I Am Hellscream

Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Get ready for a vigorous battle! (Additional update)

For Sengoku Admiral, sacrificing an island in exchange for the arrest or even killing of most members of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates, he is still happy to exchange it.

It does not matter whether he is ruthless or ruthless, but in general, this so-called “exchange of interests” is essentially not only not losing money, but also making a lot of money.

If the cost of eradicating a Gromash is an island, this is also in line with the “justice” of Sengoku Admiral, or even the justice of most Marines.

Just like Ohara back then, in order to eradicate scholars who could threaten the world, the World government and Marine have used Buster Call to completely destroy the holy land of knowledge and the palace of archaeologists. Until now, Kuzan is the only one. Know that there is a scholar Nicole. Robin is still alive and seems to be a member of the Frostwolf Pirates

In order to destroy a sign that may be able to destroy the world, the World government can make up its mind to completely destroy the island of Ohara, which is of great historical and cultural significance, let alone to be able to destroy Gromash, which is going to be destroyed. The world’s plans and actual actions have sacrificed a small “hot spring island”.

For them, this is’justice’! After all, Sengoku Admiral feels that if people like Gromash continue to let go, the harm it will cause will definitely be far greater than the active destruction of a hot spring island.

So if there is a chance, Sengoku Admiral doesn’t even want to talk to Gromash. It would be best to kill them directly. This is the main reason why he will bring Garp, Kuzan, and Gion three high-level combat forces. Nothing else, just to stop the Frostwolf Pirates, and in the worst case, you have to catch Gromash!

If it wasn’t for Polusalino who was chasing Fischer Tiger’s Pirates of the Sun too far and had no time to wait for him to act together, Sengoku01 Admiral would want to bring Polusalino too. NS.

As for Sakazuki, someone should always be in the headquarters to avoid any emergencies. Marine does not have a top-level combat power that can be obtained. After all, can’t rely on the chief staff alone? And Sakazuki has been tested by actual combat. It was confirmed that he belonged to the “restrained” side in the battle with Gromash, and his abilities were basically the same.

Romash can’t bring any effective damage, so don’t participate.

The members of the Frostwolf Pirates group stationed in the port of Fas Island finally saw their long-awaited hordes of Marine warships approaching the island quickly.

“Quickly, release the fog, turn on the lift-off device, don’t let the Marines destroy our ship, follow the plan!!” Sailor Barr, carrying a hand cannon, said to the little brothers in the port.

“You guys, go and inform the captain, tell them that the Marines are coming, and they look aggressive, not like you are going to talk to us at all,” Barr said, while still holding a few children. Brother, let them pass the order.

And those little brothers also went to the cabin very quickly to dial the phone worm.

Not long after, I just came out of the hot spring with a bath towel wrapped around my waist and a milk bottle in my hand. I was going to find a chance to go to the female soup to take advantage of Monet and Robin. Soon the curtain of the door was knocked by Monet and Robin, who were hurriedly driven out of it.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just want to ask if you drink milk or not. I definitely don’t have any bad thoughts, and I don’t plan to take advantage of peeping.” Gromash said panickedly, and shook his hand. Half a milk bottle.

Robin looked at Gromash very contemptuously and said, “Are you going to give us the half bottle of milk?? Master Captain??”

Monet also hurriedly tightened the bath towel wrapped around her body, looked at herself and Robin, and found that neither of them had revealed any springtime, then she hurriedly said: “Captain, I really didn’t expect you to be gone. It’s the previous captain. Now you are not only perverting words, but also preparing to transform this pervert into actual actions.

It’s disappointing…”

The two first condemned Gromash’s intention to spy on the pervert behavior of the female soup, and then Robin grabbed Monet who was still chattering and complaining, as if he had just remembered important things, and said very quickly: “About your pervert crime, please condemn it later, Captain, there is news from Barr from the port, saying that the Marines’

The large-scale fleet is about to arrive at Fars Island. It seems that the Marines are coming aggressively, and they don’t seem to be going to talk to us about any reason.”

Gromash, who was training in embarrassment, immediately took this opportunity to restore his serious expression and said, “I knew that we didn’t blow up an island and set them off with fireworks to celebrate. They thought we were joking and always thinking about something. Unrealistic things, it seems that the Marines are going to kill us on this island.”

“What should we do?? Are we going to evade now? The Marines have not arrived yet. If we lift the Elune into the air, we can completely avoid it.” Monet also asked softly.

However, there was a ferocious and evil smile on Gromash’s mouth, and then he said: “Avoid?? non-existent, it just happens to show the strength of our Frostwolf Pirates a little bit, Joz, Luchi Their growth is not to be underestimated. Of course, you two non-combat members should not join in, go on board.

The Elune is in charge of the ship’s affairs. After I bombed the island and taught the Marines a lesson, I will meet us…”

Monet was very dissatisfied with his small fist and said: “Captain, I am not just your little secretary now. After eating the fantasy fruit, I am also a combatant.”

“And me, I’m not a pure archaeologist, okay??” Robin also squeezed his arm, showing the power of Armament Haki, and said confidently.

“Jiehahahahaha, don’t worry about this kind of thing now, you do have a certain fighting power, but in the face of this high-end combat power confrontation, you are still incapable, not to mention that there can be no one on the ship to command, the guy Barr’s You don’t know your IQ. It’s okay to watch the ship, but you have to think about other things, so hurry up and get on the ship and protect it by the way.

Get down to the big gold mine of Tezolo sleeping on the boat, this is my captain’s order!!” Gromash laughed and squeezed the little heads of Robin and Monet, and then issued his own captain’s order.

On weekdays, perhaps Robin and Monet will take advantage of Gromash’s preference and pampering with the two of them. Gromash’s wishes have never violated Gromash’s captain’s orders.

So Robin and Monet also looked at each other, and then said together, “Please leave it to us, Captain!”

After sending Robin and Monet away, Gromash also returned to the hot spring pool of the male bath and opened the door of the hot spring with one foot.

Joz, Cromwell and others who were shocked by Gromash’s actions were also very surprised watching Gromash and asking, “Captain, what are you doing? The hot springs that are surprised are for a comfortable environment. Okay?? You are very annoying like this.”

“Jiehahahaha, I’m still sobbing, little ones, the Marines are here, and they are aggressive, it seems that they are not going to talk to us about anything, or it is time to show them your practice over the years. We got it.. can’t always let the outside world think that our Frostwolf Pirates group is only me, Gromash, who can fight, and the rest are all idiots, right?

?” Gromash tore off his bath towel, threw it into the sink, laughed and said.

And Joz and the others are also bright, indeed, always, one of the main aspects criticized by the outside world for the Frostwolf Pirates is that their combat effectiveness is uneven, they can fight too much, and the rest are out of specifications like Gromash. Compared with the people, it seems a bit too slow..

But now it’s different. Everyone is confident about their own strength. It’s time to prove to these stupid Marines.

“Ahahahahahaha, indeed, I Diamond Joz should also prove to the world the strength of my Frostwolf Pirate Ship Mate. But Boss Gromash, why do you want to take off your pants??” Joz laughed and said.

“What pants?? I’m a bath towel, I’m about to wear pants,” Gromash grumbled very dissatisfiedly.

Before Joz could continue to speak, Lu Qi crawled out of the hot spring pool, and said: “Who said that you Joz is the ship’s mate?? Have you asked me the opinion of Senior Lu Qi? Let it be today. Let’s see what is called the invincible Logia and the invincible senior Lu Qi!!

“Ahahahaha, my gem hunter-Cromwell can’t take this sentence as unheard.” Cromwell also laughed and got up from the hot spring pool, took the bath towel on the shore and wiped it. The water stain on his body said.

Only Urouge, the strong man, looked at the three of them, and then 130 said: “Compared with you, I may be a little bit worse. I won’t compete with you for any boat mates for the time being, but if the Marines dare to look down on it. If I am a monk, then I will definitely let them understand what is meant by “My Buddha’s mercy”!”

“Jiehahahahaha, that’s right, if the people of Jishidu don’t kill people, how can you still cross? You can’t get the living to go to the Buddha country, right?? Then the Buddha doesn’t agree.” Gromash also laughed and teased Said.

While Gromash was wearing their clothes, the entire Fars Island also sounded the highest level of alarm, and the radio voice was also broadcasting the news that everyone on the island would go to the coastal port to take a refuge boat.

Hearing these voices, Gromash and they all laughed too.

“It seems that these Marines really don’t plan to talk to us.” Gromash buttoned his black suit jacket, straightened the collar, and said with a smile.

Cromwell turned a few gems in his hand and said: “Isn’t this good?? Although I am a pirate, I really don’t have the hobby of slaughtering civilians. It is also good for them to take refuge.

Joz moved his shoulders, and said in a deep voice, “There is no use for eggs. If an evacuation alert is issued in such an emergency, it is not bad to be able to run halfway.”

“After this, the poor monk will superb my Buddha’s mercy for the remaining confused souls.” Urouge still wore his monk’s dress and said pretentiously.

Lu Qi nonchalantly put his top hat on, and then spoke with disdain: “We are pirates. It is a good quality not to take the initiative to kill ordinary people. At this time, Marines don’t care. Do we need to care about the lives of those people?? Let go of your hands and feet and do it!!”

“Jiehahahahaha, yes, we are pirates, vicious pirates!! Kill these self-proclaimed righteous bastards Marines!! After all, this may be the last time we vented Marines in a short period of time. For a long time in the future, we will all be a family that loves each other.

Mouth said, and then burned the entire hot spring hotel with a fire, leading Lu Qi and the others out of the fire. .

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