I Am Hellscream

Chapter 239

Chapter 239 The Resourceful General Sengoku!

In a certain sea area of ​​East Blue, Red Hair Pirates’ Red Firth still wandered aimlessly in East Blue. At this time, Shanks, who had just passed the hangover, held a newspaper in his hand and touched his chin with a strange expression. Looking at the above information.

“It’s strange, Gromash doesn’t look like such a cruel person. His behavior this time can be regarded as a’terror’ attack, right?? The entire Fas Island was completely destroyed by the volcano, and the casualties are roughly 30,000. The initial economic loss is even more immeasurable. He really did not open for three years, and opened for three years. Now it is estimated that the entire New World is talking about

Talking about him??” Shanks pinched his chin and said in an unbelievable way.

In a sense, this wave of Gromash’s operations does have the color of’horror’ism, but the pirate is a lawless person, no matter how violent things are done, it is possible, Gromash It’s normal to blow up an island or something

“Indeed, in general, Gromash’s style of acting will not use such extreme means, let alone destroy a tourist attraction for no reason. I think this Fas island should have any special significance. It’s just that we don’t know the meaning, otherwise, Marine will not deploy so much combat power to solve it.

This is troublesome. It seems that Gromash and the others are slightly better.” Ben-Beckman bit a cigarette and said softly~.

But just when he was about to spit out a puff of smoke, he suddenly froze, and then continued: “You said that Gromash was talking with the guy Doflamingo and mentioned that he had a seizure of Seven Warlords of the Sea. From the point of view of the big plan, perhaps their action this time should be the plan-right??”

“Ah?? Is that so?? I thought that plan was related to his spending hundreds of billions of dollars to buy golden fruits on Gambolin Island,” Shanks said somewhat regrettably.

Raki-Lu laughed and said, “Captain Shanks, look at the uncle Gromash, you can spend hundreds of billions of Bailey to buy things without saying a word. Look at us again?? Don’t you feel ashamed??”

Shanks was ridiculed by Raki-Lu, and his face was a little blushing and said: “We are free pirates, what do we want so many Baileys? Besides, shouldn’t pirates rely on robbing? ?? Why buy??”

Yasopp was wiping his pistol, and said in surprise, “I didn’t expect Shanks to say something so reasonable. That’s right, the pirates are going to grab it, but we haven’t opened it for a long time, maybe we have a small goal. ??”

Shanks heard this and clapped his hands and said: “Yes, our next target is Goya Kingdom. I heard that it is the most beautiful country in East Blue. Let’s take a look there!! Set sail! Little ones!”

In this way, in the wrong time, Shanks and the others still headed to the East Blue Goa Kingdom. Then they have all reached the Goa Kingdom. Will the Windmill Village be far away?

We are all in Windmill Village. Will Shanks be far away from qualifying for the Paralympic Games??? Um not far, New World’s famous Pirate Emperor-Red Hair-Shanks is embarking on a path of destiny .

In a certain sea area of ​​New World, in Whitebeard’s territory, the giant Moby Dick aboard Newgate is also looking at the newspaper in his hand about Gromash and their news.

“Not long ago, I spent hundreds of billions of dollars to buy golden fruits on Gambolin Island. In a blink of an eye, I fought fierce battles with Sengoku and Garp on Fas Island. Has it stirred the rain??” Newgate said softly while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

“Father, this Frostwolf Pirate Group is no longer the Frostwolf Pirate Group once,” Marco also said with emotion.

“Kula la la la la, that’s right, now whoever dares to look down on the Frostwolf Pirates, then they must be prepared to be torn off a piece of flesh by their evil wolves. Look, these Marines are A precedent,” Newgate said with a big smile.

At the same time, the Marine fleet led by Sengoku Admiral has also arrived on Saiken Island, and has begun to evacuate the people on this island. They have also strengthened a large number of defense lines, and are always prepared to guard against the arrival of Gromash.

In Marine’s temporary station, Sengoku Admiral is wearing a cloak of justice, holding a command stick in his hand, pointing to the chart, and saying: “From the nautical miles, the distance between the island of Sengoku and the island of Fas It’s much closer than the other Ending Island, so it is speculated that Gromash’s next goal is this.”

“Sengoku Admiral, then don’t we need to arm the other Terminator Island?? What if their target is not here but over??” Gion asked with some doubts.

Sengoku Admiral was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice that he was reluctant to accept it.

“Gion, in fact, no matter where we place the defense line, it is meaningless to Gromash.” Sengoku said with a gloomy expression.

But Gion asked in surprise: “Why?? I think if we are fully prepared, we can snipe the Frostwolf Pirates’ operations.”

However, Gion’s words were not finished yet, Sengoku Admiral waved her hand to interrupt her, and then said, “Maybe you don’t know enough about the intelligence of the three end islands and the lava lake, so let me explain. Let’s take a moment. In theory, what you need to activate the lava lake is that the pre-step is to activate the volcano on the end island, so as to drive the lava lake.

Movement, but this is a theory for ordinary people. Don’t forget, Gromash is not an ordinary human being. He is a murloc and can freely perform various sports on the bottom of the sea, so he can completely skip the step of activating the volcano. Your own ability is the medium to stimulate the lava lake from the deep ocean, do you understand??”

Sengoku Admiral really deserves to be The Resourceful General. After several days of thinking, he also roughly figured out Gromash’s action strategy, but the clearer he understands, the more desperate he is. No matter how you look at it now, this game is dead. After the chess, Gromash has given them to the “General”.

And after the previous fights, Sengoku Admiral has also speculated about the limits of Gromash’s strength. There is no doubt that it is not impossible to beat him in this world, but it is definitely a handful, and more importantly, it is. , If the battlefield is placed in the sea, Sengoku Admiral estimates that Gromash should be truly’invincible’,

In Sengoku Admiral’s view, no one can defeat Gromash in the sea, he can’t, Garp can’t, Kaido can’t, even Whitebeard can’t!

So let’s not mention whether the Marines have the means to dive into the deep sea. The problem is that even if they dive into the deep sea, they can’t prevent Gromash?? It will only be the rhythm of death.

So there is no solution to this problem. Sengoku Admiral hasn’t figured out how to take the next step to make this game of “dead chess” come alive.

After Sengoku Admiral finished what he said just now, not only Gion was silent, but Kuzan, Garp and others fell into silence one after another.

Seeing this situation, Sengoku Admiral also spoke again: “Fortunately, Gromash is not a madman who wants to destroy the world, so these are just his bargaining chips, which he uses to negotiate with us, so our next policy is no longer How to ensure from the battle that the remaining two Terminator islands are not destroyed, but to ensure this at the negotiating table

The safety of the two islands…”

Garp thought for a while and asked, “Sengoku, do you want to understand what they want??”

0-seeking flowers…

Sengoku nodded, and then said: “From various aspects of analysis, there are nothing more than three points. The first point is the rights and interests of The fish men island. You should all know about migrating to the sea to live, but due to various political issues, this plan has never been approved by the World government.

Bian agreed. I think Gromash might have made these actions for this. After all, from the intelligence, the relationship between Gromash and Dragon Palace is simply a family!!”

Sengoku Admiral said it in an orderly manner, but after all, he still has no way to understand Gromash’s thoughts in detail. Princess Otohime may want to migrate The fish men island to the sea, but King Neptune and Gromash are There is no such idea at all. Even in Gromash’s view, this is a completely faulty idea. There is a problem in the thinking, which is no different from ”

Good people don’t do it, they have to be monkeys.

As a mermaid and a mermaid, only in the sea is the most suitable living area and environment. Going to the sea to go to the mermaid tribe is fortunate to say that the girls of the mermaid tribe are a little inconvenient to move. Isn’t this a crime? ? Girls can still have legs when they are old, but it’s impossible for a male mermaid

Therefore, Gromash never intended to support Princess Otohime’s idea, and his idea has not changed, that is, at most, to build an island suitable for the lives of the residents of The fish men island on the sea, and then form a linkage relationship with The fish men island. It is absolutely impossible to move the island to the sea.

However, due to Princess Otohime’s great affection for Gromash, Gromash is not very good at hitting the “enthusiasm’ and’ ideals of Princess Otohime. Therefore, for a long time, he has pretended to be invisible to this matter. , From another angle, it is imperceptibly preventing this thing.

For example, the construction of The fish men island is getting better and better. When the happiness of the residents of The fish men island has increased to a certain level, who wants to leave The fish men island?

“What about the second point??” Garp Vice Admiral first nodded, agreed with Sengoku Admiral’s idea, and then continued to ask.

“The second point is about Fisher Tiger and the Sun Pirates. Perhaps Gromash wants to use this action to force us to abandon the hunt for that Fisher Tiger… But I It is estimated that this possibility is unlikely, but it cannot be said that there is no. After all, there are many people close to Gromash in the Pirates of the Sun, such as

That Jinbei and Gromash’s “righteous brother” Arlong. Even the Fisher Tiger seems to have a good relationship with Gromash.” Sengoku Admiral touched the beard on his chin and said again.

“Indeed, when the Mariejois incident occurred, Gromash did appear at the scene of the incident. There must be a related connection…” Kuzan said in a deep voice with a funny exploded head.

Although what he said was reasonable, the rest of the people couldn’t help but want to laugh. Fortunately, Kuzan’s expression became darker and darker, and the temperature in the room became lower and lower, so that these unscrupulous guys were forced to endure it. Lived with a smile.

“Then Sengoku Admiral.. what is the last point??” In order to ease his smile, Gion also hurriedly asked, breaking the “weird” atmosphere just now.

Sengoku Admiral’s face changed, his expression was very serious, and then he said in a deep voice, “The last point, the most likely, but also the most incredible, is his Gromash…they are staring at the Frostwolf Pirates. The location of Seven Warlords of the Sea!!!”

“What???” Gion exclaimed in disbelief directly.

Even the expressions of Garp and Kuzan suddenly changed, and the whole room fell silent. small

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