. The appearance of the first swordsman.

Gromash spread his hands very innocently and said: “What is it? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

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