I Am Hellscream

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Disperse on the spot.

After hanging up the phone, Gromash picked up his glass from the table, opened the door and walked out, and then saw the three Shanks sitting around the small table on the deck.

Shanks and Mihawk also smiled after seeing Gromash and said, “Looking at your beautiful expression, it seems that you have reached an ulterior secret cooperation with that “Master Young Master??”

“Jiehahahaha, there is nothing unspeakable, you don’t have to avoid it, I still have enough trust in you, that guy got a Paramecia Devil Fruit called “Golden Fruit”, prepare Bring this fruit to share with me, and develop its potential value together” Gromash did not hide from Mihawk, laugh

Hehe said.

After all, this thing can’t be kept secret, after a certain time, you will always know what you need to know.

“Golden fruit??” Mr. Shanks was stunned for a moment, and then said again: “That’s really an amazing thing, you’re making a lot of money.”

“It seems that Doflamingo really has a good relationship with you,” Buggy nodded and said.

“Let’s not talk about the’Golden Fruit’, he mentioned Seven Warlords of the Sea before” Mihawk asked with some confusion.

“Ah, his background is very complicated, his contacts are very wide, and he can’go up to heaven to listen’, so if there is any secret information, he can always get it firsthand, so the credibility of this matter is still very high. Not surprisingly, within a week, Seven Warlords of the Sea will be announced. Maybe someone from the government will actively contact you. You should do it first.

Be mentally prepared,” Gromash said with a smile.

After taking a sip of wine, Mihawk said with emotion, “This new change is coming.”

After a few people sat down and drank for another round, Gromash only opened 130 mouthfuls and continued: “Well, I thought about going out for a vacation for the last three to five months. Now it seems that I was born to be a busy life, and I didn’t expect it. So soon this Seven Warlords of the Sea plan will be announced, and there are also things about the Golden Fruit, so I won’t accompany you to continue drinking here, it’s time to go back

I’m busy, what about you?? What are your plans?? That Doflamingo is going to open an auction, there should be a lot of “big people” who are interested in Jin Jin fruit will participate, who of you is interested in going with me? ?”

“Where to go?? I have no interest in Jinjinguo. Besides, I know the inside story of this. The buyer and seller both wear a pair of pants and auction a hammer.” Shanks was very disdainful. Opened his mouth and said.

“My uncle is waiting to send you all away, and then I will look for this treasure. How can I have time to participate in any auction with you?” Uncle Buggy also shook the treasure map in his hand and spoke with disdain.

“Although I have nothing to do recently, I am not very interested in this auction. I am going to go back to farming.” Mihawk said after thinking about it.

He said that eight generations of his ancestors were all farming. This sentence is obviously not credible, but one thing is correct. This Mihawk is indeed farming by himself. This guy is on the island of Krai Kana that has been destroyed by the civil war. In his kingdom, he built a small land, and when he had nothing to do, he was like a farmer, carrying a hoe to farm.

Seeing that the three of them didn’t want to participate in this matter, Gromash didn’t force anything, but nodded and said, “Really?? Then it seems that we are going to stay here for the time being. If we have time in the future, we welcome you often. Come and play in The fish men island, where is my place! But the paradise on earth!!

“If there is a chance (abdi), my uncle will go.” Buggy nodded and said.

In this way, Gromash didn’t stay on Buggy’s boat for a long time. He threw the unconscious Bartolomio on the back of White Fang, rode White Fang and waved his hands without looking back and left the circus. .

After sending off Gromash away, Buggy also looked back at Shanks and Mihawk, and urged to speak, “Okay, Gromash is gone, when will you two leave?? My uncle is still rushing to hunt for treasure!”

“Ahahahahaha, don’t say that, Buggy, anyway, I will continue to wander around in East Blue. We have finally met, so why don’t we go on a treasure hunt together??” Shanks said shamelessly.

“If you think about it, it seems that winter is still on Krai Kana Island. It’s not suitable for farming now. Why don’t I go on a treasure hunt with you.” Mihawk also touched his chin, pretending to think about it, and said.

“You two bastards, are you trying to divide the treasure of the uncle??” Buggy was very careful to cover his treasure map, watching Mihawk and Shanks very alertly.

However, even though Mihawk and Shanks both said that they were going to hunt for treasure with Buggy, they were actually teasing him. It didn’t take long for the three of them to break up again.

Buggy looked at Mihawk and Shanks who were about to leave, and finally said softly: “Shanks, my uncle is very familiar with East Blue. If you need help, just speak up.

But before Shanks could reply, Buggy replied Tsundere again: “Only to call live worms, I don’t want to see your ugly face!!”

“Ahahahaha, Buggy, I knew that you wouldn’t stand by me…” Shanks said with a laugh.

Then Buggy ignored Shanks and said to Mihawk: “If your uncle Mihawk becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, don’t forget to help me see if there are any treasure maps on the government’s side. Give me a couple of suggestions. Zhang!

Mihawk also smiled and said, “Well, leave it to me.”

In this way, Shanks returned to his Red and Forss, and Mihawk also took his own sampan. The three good friends also scattered in this unknown waters and walked on their own way.

On the other side, the large fleet led by Garp near this sea area also received news from the headquarters.

Garp was eating senbei while looking at the file in his hand. Finally, he spoke to Kuzan and the others with a bit of discomfort. Can you contact the world’s No. 1 swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk.”

After Kuzan heard the news, his husband was stunned for a moment, and then said: “Is the government going to issue an edict??”

“Yes, that ridiculous Seven Warlords of the Sea plan will be officially promulgated next Monday and will begin to be implemented. The government’s preferred target is this “world’s largest swordsman. Our new task is to contact Go to this Mihawk, and then tell him about the plan, and invite him to become Seven Warlords of the Sea.” Garp said here

Later, he swallowed the senbei in his mouth, felt his chin and thought for a while before continuing: “But this Mihawk is a very maverick person. If Seven Warlords of the Sea are all recruiting people like him, It’s okay to think about it carefully.”

While Garp and Kuzan were chatting about this topic, a Marine soldier ran in and said: “Garp Vice Admiral, Kuzan Vice Admiral, latest intelligence, Proudmoore, Gromash and Dracule Mihawk and redhead-Shanks The three have separated. If nothing else, the party between the three will be over..”

Garp slapped his palms and knocked all the senbei crumbs down before he said: “I said there won’t be any major problems. If the three of them get together in New World, then Call it worthy of attention. Look, isn’t this disbanded?? Okay, let someone stare at that Mihawk, let’s go find him now..”

On the other side, Gromash, who was riding the White Fang towards the Sabaody Archipelago, also suddenly patted his forehead and said, “Fuck, walking in a hurry, I forgot about Buggy’s unique skill, Buggy Bomb. ..”

But soon, Gromash smiled again and said to himself: “Forget it, let him go for the time being, and I will toss this big red nose when I have time.”

Just as Gromash was thinking about these questions, Bartolomio, who was probably awake by his head before him, also shook his head, first looked at White Fang and then at Gromash. Then, as if to figure out the situation, he asked, “Master Gromash, what are we??

“I am going to take you to The fish men island,” Gromash said with a smile.

Bartolomio’s eyes were also bright when he heard that, and then adjusted his posture a bit, sat up and said, “Can I become stronger there??”

“Of course, there, you will evolve from a pup to a wolf,” Gromash said with a slightly raised mouth, smiling.

With the integration of the illegal areas of Sabaody Archipelago, there is no need for Lu Qi to continue to’stay there.’ When it comes out, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles.

Gromash is going to let Bartolomio pick up Luc’s class. Of course, he needs to train him first.

First of all, once this kid has become a talent, his combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, especially his Devil Fruit ability is also very extreme. In terms of defense, it is even stranger than Joz. Joz’s defensive power is at the top of his personal defense. And this Bartolomeo can be used for “group defense”, and even the “King’s Fist” that claims to be able to knock down the “Four Emperors”

There is no egg in front of his barrier, which is enough to prove the defense of this barrier.

Secondly, he is very loyal. Gromash likes this kind of person, so if he cultivates a little bit, he is a seedling of a cadre again.

Cultivating Bartolomio to take over the many matters of Sabaody Archipelago for Lucky, and it can be regarded as returning this kid to his “old business”. After all, if there is no Gromash, this guy will become the overlord of the gang in Logue Town, and take charge. More than one hundred and fifty street “hustle leaders”.

In other words, maybe this guy is a wonderful pirate, but he still has the potential to be a gangster. Maybe he can get along well on the Sabaody Archipelago. What surprises does it bring to Gromash?

White Fang’s footsteps were very fast. It didn’t take too long for Gromash to reach the vicinity of Calm Belt. Then Gromash looked back at East Blue, and said with some emotion: “I don’t know if there is no guidance from my uncle, this How long will it take Shanks to find Windmill Village”

After speaking, Gromash didn’t think about these messy things anymore, and took Bartolomio riding White Fang and plunged into the Calm Belt.

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